any1 have any idea how long its ganna take for d3 to come out?
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We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says, "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." I suppose we all thought that one way or another.
Blizzard never cancels games. They postpone them over and over again until they're ready.
WoW is a pefect example. They postponed initial release from 2002 to 2004.
want 1 cancelled Blizzard game?
Warcraft Adventure (cancelled cause they thought its quality wasnt good enough for a blizzard game).
Its story was put on an official book and led to the Warcraft 3 plot.
You make a good point, SC GHost on the Wii with more interactive options with the "wiimote" would make a better game then if it were on the PS3 with the best graphics ever.
any1 have any idea how long its ganna take for d3 to come out?
2007 pops up alot, but all of them are still rumors.
The longer it takes, the more goes in.
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Because if the invisible guy the president believes in isn't the real invisible guy then the real invisible guy gets mad and no longer powers our economy with his invisible hand. Jesus, have you never even read anything about economics?
i think u guys r gettin a little off topic here. i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like blizzard aint callin the shots ne more. vevindi is. and all theyre gonna care about is money. and look at it this way. if they can get even the really high goal of 15 million ppl to buy diablo 3 for $50 wich wouldnt happen, theyed get $750 mill. if they even get 5 million ppl to buy it for $50 and then pay $15 a month they would get 1.15 BILLLION in the 1st year alone! by yr 2 it would be 2.05 BILLION. dont u see? Vevindi will look at those numbers and FORCE Blizzard to make it a MMOG. I mean weve already heard from Vevindi that that is wat they wanna do. Its out of Blizzards hands and it sucks.
Blizzard will not back down to Vevindi. They know that the Diablo series has such a huge cult status that they know an MMORPG would kill it. It's not like WOW has really anything to do with the storyline of Warcraft. Blizzard might make a branch off thing called WOD but I think they will continue the original fast-paced clicking diablo.
I actually wouldn't mind a Diablo MMO, as long as they finish off the story, and perhaps release the prequel (both as RPGs). After that, I could care less, but I'd probably get WoD.
i think u guys r gettin a little off topic here.......*snip*
You had the right idea, but you turned it into a blatant rumor.
Having too many MMOs active at the same time would be profoundly stupid.
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Because if the invisible guy the president believes in isn't the real invisible guy then the real invisible guy gets mad and no longer powers our economy with his invisible hand. Jesus, have you never even read anything about economics?
Plus i don't think they could continue the diablo storyline with an MMO. It would be too confusing and for those who don't have credit cards it screws em over. If they made it free like Guild Wars it would be a bit better but I still don't think it would be right to not have the fast paced clicking from a bird's eye view.
If Blizzard and Vivendi wants to dominate the gaming market they would need this:
One great MMO (World of Warcraft)
A couple great RTS's (StarCraft 2, Warcraft 4)
A couple great RPG's (Diablo III, ???????)
A couple great FPS's (StarCraft: Ghost, ???????)
I think Blizzard has enough talent and creativity to create a few new games, and I think they have potential to be very effective in producing a good FPS. They have good dedication to their games now, and they could probably hire a dedicated team to form new games with that pocket change they are making from WoW.
ya now that i think about it for blizzard to make a successful Diablo MMO they would have to take a lot away from their wow fan base. (most of the WoD players would be ex WoW players) it would be a stupid move for them
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-J. Robert Oppenheimer
WoW is a pefect example. They postponed initial release from 2002 to 2004.
want 1 cancelled Blizzard game?
Warcraft Adventure (cancelled cause they thought its quality wasnt good enough for a blizzard game).
Its story was put on an official book and led to the Warcraft 3 plot.
2007 pops up alot, but all of them are still rumors.
The longer it takes, the more goes in.
Having too many MMOs active at the same time would be profoundly stupid.
One great MMO (World of Warcraft)
A couple great RTS's (StarCraft 2, Warcraft 4)
A couple great RPG's (Diablo III, ???????)
A couple great FPS's (StarCraft: Ghost, ???????)
I think Blizzard has enough talent and creativity to create a few new games, and I think they have potential to be very effective in producing a good FPS. They have good dedication to their games now, and they could probably hire a dedicated team to form new games with that pocket change they are making from WoW.