After further gear gathering I'm up to 55k DPS with buffs.(Dual Wielding with an Axe in MH) Still having some fury problems on single target and on bosses. I'm also still using Charge! rune. I have a 47% CHC with Battle Rage up and Axe in MH.
Have you looked into getting Nat Boots and Nat rings for the 7% CHC set bonus? I found pair of boots for a steal. Trying to find a cheap ring though looks impossible.
Yep, working on the second piece as well, didn't find one I liked yet for the price...
The annoying part : Ignore Pain doesn't always generate fury (except when you man up and take a hit for fury with the buff up ; this works I use it often).
That means you need to use Charge! on WC, = less resists. The good part is that Ignore Pain is pretty much a 5 seconds Smoke Screen, which means you can just pop bosses without kiting while under WoTB.
Of course this is nothing new, classic barb DPS spec, but it's really good for us as well, plus it makes reflect damage mobs a cake walk.
This makes a spec without Run like the Wind possible, which opens up possibilities for BR : maybe a classic DPS spec with Leap and Ignore Pain for double ''I can take hits cooldowns'', with Mighty Throw and Bloodshed on BR. I wanna test this but I didn't get the chance.
With those skills it would enable us to be way more squishy and still not die : could possibly help to gear up, and when you feel confident with your gear you could replace Leap.
With Ignore Pain only I died only 4 times clearing whole first half of act 3 up to Siegebreaker, and 3 of those deaths were to me running into a fireball from those shielding shamans. It's really good.
I will try your new build and maybe test some other variations. Thinking If I should try 2h Sword with massive dps and some xtras will not be as fast as 2x1h and will probably not have as many perks from it but the dmg (as pure white dmg) will be amazing especially that weapon throw is using main weapon dmg anyway. Stil lthinking about it.. And Ignore Pain sounds really good for those emergency situations or use it + WoTB to kill elites at max dps possible
Guys btw If we will have Life on Hit and Weapon Throw with Ricochet will we steal life per 3 targets? or just 1? Anyone tested that? If it would be per 3 it Would be awesome and make survival much better
That's not how life on hit works generally. Most spells only take into account 1 hit and it's pretty much random how much it affects it. It's an easy test to see what's the %, I never bothered because with the damage I put out Lifesteal would be better (would also take into account the 3 hits from Ricochet)
I'm pretty sure Ricochet has close to 100% life on hit though.
2 handers don't seem to have a place in this build anymore... Sure in 1.02, but now you need some kind of attack speed. If you wanna go 2 hander you really need to be 1-2 shotting everything, or close to at least.
Another problem is that you can only get 200% critical hit damage increased total, and with 1 handers you can get up to 400%.
Ok got that!! Will stick to 2x1h or 1h+Shield for now. Thanks will try out tonight how the new build works. Btw how the hell do you kill GASH with low res as I cant stay alive because of the poison in there Me and 2 of my friends are dying all the time.. so cruel !
well, I'm playing your ranged barb too, but I still encounter Fury issues.
My Current Stats:
Strength: 2093
CHC: 51.5% (without Battle Rage)
CHDMG: 412%
Attacks per Second: 1.77
DPS: 75805 (90627 with Battle Rage up)
using your latest build with ignore pain and ricochet (still have Charge + Into the Fray)
having a 1h Mace in Mainhand for those 10%CHC
but only a belt with 3 fury cost reduced for weapon throw
so the main Issue is: if I engage an encounter (for example Butcher), I pop my War Cry + Battle Rage and instantly throw my Axes. And what happens? I have no Fury...and I did some crits ofc (well, 54.1%CHC xD)
I didn't had that problems before with Overpower for additional 10%CHC.
Maybe I should switch to a Mighty Weapon or get more CHC?
well, I'm playing your ranged barb too, but I still encounter Fury issues.
My Current Stats:
Strength: 2093
CHC: 51.5% (without Battle Rage)
CHDMG: 412%
Attacks per Second: 1.77
DPS: 75805 (90627 with Battle Rage up)
using your latest build with ignore pain and ricochet (still have Charge + Into the Fray)
having a 1h Mace in Mainhand for those 10%CHC
but only a belt with 3 fury cost reduced for weapon throw
so the main Issue is: if I engage an encounter (for example Butcher), I pop my War Cry + Battle Rage and instantly throw my Axes. And what happens? I have no Fury...and I did some crits ofc (well, 54.1%CHC xD)
I didn't had that problems before with Overpower for additional 10%CHC.
Maybe I should switch to a Mighty Weapon or get more CHC?
Hey man, cheers for the guide, its helped me a lot in making my axe thrower barb! Sorry you've lost interest in the game. Imagine it happens to everyone at some point.
Looking for a bit of general advice for the latest patch, I'm running usual:
AS - Skirmish - really finding myself low on fury often for some reason, this seems to sort it out, at later gear levels I'm hoping to use sprint like you
Impunity - Cant give up that free resistance
Overpower with crit
WOTB with insanity
War cry with marauders rage
Passives are the usual crit passive, weapon specialise (mace for me) and no escape.
My crit at the moment (fully buffed with scoundrel) is sitting at 48%. I really wanna be at a point like you where you can just use sprint and weapon throw without worrying too much about running out and being useless. I was wondering what you were running with fully buffed? Because watching your vids it looks like you have no problems. Also what boots are you using? Do you go for extra speed on boots? Does it buff the damage on run like the wind.
Cheers in advance
As far as the fury generation goes, the most important thing is to use Into the Fray on Maurauder's Rage. Pre-Patch 1.03 it was easy to not use that skill because you were fine without Ricochet. Now, you kinda need it and the proc rate for fury generation isn't 100% anymore. That's why you kinda need both skills to be able to fight solo enemies.
This also opens up the massive synergy between Into the Fray and Run like the Wind, which is really good if you don't wanna sit there and try your hardest. It also enable kills on fast modded mobs that are already fast.
I could see your build working with massive CHC like 60-70%, but you can lower the CHC to 40%-ish when using Into the Fray. That opens up more gear choices and is less gear dependant (of course)!
For skirmish, it's pretty risky. I'd use ground stomp with Wrenching Smash or the extra fury generation rune. Overpower seems kinda greedy now as well if you go solo. To be honest, I can't find a better combination of skills than what I use in my latest video. If you really need the crit from Overpower, you can either switch Impunity to Charge!, or just not use WoTB and take another fury generating spell.
As far as boots I don't know why I didn't SS them. You NEED movement speed on them. 12% is what I use. It does not buff the damage directly but allowing you to kite more effectively is a DPS buff since it lowers your downtime.
Don't be afraid to ask more questions if you feel I didn't answer correctly!
Thanks for the reply, changed the runes on my shouts and not really having any fury problems which is good.
I noticed you basically went full glass cannon with like 300 AR, 30k health and stuff, how many hits can you take in act 3 inferno? And what kind of stats would you recomend someone running this spec to have when starting infero act 3?
Also what do you think is more important, upgrading your gear in general so eventually I'll be able to use swords/daggers (like you) Or just buying a big mace/axe now and seeing where I go. OR I could do the best of both worlds and get a sword/dagger and mace/axe?
I can take about 3 hits in inferno act 3 from most ranged mobs, and 2-3 from most melee mobs. That doesn't mean some mobs don't one shot me though. You probably could get more resist than me and it wouldn't hurt.
As far as weapons go, sword is the best in terms of damage/utility ratio, then axe/mace is good for getting higher CHC (and fury generation) as well as some damage, and Mighty Weapon is good for when you really have trouble with the fury generation.
Keep in mind that only the main hand affects the Weapon Master passive.
Went for a second mace, at least for now, dont feel confident with a sword or dagger.
Attempted inferno act 3, was definately tough. Died on the ramparts at least 12 times, got the feeling my HP is a little low (24k) so I'm gonna try bumping it up to 30k.
But fully buffed I'm at:
45k damage
48.5% crit
275% crit damage
3-400 AR
Think thats good enough to progress with?
It should be good enough. Btw it doesn't matter if you off hand a sword or a mace or w/e (in terms of Weapon Master bonus), you realize that right?
Getting a little more HP will help though... The damage could be upgraded a lot with a high DPS blue weapon with a socket in it for crit damage. You probably already have good crit damage on weapon but the dps would make a good difference.
Would it go up by that much though? Both my weapons have 100 str on them (I heard that 100 of your main stat on a weapon basically makes it as good as the one above it)
For example, 750 damage mace with 100 str is good as a 850 damage blue with no str.
Is that right?
