That is incredible, and I feel honored to be in your first comic. I absolutely love how LinkX was depicted, because that's almost exactly how I imagined him.
Excellent work.
He? LinkX is a guy? Oh man, I feel awfully stupid now.
Oh man, I LOVED how you included the 'tits ass cold' part! I got a good laugh at of that one. And great job depicting Link as well. Can't wait to read more, mate!
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One becomes strong when they are fighting to protect someone close to them... - Shiro Haku
Actually, next episode they will stop by the Town Square on the way to the Tavern. I'm not sure who exactly will be in it yet though, there are so many options. But I do know who will be in the tavern.
And honestly, I haven't thought of a character for you, Acidreign, yet. I'll have to do some more research. But don't give me your biography lol, its much more fun trying to figure it out myself
Zubin the Bartender
Fbim4/Mike the Guy who cleans the Tavern at night
and Jeru5 the Guy who just is
Congrats Mike, now you're employed for the Tavern. You'll get your wages [can't call them wages actually] by the end of every month.
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''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
I wanna know what Requiem, Elfen Lied, LinkX Stonebreaker and Winston think of their characters.
Aesthetically very pleasing. But I felt I didn't have nearly as much dialog as I should, nor did many of my mannerisms make appearances. But I won't lie, I did enjoy the overall presentation of my character.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
Rofl! I loved how I was depicted, even though I was imagining more of a tackle like in Soul Calibur 2 for the GC when Link tackled someone, though without the bashing the shield into the person's skull. o.O
Still funny as fuck.
(And I got a good laugh out of the "Tits ass cold" part. Rofl.
Quote from "Killer-Swift" »
He? LinkX is a guy? Oh man, I feel awfully stupid now.
...Ass... *Flexes his muscles.* I look like a female to you!? RAWR! *Strips.* DO I LOOK FEMALE TO YOU!?!?
o.O Ok, I'm done. *Puts clothes back on and sits in the corner waiting for the next strip, hoping he has more of a part in it...*
Oh and on a side note, you could make a website of it. o.O Be pretty funny. Shit if "CTRL+ALT+DEL" can be a successful strip, this sure can. ^.^
Oh link i'm still grateful to you for telling me about ctrlaltdel. lol, They're fun as hell.
And Atru you'll get a good fame if you make a site for it.
Or maybe a section on this site for your comics.
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''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
lol, i don't know how to make websites. and you're thinking a bit far ahead, I've only done one episode lol. (or call it the pilot episode, if you will). I"ll try my best to make it weekly though, so it'll build up nicely. I think um, every saturday (friday for most of you) would be good, cause then I have the rest of the weekend to do other stuff.
yeah, sorry elfen, but don't worry, now that I know how to make a comic, I can focus on the storyline and characters much easier lol. But I figured you seem to be a kind of leader, so at the least you should be the first one to talk to the new-comer (even though you weren't the first one in the thread it was based on).
also, note the reference to the uselessness of gold in Diablo II lol. you really can just find it lying on the ground everywhere.
At some point down the road, if you do feel like making a simple website for these, I would be happy to help you out (having had some experience in website building myself).
hah, that is pretty cool. thanks for the offer but yea, we'll see how this progresses.
Edit: Also, note that if you want to be known by something, then you have to do that something repeatedly. Like, LinkX always tackles new people, Winston always offers them a slush puppie, etc etc. If your personality changes too much, then I'll get confused and won't know how to portray you, so you'll end up being just an average joe. Of course, some people really are average joes, and that suits them fine.
hah, that is pretty cool. thanks for the offer but yea, we'll see how this progresses.
Edit: Also, note that if you want to be known by something, then you have to do that something repeatedly. Like, LinkX always tackles new people, Winston always offers them a slush puppie, etc etc. If your personality changes too much, then I'll get confused and won't know how to portray you, so you'll end up being just an average joe. Of course, some people really are average joes, and that suits them fine.
