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    posted a message on Opinion: Blizzard heavily controls Diablo 3 legendary/set drops
    and this is why religion should be banned.. it promotes the general acceptance of ignorance of reality.

    You people claiming that because money is involved so things are controlled, or that sense RMAH is there of course they control the loot drops, and the dozen other excuses you toss out for why things are how they are, you need to just stop.

    Go back to a school, take a basic class on probability, hell just a basic math class teaching % chances... maybe then you will understand that killing more does not equal increased chance...

    every single mob has the exact same fixed % chance to drop an item... killing 1 or killing 5000 does not change that per creature, the probability of getting an item increases based upon the number of kills but that does not lock in an item, since according to probability a diamond will instantly move 5 feet given enough time.

    So please, stop shouting "its blizzards fault i get crappy loot" just cause you are too ignorant to understand the truth of the matter.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on [necroed]
    Only made a little over 300 USD myself (no hardcore AH time for me)... but i see nothing wrong with sniping a great item on the cheap and flipping it for a good profit.

    I do that in my business all the time, its just smart business. Some one will buy that item no matter what if it is good, some people feel it is only worth 1 million gold and some feel 2 billion and some think 250 USD is fine as well... as the vendor you set a price that you anticipate it will sell at and return a good profit, if you know that particular item will return a higher profit then you set a higher sell point..

    You hate the price point the vendor sets then refuse to buy, but you cannot get upset when some one comes along with more wealth and is willing to dump 250 or 2 billion gold on something when you lacked the funds..

    You people calling bad ethics, or no morals just do not seem to understand the concepts behind those terms.

    Purchasing an item for a low price on GAH/RMAH then reselling for 100-1000 times the purchase price is not screwing anyone over. No one is being trampled upon, or screwed over, or denied the ability to play and enjoy the game... there are no ethical or moral concepts being violated. Ethics would come in to play if you bought all of the echoing furies on the entire GAH then reposted them all on RMAH for 100+ each...that would be in the category of ethical violations due to attempts to monopolize that part of the market...

    But buying 1 or 5 echoing furies for cheap then reposting for profit against the hundreds if not thousands of similar weapons just means you offered the better product and beat the competitors...

    So please, stop with the whining cause you did not get what you wanted for the price you wanted and did not have your hand held through every aspect of life.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Have you used this grenade build?
    I use this spec on my DH http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/demon-hunter#USgkhe!hfX!cYYabc

    got bored with the Cluster and Hungering so i dropped a few hundred K and made a tank DH...

    Mainly goofing off on it but i have been able to do MP6 with it no problem, MP10 i can live but it takes forever and a day to kill anything lol
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on why would anyone ever use Rain of Toads instead of Ghost Bomb?
    i prefer RoT over ghost bomb purely for the perks of when i get walled in i can still plug them, and if they are the annoying electrified with xtra health i can just stand behind a rock or wall and block the electric and still rip them apart with no risk..

    Yeah the dmg is not the greatest but it is a handy counter to Reflect dmg mobs as well since the proc on LoH is crazy with it so you can actually counter reflect with a low amount of LoH using RoT
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on Forum banned for speaking the truth -- RNG is a lie.
    since people are having trouble understanding how chance versus averages works...

    You have a 10% chance per MP level to get the key... so 9 outta 10 you wont get it is the average .. but there is not promise run it 10 times and you get it, since the chance is reset every single attempt...

    You do not gain reduce your chance of not getting it by running it more, you maintain the exact same chance..
    Example: MP5 act 1 key run

    Run# 1 - no key (50% loser column)
    2 - no key (50% loser)
    3 - "
    4 - "

    Ad infinitum... it does not matter how many times you run it, if there is a chance to lose that is a constant.. your personal average may not be 50% but the chance is still 50%..

    Coin toss is a great example.. the US Quarter has a 50.9% chance to land heads down due to a slight difference in weight.. but if you flip it 100 times i can bet you there will be more then 50 times it lands tails down...that is chance.

    you cannot demand a drop just cause you ran something many times, i am well over 300k mob kills and close to 40k elites, have i got a single 100mil item? nope, now my friend though (who has more MF then me) has got 1 good pair of ice climbers.. that it.. he has half my kill rate but he gets almost no good loots.

    That is chance, you can get MF and Paragon to tweak chance in your favor but there is always that chance you will not win.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    sorry for the vague statement by me on just as violent... it is hard to explain i guess. Humans as a specie display violence, and anger to the most idiotic things, and the most righteous as well.. Those extremist that use religion to act out violence, they would be just as violent in my opinion (key word there) with or without religion. I dislike religion in general cause it makes it more acceptable to discriminate, degrade and promote violence towards others that do not believe in the same bullshit as you.

    But i still believe humanity as a general whole would still have that violent tilt. you have countries in europe and asia with very low levels of religious fervor, especially compared to america, and on the surface they have a general increased level of peacefulness. Till you start going in to the country and really looking, the violence, anger and desire to act upon it are all there.. just suppressed, or re-directed to a degree or another.

    Eliminating religion is a step in the right direct to reducing the violence, it removes the easy excuse, the lazy ignorant shit can no longer say "kill him cause he doesnt believe in my god".. now he has to find some new motivator, some new excuse.. and maybe just maybe in time it will cause them to think through a better response then violence but with how humans are at this moment in time, i just struggle to see it.

    Maybe if humans would have eliminated the belief in myths earlier in our history we would be less prone to violence, but again.. Alexander did not conquer for religion, Ghengis Khan did not conquer for religion... Napoleon was actually an agnostic / atheist and conquered huge swaths of land.

    I hope my idea came across better in this, i am not in any way supporting the existence of religion, but i do not believe it is the reason we are so violent... just the reason we are less advanced then we could be science wise.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    I doubt the planet would be more peaceful without religion.. maybe less bloodshed but i highly doubt the aggressive nature of humans was brought about purely by the creation of religion.

    Yes religion fueled that fire quite profusely, but humans by nature are an aggressive specie with an inherit violence within us.. There would have been fewer wars most def but i just have this weird feeling humans would be just as violent...
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    heh did you know that Jesus was added to the list of different personifications of brahma within Hinduism? just a tidbit for similarities.. As for the Christians being martyrs and tortured mercilessly for refusing to recant their faith..yeah that is some propaganda right there..

    Most christians were not tortured for refusal to recant their faith, the romans (the ruling elite when the religion started) did not give two shits about recanting your belief..they let all those they conquered keep their faiths, they just required taxes and tributes to be paid...

    And since the christians were quite the little terrorist back then, they caught some extra flak, add to it they were seen as an upstart cult (on par with how most christians view mormonism or a little less credit even) and people like Nero (who was a nut case anyways) used the early christians as a scapegoat for some of his actions.

    The christians never had this massive time period of tortured rough existence, though you people sure do like to claim it. And as for the catholic church and doing good??? HAHAHAHAHAHAH they have much more dirt on their hands then good in the bank. Support for slavery since it was commonplace (even got details in your bible explaining how to treat and trade your slaves), or the backing of genocides (crusaders could be called no less), oh i know how about the repeated overthrowing of established countries, and cultures all for their own coffers?

    And as to your statement of me not being familiar with catholics since i state they are far from original.. mmm yeah i got a pretty good clue on them, studied them for quite a few decades now. Their history is not some glorious passage of suffering and enduring through the blights... they had a short term of being below notice, and then a even shorter term of being considered a cult, and finally getting a lovely little perk of "lets editted ever living crap out of every inch of this book to make it conform and adapt to the concepts of domination and leadership"... which is why constantine supported the faith and placed it as the official religion of the empire.

    You want to know why so many turned to the original tennets of christianity? not cause of the catholics (which did not come about for many many years, but due to things such as the Gnostic scriptures, preaching peace and goodwill, treating the meek as kings, and the rich giving everything up to help the poor...

    What poor man in their right mind would not want that? free money, food, clothes..shit yeah let me have that. Once the catholic church came about post constantine they were no longer of those values. they had nothing but greedy and power mongering in their history.... And with quite a few of those considered good deeds actually being the results of horrendous actions... Such as the conversion of ireland... nicely destroying an entire culture to make it conform.. or the Mayans, incas, and let us not forget the pillaging of the southeast asian regions...

    Please do inform me where the catholic church has a long standing history of great and kind deeds.. was it their support of the US Slave trade? how bout the backing of the Nazi's? oh i know the spreading of lies that condoms cause cancer in Africa impeding the prevention of AIDs spread... Ooo how about their tacit acceptance of pedophilia within their priesthood and the pope himself helping hide away confirmed child molestors? please do elaborate for me...
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    heh so your god is in the same boat as dragons, unicorns, odin, thor, Zeus, osiris, anubis, Mardok, My little pony, dragon ballz and anything else that you can claim as real but it is impossible to prove false...

    Example of true evidence procedures... FTL neutrinos... they detected them but didnt believe it possible, but they also did not toss it out.. they submitted their results for peer review, so thousands of others could all dig thru the data, run the same tests... after a while everyone else was getting the standard expected results and only that 1 facility got the FTL neutrinos... and after they went back over their equipment for the 100th time they found out... they had a bad cable one a timing component and it was what threw everything off..