It's kind of an ok estimate if you don't care too much about accuracy. It actually depends on how much strength you currently have and what kind of DPS on the weapon we're talking about. If you currently have 900, then 1000 strength would be 10% more damage. 1.1*750 = 825. If you only have 500 strength though, 600 strength would be 16.7% more damage. 1.167*750 = 875. If we're talking about a 1000 DPS weapon vs 1100 DPS though, now adding 100 strength to 900 would be the equivalent of an 1100 DPS on the dot and 100 added to 500 would be 1166.7.
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...and if you disagree with me, you're probably <insert random ad hominem attack here>.
The build is very funny, but only for groups (with a tank) or for farming, when you outgear the content.
I am struggling to progress in act3 as melee, but in this build i am in perma-spirit form, if i face anything except slow melee mobs.
and If you do not kill elites during 1 WotB - you will be reskiled for next 2mins
ps gear level: 45k hp, 17kdps, 9000 armor, 500allres in tank spec
The build is very funny, but only for groups (with a tank) or for farming, when you outgear the content.
I am struggling to progress in act3 as melee, but in this build i am in perma-spirit form, if i face anything except slow melee mobs.
and If you do not kill elites during 1 WotB - you will be reskiled for next 2mins
ps gear level: 45k hp, 17kdps, 9000 armor, 500allres in tank spec
It's really not about outgearing the content. Building lots of DPS isn't hard and isn't optimal at all. I'm not sure how you manage to die so much with all the armor/res :o.
It's really not about outgearing the content. Building lots of DPS isn't hard and isn't optimal at all. I'm not sure how you manage to die so much with all the armor/res .
But you do need more DPS as Gorechild pointed out
I do not die in tank spec, i die in thrower spec:
42k hp, 27kdps, 5000 armor, 400 allres, 600 physres, 46%crit (all buffed)
just can not kill some staff before it reaches me, even few archers or that rats, covered with melee friends, in act3 can kill me )
well, probably this playstyle is not for me - i do not play rdps usually )
but if you have a video were barb with decent gear killing some elites - would like to see it.
It's really not about outgearing the content. Building lots of DPS isn't hard and isn't optimal at all. I'm not sure how you manage to die so much with all the armor/res .
But you do need more DPS as Gorechild pointed out
I do not die in tank spec, i die in thrower spec:
42k hp, 27kdps, 5000 armor, 400 allres, 600 physres, 46%crit (all buffed)
just can not kill some staff before it reaches me, even few archers or that rats, covered with melee friends, in act3 can kill me )
well, probably this playstyle is not for me - i do not play rdps usually )
but if you have a video were barb with decent gear killing some elites - would like to see it.
I guess I could try buying worse gear and roll with it.
I have few questions and i hope it doesn't bother you ^^"
1- About after patch 1.0.3 when i use ricochet rune i sometimes end with no fury , but when it goes with mighty weapon this doesn't happen , what is the reason , do mighty weapon crit more or what is the reason?
2- my dps window says that i have more dps when i use axe as main hand , and i have less dps with sword (the crit chance was 35 before using the axe) , the reason i switch to axe as main hand is because i was using sword + shield (with 10 crit chance) , so when i wanted to switch to DW i didn't want to lose the 10% crit chance , so i bought an axe and used it as main hand.
In short my question is are you sure sword as main better for DW , and why?
I have few questions and i hope it doesn't bother you ^^"
1- About after patch 1.0.3 when i use ricochet rune i sometimes end with no fury , but when it goes with mighty weapon this doesn't happen , what is the reason , do mighty weapon crit more or what is the reason?
2- my dps window says that i have more dps when i use axe as main hand , and i have less dps with sword (the crit chance was 35 before using the axe) , the reason i switch to axe as main hand is because i was using sword + shield (with 10 crit chance) , so when i wanted to switch to DW i didn't want to lose the 10% crit chance , so i bought an axe and used it as main hand.
In short my question is are you sure sword as main better for DW , and why?
You use Weapons Master right? Gain a bonus based on the weapon type of your main hand weapon:
Swords/Daggers: 15% increased damage
Maces/Axes: 10% Critical Hit Chance
Polearms/Spears: 10% attack speed
Mighty Weapons: 3 Fury per hit
How does one kill Ghom? I'm having big trouble with him. I tried bursting him down, I tried going super defensive, but I just can't seem to kill him. Anyone got any tips or tricks? DPS is at 45k, HP at 30k and resist are all quite low.
E: btw, thanks for the thread JCLe, really an awesome spec, always hated the demigod Revenge.
Yesterday I barely killed Ghom after upping my dps to ~65k unbuffed with 20k hp and 150 AR glass cannon build.
I think you just need pure damage to have a shot against him with this build :/
Also try to kite him along the walls of the room while trying to let him put his poison clouds as close to each other as possible. That way you gain more time to hit him while not standing in poison (which can only be tanked with ignore pain up..)
I have few questions and i hope it doesn't bother you ^^"
1- About after patch 1.0.3 when i use ricochet rune i sometimes end with no fury , but when it goes with mighty weapon this doesn't happen , what is the reason , do mighty weapon crit more or what is the reason?
2- my dps window says that i have more dps when i use axe as main hand , and i have less dps with sword (the crit chance was 35 before using the axe) , the reason i switch to axe as main hand is because i was using sword + shield (with 10 crit chance) , so when i wanted to switch to DW i didn't want to lose the 10% crit chance , so i bought an axe and used it as main hand.
In short my question is are you sure sword as main better for DW , and why?
The reason why your axe gives you more dps is because you have low CHC. The damage from crit chance is a curve that goes down the more you get. Also the weapons might have different stats, you didn't really specify much.
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Yep, working on the second piece as well, didn't find one I liked yet for the price...
Here's an update on the build that I'm using now, kinda made the game fun again for me and it's better.!fZY!ZbZYZZ
The annoying part : Ignore Pain doesn't always generate fury (except when you man up and take a hit for fury with the buff up ; this works I use it often).
That means you need to use Charge! on WC, = less resists. The good part is that Ignore Pain is pretty much a 5 seconds Smoke Screen, which means you can just pop bosses without kiting while under WoTB.
Of course this is nothing new, classic barb DPS spec, but it's really good for us as well, plus it makes reflect damage mobs a cake walk.
This makes a spec without Run like the Wind possible, which opens up possibilities for BR : maybe a classic DPS spec with Leap and Ignore Pain for double ''I can take hits cooldowns'', with Mighty Throw and Bloodshed on BR. I wanna test this but I didn't get the chance.
With those skills it would enable us to be way more squishy and still not die : could possibly help to gear up, and when you feel confident with your gear you could replace Leap.
With Ignore Pain only I died only 4 times clearing whole first half of act 3 up to Siegebreaker, and 3 of those deaths were to me running into a fireball from those shielding shamans. It's really good.
That's not how life on hit works generally. Most spells only take into account 1 hit and it's pretty much random how much it affects it. It's an easy test to see what's the %, I never bothered because with the damage I put out Lifesteal would be better (would also take into account the 3 hits from Ricochet)
I'm pretty sure Ricochet has close to 100% life on hit though.
2 handers don't seem to have a place in this build anymore... Sure in 1.02, but now you need some kind of attack speed. If you wanna go 2 hander you really need to be 1-2 shotting everything, or close to at least.
Another problem is that you can only get 200% critical hit damage increased total, and with 1 handers you can get up to 400%.
Wait who ?
My Current Stats:
Strength: 2093
CHC: 51.5% (without Battle Rage)
CHDMG: 412%
Attacks per Second: 1.77
DPS: 75805 (90627 with Battle Rage up)
using your latest build with ignore pain and ricochet (still have Charge + Into the Fray)
having a 1h Mace in Mainhand for those 10%CHC
but only a belt with 3 fury cost reduced for weapon throw
so the main Issue is: if I engage an encounter (for example Butcher), I pop my War Cry + Battle Rage and instantly throw my Axes. And what happens? I have no Fury...and I did some crits ofc (well, 54.1%CHC xD)
I didn't had that problems before with Overpower for additional 10%CHC.
Maybe I should switch to a Mighty Weapon or get more CHC?
any clues?
It's the belt
You have enough CHC and all.
k, changed it with lamentation 5fury reduce (only cost 1.7m am I totally lucky?)
works fine atm
Cool :D, it's pretty cheap but it depends on what mods you rolled.
Here's a new video :
As far as the fury generation goes, the most important thing is to use Into the Fray on Maurauder's Rage. Pre-Patch 1.03 it was easy to not use that skill because you were fine without Ricochet. Now, you kinda need it and the proc rate for fury generation isn't 100% anymore. That's why you kinda need both skills to be able to fight solo enemies.
This also opens up the massive synergy between Into the Fray and Run like the Wind, which is really good if you don't wanna sit there and try your hardest. It also enable kills on fast modded mobs that are already fast.
I could see your build working with massive CHC like 60-70%, but you can lower the CHC to 40%-ish when using Into the Fray. That opens up more gear choices and is less gear dependant (of course)!
For skirmish, it's pretty risky. I'd use ground stomp with Wrenching Smash or the extra fury generation rune. Overpower seems kinda greedy now as well if you go solo. To be honest, I can't find a better combination of skills than what I use in my latest video. If you really need the crit from Overpower, you can either switch Impunity to Charge!, or just not use WoTB and take another fury generating spell.
As far as boots I don't know why I didn't SS them. You NEED movement speed on them. 12% is what I use. It does not buff the damage directly but allowing you to kite more effectively is a DPS buff since it lowers your downtime.
Don't be afraid to ask more questions if you feel I didn't answer correctly!
I can take about 3 hits in inferno act 3 from most ranged mobs, and 2-3 from most melee mobs. That doesn't mean some mobs don't one shot me though. You probably could get more resist than me and it wouldn't hurt.
As far as weapons go, sword is the best in terms of damage/utility ratio, then axe/mace is good for getting higher CHC (and fury generation) as well as some damage, and Mighty Weapon is good for when you really have trouble with the fury generation.
Keep in mind that only the main hand affects the Weapon Master passive.
It should be good enough. Btw it doesn't matter if you off hand a sword or a mace or w/e (in terms of Weapon Master bonus), you realize that right?
Getting a little more HP will help though... The damage could be upgraded a lot with a high DPS blue weapon with a socket in it for crit damage. You probably already have good crit damage on weapon but the dps would make a good difference.
It's kind of an ok estimate if you don't care too much about accuracy. It actually depends on how much strength you currently have and what kind of DPS on the weapon we're talking about. If you currently have 900, then 1000 strength would be 10% more damage. 1.1*750 = 825. If you only have 500 strength though, 600 strength would be 16.7% more damage. 1.167*750 = 875. If we're talking about a 1000 DPS weapon vs 1100 DPS though, now adding 100 strength to 900 would be the equivalent of an 1100 DPS on the dot and 100 added to 500 would be 1166.7.
I am struggling to progress in act3 as melee, but in this build i am in perma-spirit form, if i face anything except slow melee mobs.
and If you do not kill elites during 1 WotB - you will be reskiled for next 2mins
ps gear level: 45k hp, 17kdps, 9000 armor, 500allres in tank spec
It's really not about outgearing the content. Building lots of DPS isn't hard and isn't optimal at all. I'm not sure how you manage to die so much with all the armor/res :o.
But you do need more DPS as Gorechild pointed out
I do not die in tank spec, i die in thrower spec:
42k hp, 27kdps, 5000 armor, 400 allres, 600 physres, 46%crit (all buffed)
just can not kill some staff before it reaches me, even few archers or that rats, covered with melee friends, in act3 can kill me )
well, probably this playstyle is not for me - i do not play rdps usually )
but if you have a video were barb with decent gear killing some elites - would like to see it.
I guess I could try buying worse gear and roll with it.
Similar but the 15% is more
I have few questions and i hope it doesn't bother you ^^"
1- About after patch 1.0.3 when i use ricochet rune i sometimes end with no fury , but when it goes with mighty weapon this doesn't happen , what is the reason , do mighty weapon crit more or what is the reason?
2- my dps window says that i have more dps when i use axe as main hand , and i have less dps with sword (the crit chance was 35 before using the axe) , the reason i switch to axe as main hand is because i was using sword + shield (with 10 crit chance) , so when i wanted to switch to DW i didn't want to lose the 10% crit chance , so i bought an axe and used it as main hand.
In short my question is are you sure sword as main better for DW , and why?
You use Weapons Master right? Gain a bonus based on the weapon type of your main hand weapon:
Swords/Daggers: 15% increased damage
Maces/Axes: 10% Critical Hit Chance
Polearms/Spears: 10% attack speed
Mighty Weapons: 3 Fury per hit
Yesterday I barely killed Ghom after upping my dps to ~65k unbuffed with 20k hp and 150 AR glass cannon build.
I think you just need pure damage to have a shot against him with this build :/
Also try to kite him along the walls of the room while trying to let him put his poison clouds as close to each other as possible. That way you gain more time to hit him while not standing in poison (which can only be tanked with ignore pain up..)
The reason why your axe gives you more dps is because you have low CHC. The damage from crit chance is a curve that goes down the more you get. Also the weapons might have different stats, you didn't really specify much.