With only another day or so until we can reveal everything from the press event, we still had some stuff to talk about from the past week. This time around, we discussed the beta box art, casual vs. hardcore, and the upcoming conference call (which we'll be doing a live podcast for). If you missed the eighteenth episode, you can check it out here. Otherwise, the nineteenth episode covered the following topics:
I love all loot fest kind of game! I will be playing all of them for the next few years. Loot fest games I'm looking forward to: LotR: War in the North,Torchlight 2,Borderlands 2 and of course Diablo 3.
First off nice job on the instagib drop. Second off can't wait to see what you guys have to offer up tomorrow. Keep up the good work.
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"Give a man a skill tree, and he will become a Fire Sorc. Give a man 6 skills to choose from, pulling from all three trees, and he becomes a Fire Sorc that likes to shoot lightning to manage the bigger crowds."
I believe last DiabloCast you guys talked about different aspects of multiplayer, especially loot wise. I'm not sure if this has been covered before and I just missed it, but what about exp.? Will there be an exp boost for killing a mob, everytime another player joins your game, much like D2, or will it be the same no matter how many is in a game?
That's a really good question, I'm not exactly sure just yet how stuff like that will scale.
I'm kinda worried about the things mentioned regarding beta. It really needs to come out asap, seeing as it's ready and D3 has soon been in development longer than any other Blizz game.
But maybe they are just being mean and deceptive on purpose
When Sixen said "They could still say, Beta in 2 months" after they talked about the beta box art.. I am pretty sure I heard some stiffled laughter from Force.. could be wrong. But listen to it again and you'll hear what I mean.
Great Podcast guys. Must have been tough doing it with out revealing any info.
So, when this beta comes out. How will we know if we've received a spot? I've signed up on my battlenet account "opt in" a long time ago, is that our only way of getting a key? or are there other ways? I really really want to play this game, and I don't want to miss the opportunity because I am unaware of ways to obtain it. Thank you! btw I just found this site, and i've watched some of your recent podcasts, and am really enjoying it!!!
@Sixen, When you say 12:01am what time zone are we talking about. I'm assuming pacific since that what Blizzard does everything by.
Also you guys run an awesome podcast. Every week I look forward to this. I really like how you summed up what they ment by casual. Easy to learn, Hard to master is what every game should shoot for. I have been playing games for 20 years now(give or take a few) and most of the time I just don't have the energy to put the effort needed for things like Demon Souls or Ninja Giaden. I refuse to play SC2 online for this reason, loved the game but don't have the time to even come close to a lot of people online. I intend to play almost only PvE in D3 just like I do in WoW.
Looks like I am staying up past MIDNIGHT!! I just have to work a 14 hour shift the following morning UGH
If only we had snow days in Arizona I could get out of this
Good podcast guys like always:
1. I like that Diablo will be casual. Its so much more enjoyable to me and my buddies when we are laughing at our abundant power, or bragging about our trades
2. Starcraft honestly stresses me out and gives me the adrenaline shakes when its a really good match-up. I ask myself before I sit down and play Starcraft 2, "Do I have time to warm up, do I feel on my game today, are my timings right? Ok I guess I'll play one game, lose, rage quit, anddddddd read the Diablo Fans forums." Its a great game, just soooo INVOLVED
3.Wow n/a sorry MMORPGers Im sure there is enough of you out there to fill in this blank
I'm kinda worried about the things mentioned regarding beta. It really needs to come out asap, seeing as it's ready and D3 has soon been in development longer than any other Blizz game.
But maybe they are just being mean and deceptive on purpose
How long have they been working on D3? I know WOW was being worked on during warcraft 3 so that's atleast 3 years. I don't think you can consider the entire time between D2 and D3 announcement.
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If you've missed any previous episodes, check the archive!
Diablo III Analyst
Are you and force going to post videos and blogs as soon as midnight comes up? I'll be at work, so a pod cast would work
I laughed so fucking hard right there.
I'm so stoked for Tuesday. Great podcast, guys.
I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
That's a really good question, I'm not exactly sure just yet how stuff like that will scale.
Diablo III Analyst
When Sixen said "They could still say, Beta in 2 months" after they talked about the beta box art.. I am pretty sure I heard some stiffled laughter from Force.. could be wrong. But listen to it again and you'll hear what I mean.
Great Podcast guys. Must have been tough doing it with out revealing any info.
:: Enkeria [Twitter / Twitch / Website / Tattoos]
Great podcast again as always guys, keep em up! I listened twice!
Also you guys run an awesome podcast. Every week I look forward to this. I really like how you summed up what they ment by casual. Easy to learn, Hard to master is what every game should shoot for. I have been playing games for 20 years now(give or take a few) and most of the time I just don't have the energy to put the effort needed for things like Demon Souls or Ninja Giaden. I refuse to play SC2 online for this reason, loved the game but don't have the time to even come close to a lot of people online. I intend to play almost only PvE in D3 just like I do in WoW.
If only we had snow days in Arizona I could get out of this
Good podcast guys like always:
1. I like that Diablo will be casual. Its so much more enjoyable to me and my buddies when we are laughing at our abundant power, or bragging about our trades
2. Starcraft honestly stresses me out and gives me the adrenaline shakes when its a really good match-up. I ask myself before I sit down and play Starcraft 2, "Do I have time to warm up, do I feel on my game today, are my timings right? Ok I guess I'll play one game, lose, rage quit, anddddddd read the Diablo Fans forums." Its a great game, just soooo INVOLVED
3.Wow n/a sorry MMORPGers Im sure there is enough of you out there to fill in this blank
Big fan of the podcast guys keep up the good work!!!