    That is real, claiming a book is real and then ignore any and all evidence to the contrary is ignorance bordering on stupidity. You religion claims nothing new or original, every single ounce of modern day religions was claimed in a previous faith, hindu is the closest of all faiths to having a semi original belief system since it is quite a nice bit older then Judeo-christian beliefs but even it has pulled from the local customs and beliefs that pre-dated it.

    so to be honest your bible is nothing more the copyright infringement at best and shitty plagiarism at worst... there is no truth within it, there is not an ounce of morality to be gleaned from it that did not exist before it... As for where do natural laws come from? that is in the realm of science cannot answer as of yet.. they were in place due directly from the events of the Big bang and so once we figure that out we will figure out why the physical laws are the way they are...
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    The desire of the human mind for their to be something greater than themselves is quite amusing... The general populace strive to have that divine entity that created and guides this universe, and claim that without it there is no morality or some such non-sense.

    Physics has proven quite adept at explaining every detail of this universe, and with time we will have all the little details ironed out that completely nullify any little gap your religious beliefs may cling to. Currently there are only 2 gaps that religion can cling to, 1 creation of the universe, we have a very solid theory and the more recent discoveries add credence to the theories on creation..and 2 the purpose of life.

    The first gap is easily closed by science, the second is a philosophical gap, one that only even exists because of our advanced cognitive reasoning skills. Remove our abilities to identify self, and greed, love, and etc and you have a base primate specie, but because of our enlarged and quite talented brain we have the ability of introspection and in turn can question our very existence.

    If you try and say that is evidence for a creator then you clearly do not understand evolution, if you try and claim the irreducible complexity argument then you REALLY do not understand evolution. For those trying the watchmaker argument, sorry that is just childish and feeble. Go look through an electron microscope at the matrix created in the formation of a stone. show me a more intricate and precise formation then that of a diamond, absolute perfection in its form... yeah we know exactly how it is made, and there is no divine creator, it is just natural physical laws that create it.

    And for the whole "god created the big bang"... seriously? you are going the cause and effect route? okay then God was the effect of what cause? And if you place the supernatural quality on god then guess what, you are going to need incredible evidence for his existence...

    You claiming your god exists requires you to prove it, independently without the aid of your bible, which has been proven time and time again to be full of fairy tales and imaginations. So pretty much if you are a muslim, jew, christian, hindu or what ever religious belief you hold they are nothing more then the personal delusions of yourself that allow you to tolerate your existence instead of embracing the amazing complexity that is live and just having some fun know that there is no true answer to the purpose of life beyond what you make.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Patch 1.0.5 PTR Patch Notes - 1.0.5 Coming to the PTR
    The tremors do suck lol, but luckily my garg knocks them silly for me and no worries.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on BoA does not belong in the Diablo Universe
    So you say it is an MMO cause they put craft timers, cool downs on potions, and cast times on a town portal?

    Really that makes it an mmo... never mind you do not have thousands all playing together in the same place... And the Auction House...of course that is so very MMO.. cause no one ever sat in chat hawking their junk for hours in D2... oh wait.. you did if you wanted to sell it... And so instead of playing the game you sat there being a shop keeper.

    Yeah soooo MMO to put in an Auction House for players to sell their stuff and still be able to play the game. And the always online aspect..we all know this is a DRM, not an MMO or other BS excuse, it is to counter all those jackasses that hacked to hell and back in D2

    And as above poster pointed out... Skills that deal big damage should not be spammed, running around casting poison nova non-stop and watching everything fall dead or tossing out curses non-stop getting everything to die for fighting themselves with no cooldowns removes any talents or skill management..

    Claiming D3 is an MMO is just wrong, the only similar aspects are they both have RPG in them, that is it... 1 has thousands all in 1 open world location together.. D3 has up to 4 people in 1 small place...that is it...not an MMORPG
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on BoA does not belong in the Diablo Universe
    Diablo 3 is not in a MMO designed game... the social / online aspects of D3 are the same as D2 with a new skin.

    Chat channel? yep both games, trade channels? yep both games.. multiplayer games? yep both games... Multi-player with thousands? nope

    The auction house, yeah lets see here.. how much selling for in game and real life currency happened in D2? just as much, difference is Blizzard provided you a simpler and safer means to do so...

    Alrighty the story line.. well you claim it is so linear which would throw out the MMO aspect again which have to be more broad, or the lack of open world exploration again a ding against MMO aspect..

    the whole "adding a BoA item is ruining the game"...yeah and the sky is falling too. They have repeatedly with each patch listened to the player base one what to add and change, when the game was released it was released on the player base demands and bitching and ranting and whining from Diablo 2 and beta...

    You have yet to supply a single indication where this game is MMO'ish as you claim.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on entertaining AOE witch doctor build
    http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Mentiel-1709/hero/1009027 the build i roll.. not seen others using it either and i find it enjoyable and steam roll Act3 no prob
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on 2H vs Dual Wield for Melee Build?
    Maximus is handy.. the fire chains can proc the Into the fray skill, as well as pass thru walls
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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