I like acting like the idiot then offering insights people don't expect from me. Really catches people off guard. xD *Giggles hysterically.*
Actually, Link, I've noticed you seemed to have lost some of your spark lately. If I were to base your character on how you've been acting lately, I wouldn't have done it the way I did. I would ask you 'whats up?', but thats just inviting a D&M session lol, and this isn't the place to do it.
lol, that Ctrl+Alt+Del comic is good. But its kind of awkward reading it, because my real name is Ethan, just like the character in it lol. I'm also a big fan of Cyanide and Happiness. I've read every single comic, and I read each new one every day.
Actually, Link, I've noticed you seemed to have lost some of your spark lately. If I were to base your character on how you've been acting lately, I wouldn't have done it the way I did. I would ask you 'whats up?', but thats just inviting a D&M session lol, and this isn't the place to do it.
ROFL! Well if you want, I can start tackling and raping people more. Then again the raping kinda goes into the D&M...
I loved it.
Great job.
Can't wait for the next one.
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Smiling is infectious.
Give, expecting nothing thereof. ------------ BoD - Come have some fun! Folks will always come and go, so enjoy them while they're meant to be in your life.
Man, i've read Cyanide and happines and Ctrl+alt+del both yet my favorite is Concerned.
P.S Deeha' blothri will be my fave soon. ;D
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''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
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He? LinkX is a guy? Oh man, I feel awfully stupid now.
Oh man, I LOVED how you included the 'tits ass cold' part! I got a good laugh at of that one. And great job depicting Link as well.
One becomes strong when they are fighting to protect someone close to them... - Shiro Haku
And honestly, I haven't thought of a character for you, Acidreign, yet. I'll have to do some more research. But don't give me your biography lol, its much more fun trying to figure it out myself
Congrats Mike, now you're employed for the Tavern. You'll get your wages [can't call them wages actually] by the end of every month.
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
Aesthetically very pleasing. But I felt I didn't have nearly as much dialog as I should, nor did many of my mannerisms make appearances. But I won't lie, I did enjoy the overall presentation of my character.
Deeha' blothri, lol.
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
Still funny as fuck.
(And I got a good laugh out of the "Tits ass cold" part. Rofl.
...Ass... *Flexes his muscles.* I look like a female to you!? RAWR! *Strips.* DO I LOOK FEMALE TO YOU!?!?
o.O Ok, I'm done. *Puts clothes back on and sits in the corner waiting for the next strip, hoping he has more of a part in it...*
Oh and on a side note, you could make a website of it. o.O Be pretty funny. Shit if "CTRL+ALT+DEL" can be a successful strip, this sure can. ^.^
And Atru you'll get a good fame if you make a site for it.
Or maybe a section on this site for your comics.
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
yeah, sorry elfen, but don't worry, now that I know how to make a comic, I can focus on the storyline and characters much easier lol. But I figured you seem to be a kind of leader, so at the least you should be the first one to talk to the new-comer (even though you weren't the first one in the thread it was based on).
also, note the reference to the uselessness of gold in Diablo II lol. you really can just find it lying on the ground everywhere.
If you want an example of a site I made (with a friend) check out
Edit: Also, note that if you want to be known by something, then you have to do that something repeatedly. Like, LinkX always tackles new people, Winston always offers them a slush puppie, etc etc. If your personality changes too much, then I'll get confused and won't know how to portray you, so you'll end up being just an average joe. Of course, some people really are average joes, and that suits them fine.
Other than nerd.
I like acting like the idiot then offering insights people don't expect from me.
lol, that Ctrl+Alt+Del comic is good. But its kind of awkward reading it, because my real name is Ethan, just like the character in it lol. I'm also a big fan of Cyanide and Happiness. I've read every single comic, and I read each new one every day.
ROFL! Well if you want, I can start tackling and raping people more. Then again the raping kinda goes into the D&M...
I loved it.
Great job.
Can't wait for the next one.
Folks will always come and go, so enjoy them while they're meant to be in your life.
P.S Deeha' blothri will be my fave soon. ;D
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface