I think a trapper, a merc type a thing, and a paladin
Or maybe Michael Jackson and the power of dance
Or a shapeshifter or archer
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The Tattered Monk Has Arrived.
So have his weapons.
Since the Wizzy is the third, I'm only going to put up guesses for 2.
Obviously some kind of ranged class. And a melee one, akin to the Paladin. Not a Paladin class, just saying another melee, but not pure attack like Barbarian. More defensive.
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Here's to hoping His Noodly Appendage touches you and may His Sauce rain down upon you,
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster website: www.venganza.org
Anyone think that one of the classes may be a pet class? Not like the necro or WD where they have minions that die fast and you just resummon then.....but something far more reliant on there minion/pet?
I think that would be the most interesting and innovative idea yet, a pure pet-reliant class. Summoning skill tree would have powerful 'beings' to summon, and not measly animal spirits or undead. It would be complex where you can combine this 'pet' with that one, but not with that one, something like that.
Second tree would be buffer spells for your minions and curse spells for your minions' enemies, and a limited amount but powerful attack spells; for taking part in active battle.
Third tree would be godly upgrades and masteries for your summoned 'superbeings'.
If they did I dont think they could devote all the trees to it and have you sit back and do nothing. Would seem kind of boring. If they wanted to do something similar to the amazon and her valkyrie and maybe devote most of a tree to buff her valkyrie up but not too much. What fun would having your minions to do all of the work.
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If they did I dont think they could devote all the trees to it and have you sit back and do nothing. Would seem kind of boring. If they wanted to do something similar to the amazon and her valkyrie and maybe devote most of a tree to buff her valkyrie up but not too much. What fun would having your minions to do all of the work.
I think you need to widen this a bit. What if your minion was fully controllable, what if it had its own power.
But then again, this isn't the first time anyone said Warlock.
Or maybe Michael Jackson and the power of dance
Or a shapeshifter or archer
So have his weapons.
Can't we kill them with love?
So have his weapons.
Since the Wizzy is the third, I'm only going to put up guesses for 2.
Obviously some kind of ranged class. And a melee one, akin to the Paladin. Not a Paladin class, just saying another melee, but not pure attack like Barbarian. More defensive.
Here's to hoping His Noodly Appendage touches you and may His Sauce rain down upon you,
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster website: www.venganza.org
I think that would be the most interesting and innovative idea yet, a pure pet-reliant class. Summoning skill tree would have powerful 'beings' to summon, and not measly animal spirits or undead. It would be complex where you can combine this 'pet' with that one, but not with that one, something like that.
Second tree would be buffer spells for your minions and curse spells for your minions' enemies, and a limited amount but powerful attack spells; for taking part in active battle.
Third tree would be godly upgrades and masteries for your summoned 'superbeings'.
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
I think you need to widen this a bit. What if your minion was fully controllable, what if it had its own power.
But then again, this isn't the first time anyone said Warlock.
You definately catch my drift.
Summon upgrades is where the true fun of being this character could be.