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    posted a message on Diablo 3 copied a lot from Torchlight
    Are you kidding me?

    Why is this topic allowed to breathe?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on level 65
    Quote from rsmith9982

    Buy the time we get to 60we just bet nightmare or just about to. what do you think about i
    In what language do you speak? Are you extraterrestrial?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on concerns but not concerns as such.
    I understand people blaming the graphics resemblance more than this.

    So they take something out of WoW and put it there. Guess what, WoW is not revolutionary. What it does has been done before and after. Frenzied has nothing to do with WoW.

    That you think this makes you think of WoW is just your own blindness showing up. Did you ever see anything else but the big WoW game everyone else knows about? There's inspiration to have that is extremely similar in a lot of other games.

    Heck I'll just say this, I'm completely fucking sick of people comparing anything to WoW in a negative way just because they don't like WoW. It just means you're ignorant and can't see beyond the single big successful game.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on (possible) leaked blizzard release schedule!
    You should get banned for not being smart enough to just... I don't know... look in the forum a bit before posting, see that its dated Dec 2 and thus, actually look around for it instead of just posting it right away in a forum you almost never posted in.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on What will be your endgame?
    You won't see me wasting my time killing the same stuff over and over for loot. I can't even believe people want to go that way. Diablo 2 is a great game, but certainly not because of that. Hey guys, lets just farm for items all day. Really?

    I finish Hell, reach the level cap if its not stupidly time consuming for no reason like in D2, I do any end game stuff or events they have in store, and then I stop; next character. Don't care for PvP.

    Its all about will they have anything decent to do. This isn't supposed to be a MMO, after all.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Looting of Corpses in HC PVP?
    I think what you missed is this: http://www.diablofans.com/topic/22536-hardcore-pvp/

    Including a poll on the subject because we don't know if its possible or not.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Modding, its absence, and opinions
    --What is this topic about, anyway?--

    Mods. Editors. We all know that Diablo 3 will not be coming with any sort of editor. It'll never happen. Case closed.

    As for mods. Mods have been the most important part of my gaming life since the begining. I see it like this: The community is either a developer's pawn, or the developer gives them the tools to play the game as the player intend, and create new things.

    Mods are a must for a game to live on pass a certain point in time. And Diablo 3 is not looking to have Mod Support, or a side -open battle.net- where people can connect with modified files.

    I am a modder. I always change every games I possibly can to adjust them to myself. -THAT- is the beauty of true gaming to me. If you kill modding for 1 game, you killed a thousand potential new games and thousand of ideas.

    If it wasn't for modding (my own, or from others) I would have missed some of the best gaming experiences I have ever had. Yet modding in this day and age is disappearing. And I say: This isn't what I call Gaming, and I would not be a Gamer, without mods, and without the original works of the gaming communities.

    And so I have to ask: What is your opinion on modding? If its not there, will you miss it greatly? Will you just not care at all? You don't have to answer these specific questions. I just want your opinions on modding. I for one, could not live without it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The most important thing...
    Why do unique ends up being the best? Because reliably having the perfect Rare is way too hard.

    You either have uniques that are constantly weaker than most rares, or not.

    --Why do people want Rare to dominate?--

    A lot of people seem to want Rares to dominate because they are random, unlike Uniques. But in the end, the ultimate stats on Rares you will want are not so random. Even if people have slightly different items that does almost the same thing... why does it matter so much?

    I see nothing wrong with Uniques and Sets being the most powerful items in the game. They have the more uniques possible stats, while Rare can still be powerful. But what do you want to seek in the end? You want to hope for an absolutely random rare that might just fit your need?

    I don't. I want to hope for Diablo's Sword of Doom (random name) to drop for my character. I want items I can expect in advance to one day find, or buy. I want to hope for them. I don't want to hope for -that random Rare-.

    Rares should never be a goal. Rare happens on their own and can make builds different just because they dropped out of nowhere. Nothing wrong with that to have extremely rare Rare drops that are more powerful than Uniques. But they can't be more powerful in general.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard Explores Consoles
    Quote from BoredSilly

    I'm very concerned about this move. Multi platform games usually turn out to be a disaster on the PC. Case in point was final fantasy IV, which had a control system that was both sluggish and difficult to navigate on the PC. They will be forced to make concessions and design changes to incorporate consoles which will simply do nothing for me except degrade the final product. Stupid decision by greedy corporate types who I'm guessing know nothing about gaming.
    Oh yes. You make a lot of sense.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on How much Money do you spend on Diablo III?
    I never spend more than 60$ on a game (special editions can kiss my ass) and I never upgrade for a single game. If I upgrade, its become the games in general that I want are getting too demanding.

    Quote from Zarwo

    I will be using about 3000 dollars on a new computer. Yes I know that Blizzard will be going towards that allmost all computer specs will run DIII. But I want to run DIII on the highest of highest graphics specs :)

    And anyone wasting such ridiculous amount of money on a computer is crazy. Even more so for a game. I'm sorry. I absolutely cannot take you seriously. Are you just buying a pre-built laptop from a big company or some stupidity like that? It has to be. A 500$ computer carefully built could max D3, I have no doubt. At best, I would priced the best computer worth having at 1000$ and even that is way too much money.

    I'm a computer guy, I live by my computer, and I could never justify such a gigantic waste of money. I'm sorry about this, its just astounding. I can't get over it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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