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    posted a message on Blizzard should sell Diablo digitally with a cd-key
    Quote from Shadowdragon85

    this might sound way out there but they could stop selling it cuz they r going to update the game with newer graphics (lets say like D3) but keep the game play the same and release it on an anniversary. this could be a reason but most likely it just my hope to see a classic game get an updated look yet still feels like the old game.
    Blasphemer! The game doesn't need a single update to any of its aesthetics. It's one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. No super polygon rendered fog rain smokey 549 super duper bit radiant texture shit could ever make it look any better than it does.

    If you really wanted to update D1 somehow, the best thing to do would just make the inventory system more practical and less redundant. Perhaps add a slow health regenerator the way The Hell mod did. Actually....just go play The Hell mod.
    Posted in: Diablo I & Hellfire
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    posted a message on What's Happened To This Place?
    I understand many of your sentiments, Godric. The fact of the matter is, this site used to be a small time operation ran by some shmoe who made a few extra bucks on the side with some relatively unobtrusive ads. And now it's a fully operational business that does whatever it can to maximize its profits. And there is nothing fundamentally wrong about this. It's just the way things work. Some transition well into it, others don't. For a long time after D3's announcement I was very pleased with a lot of the changes and improvements the site was undergoing. Even when Curse purchased the site, I still thought we were headed in the right direction for a long time.

    I suppose things really got sour for me when I felt like all the spam and forum games were becoming the main focus of so much attention. And it's not like I can blame anyone for that. People like what they like. And for most people, at least the most commonly active users I was observing, seemed more interested in just alleviating their boredom in the quickest and most satisfying way possible. And those people would spend lots of time on the site. I hated sometimes writing huge long replies to people's topics, only to return a couple days later and see no one had even viewed the thread since then, yet all the threads that I found to be most inane were just inundated several times over with shrift replies. But again, what can you do about that? That's just what people want and I can only begrudge them the right to do so for so long before even I realize how futile it all is.

    And then what I think happens is sometimes some of those older, once more active users try to return after awhile and test the waters a bit to see how well they can still participate in the new environment. It doesn't take much before they conclude that it's not worth it to them anymore. If you look to see who most frequently is updating their status, these are the people who have transitioned best into the new format of this site. They are the most active users on the forum and seem to spend the most time either updating their status or blipin' it up in spam section. Come on, we all know that's what it still is despite its new euphemistic term.

    When Curse bought this site, they brought about many changes. Many of them here were desperately needed. I personally don't like the new aesthetic of the site. I find it really cluttered and distracting. But there are some features that I think are really cool. These new emoticons to the right of me are a real turn off, though. But I understand that the majority of people like this kind of stuff and there's nothing anyone can do about that.

    I don't think however that the lack of activity is due to lack of news and updates. Back when we were diablo3.com there was tons of conversation always going on. We'd have in-depth conversations about the first Diablo game. People were always discussing D2 builds and arranging new groups to play in on Battle.net. We even had more discussion on Starcraft than the actual Starcraft fan page. And the off topic section was great back then. Lots of great political and ethical debates. Granted, debating that stuff on the internet is pretty pointless, but I still found it pretty gratifying anyway. The last thread I even saw remotely like those old threads was Jetrall's misandry thread. There was a lot of good discussion going on in it. But for most people around here, those discussions aren't a fast enough way to treat their boredom. So yes, they would rather just go rate each other's eyelashes. LOL

    But not even counting those huge debate threads, I even still just drop in on threads discussing other games. Yet people are hardly even discussing other games anymore. Or like, I remember when that Huck guy started a Cowboy Bebop thread. I was like, this is cool, I'm just starting to watch this show. I'll talk a lot about how I feel about it and I just know we'll get lots of pages of discussion outta that. But no....we didn't. Sometimes though I do see a pretty good thread and decide to post in it. But because I got to the thread kind of late as I do not frequent the site as much as I used to, my reply wouldn't really get noticed by anyone and the thread had already died on its own.

    I do think that it is up to the users for the most part to make this site into what they want it to be. However I can also understand what it's like to actively try to jumpstart discussions only to wonder where the fuck everyone went and later find them in the spam section or just having conversations via the status updates. And heck, a lot of it is probably my own fault. I'm certain I've done several things to damage my own reputation and credibility here. So it's likely when I type up responses in threads people are like, "Oh, it's just Siaynoq." This kind of thing happens inevitably to others too. There are several users here that I just sort of tune out cause I'm so used to the kind of content they put out there and it...disagrees with me. And maybe similar things have happened to other users here too. Or maybe they just found they didn't fit in here anymore.

    Change is inevitable, obviously. You could tell the moment Diablo 3 was announced that many changes would come. Some were great, some were really bad. But I've always tried my hardest not to sound like some stubborn dinosaur who just wanted his old precious forum back. Granted I sure did bitch a lot about spam, but my brain just doesn't have the capacity to care anymore. Things just are the way they are now. I like stopping by sometimes and seeing if there's any spark left around here. Then I might read poignant statements like, "supar dupar hamster" or "I don't even need a gun when I'm paintin' my balls." or "supar dupar hamster". And I realize, it's their site now, they can have it. The status updates may not mean much to some, but I find it quite indicative of most user content to be found here. I can't even browse inside the spam threads to find examples their because they're too depressing to read.

    I think all of it would be so much easier if I even still cared about Diablo 3 as much as I used to. But consider sexual abstinence. Many people believe that the longer one abstains from orgasm, the more their sexual energy will build up. And that it will build up so much that they're be constantly brimming with sexual energy like a pink flamingo with a boner. But this is only true for so long. What actually starts to happen to the body is it begins getting signals that perhaps it no longer has orgasms because it is finished trying to procreate. In males, the level of testosterone starts dropping after a time. And it can drop to the point where previous levels of virility are never achieved again. So with Diablo 3, I was excited for a very very long time. Then I started to feel that even for a game developer that is supposedly is obsessed with quality, 11 something years is just too long to produce a sequel to a game. But maybe I also felt like the time in between D3's announcement, and when I can actually start to expect the game was way too long. The climax just didn't come soon enough. And my metaphorical genitals are now just wilting away with apathy for a game that I feel has been long overhyped and teased on me. This anyway is possibly what happened for a lot of users who were anxious awaiting D3. It all just went on so long, they just sort of stopped caring. And the ones leftover on the site hardly had the needed caliber to keep them involved.

    All these ideas though, there's no one unified theory to explain it all. But I can at least agree that it's kind of sad. I especially miss a lot of people that I used to get into lengthy discussions with. Maybe they were just wiser than me to walk away and never look back. I still feel drawn to this place no matter what's become of it. Aaaand *soapbox off*

    I don't think a lack of news is ever what's wrong with this site. I think even though the news has been slow that a lot of good stuff still manages to be reported on consistently.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Need a good xbox 360 action and RPG game!
    Quote from Warlord55

    Assassins Creed 1 and 2 are always good, but Red Dead Redemption is an awesome game, and the ending almost made me cry :(
    And ill stick by Oblivion also, the Elder Scrolls series is one of the best rpg's out there.
    That reminds of me this article I read about that game. Stop being so lazy, people, and just read it already.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Movies that should not have been made
    Quote from Dauroth

    The new Robin Hood is supposed to be set before he became the "outlaw" Robin Hood I thought

    I watched Robin Hood just the other day! It isn't groundbreaking or breathtaking, but it's worth watching! In any case, it's far better than Iron man II; another summer ''hit''!

    And yeah, it happens before the events that were depicted in the Robin Hood movies with Errol Flynn and Kevin Costner, respectively!
    It seems like they just made Robin Hood as an excuse for making an epic battle movie. Cause they know those do reasonably well in theaters and it's like, "Okay guys, we've done epic battle movies from just about every era of time and place, fictional and otherwise. What can we still bank on this summer?"

    Then one guy's like, "Ooh, let's do Robin Hood!" And another guy's like, "That dude that prances around the woods robbing rich pansies and stupidly giving his loot to the poor?"

    "Yeah that guy!"

    "Can we have epic battle scenes at least?"

    "Yeah I'm sure we can contrive something like that."

    "Sigh, alright. Robin Hood it is."
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Need a good xbox 360 action and RPG game!
    Quote from Matt.J

    I'd recommend Oblivion: Elder Scrolls, it's a bit monotonous, but it's very in-depth.
    Oooh must disagree about it being in-depth. Maybe I'm not sure what that means anymore though. Oblivion was really fun the first time through. Like most of the fun for me was just exploring and my first play through I didn't find any of it monotonous. But try doing it a second time around and yes it is very much that. The story isn't as good as Morrowind's though. And quests largely just involve going from point A to point B. Main quests anyway. The sidequests were actually more fun than the main ones I think.

    Quote from Turmobil

    Dragon Age is not quite as good on the console than on the PC.
    Just saying.
    Yeah I didn't want to play that game at all on the console. Games with overhead party control like that I really want to play with a mouse. So I kind of just have to wait one day before I can get a laptop that could actually run it. Just thinking about it though makes me want to play Baldur's Gate again.

    As far as shooters go (yeah I know that's not quite what you're looking for), I thought Wolfenstein was pretty fun. The plot is really stupid and typical, but the gameplay is quite fun. You can upgrade your weapons and powers and switch back in forth between normal reality and this place called the Veil where you are more powerful but can only be there for a limited time.

    My favorite RPG right now is still Mass Effect 2. I think I'm on my last playthrough of it though. I've done almost all the different classes and got all the achievements. It's been a really great game for me.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Post your desktop!
    What is Zune? It's like a music service less pretentious and annoying than iTunes.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Opt-in to the Curse Newsletter
    I'll make Curse a deal; they get rid of a few of these ad banners on some of these sections of the site, and I'll TOTALLY opt-in to receiving their newsletter.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on A Couple of Barbarians
    Couple o' barbs, barbin' it up! Nice work fella! Color it!
    Posted in: Fan Art
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    posted a message on The Ultimate Random Chat Thread
    I'll handle this old...spice. I can be quite the rough customer.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Nationality?
    I'm white.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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