It's a really old inside joke between Murderface and myself. It orignally started with a phrase he had in his sig that mentioned the face of murder. It also mentioned the word "lord" at one point.
In Dungeons and Dragons. Bhaal is the Lord of Murder. In the Baldur's Gate series on PC, your character is the child of Bhaal.
"The Lord of Murder shall perish. But in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sown from their passage." So sayeth the wise Alaundo
That does not dispporve the possiblity that he looks like this;
It simply expands on his biography.
Thats how I learned that admins can change your signature
Thats how I learned that admins can change your signature
Yes we can, I added that bolded phrase in, as it went very well with the original passage in your sig of which I spoke.
And to continue where I left off discussing the Slayer. It is a transformation, much like with the Druid and his WereWolf/WereBear forms. Thus your human form would be like that of the base guitarist for Dethklok, while your Slayer form, could be the four armed demon that you spoke of.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
I basically see two ways I would be pictured, but I'd love to hear what Atrumentis thinks. As for what you look like, Atru, your avatar has always been eye-catching, and I'd have to say that IT is what I imagine your character looking like - despite the fact that you are a lot friendlier than it's appearance.
You'll just look like link. Though i'm unable to wait for the next episode..
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''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
Looks are as much a part of the character as personality in a comic, I feel.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
I dont guess anyone shall be able to make a perfect appearance for you as i cannot yet imagine you as a character. Though chaos can just be a dragon.
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''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
this is so freaking exciting, I can't wait to release the next episode! I really wanna talk about it too, but I'm not gonna until its released.
(its taking me a while, this episode is at least five times as long as the last one lol! - i might have to split it into two parts, just so I can release something this weekend)
Take your time Atru. We want the best. Though we really cant wait.
Keep up the good work!
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''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
this is so freaking exciting, I can't wait to release the next episode! I really wanna talk about it too, but I'm not gonna until its released.
(its taking me a while, this episode is at least five times as long as the last one lol! - i might have to split it into two parts, just so I can release something this weekend)
Oooo. Gonna release something every weakend? Or gonna be like Blizzard and release whenever. ;P Lol.
I'm aiming for every weekend. but I do have a habbit of acting like Blizzard, lol. (ie. sig shop, har har). And figuring out the script is really hard.
Edit: Okay, the next three episodes are written. Now I just need to do the artwork... which is actually easier than thinking of the script lol. wweeeee.
''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
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It would be easier If you just drew me like that.
Fuck you, I'm a dragon.
Yes we can, I added that bolded phrase in, as it went very well with the original passage in your sig of which I spoke.
And to continue where I left off discussing the Slayer. It is a transformation, much like with the Druid and his WereWolf/WereBear forms. Thus your human form would be like that of the base guitarist for Dethklok, while your Slayer form, could be the four armed demon that you spoke of.
Fuck you, I'm a dragon.
ROFL! Now that would be interesting, considering how he depicted everyone else. o.O
I also wonder how he will depict me, when not tackling people... (Hopefully not an air head..
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
Oh you guys were talking about physicall look? I thought y'all were talking about how people act. o.O
Fuck you, I'm a dragon.
True. But you know what I ment. Actions vs looks. Lol.
*Snickers, thinking of the people in the comic going on a quest for "The Fork of Truth"...*
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
(its taking me a while, this episode is at least five times as long as the last one lol! - i might have to split it into two parts, just so I can release something this weekend)
Keep up the good work!
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
Oooo. Gonna release something every weakend? Or gonna be like Blizzard and release whenever. ;P Lol.
Edit: Okay, the next three episodes are written. Now I just need to do the artwork... which is actually easier than thinking of the script lol. wweeeee.
(they get better as they go along!)
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface