1So...with the cinematics out Tyreal explains in the video before the actual cinematic of Diablo's "death", that the mortals managed to save Auriel (Archangel of Hope) and Itherael (Archangel of Fate), and at the end Tyreal states that he is the Archangel of Justice no more, but Wisdom (Malthael).
So, I guess we're just going to assume that he was killed when Diablo infiltrates the High Heavens.
Book of Cain says he has vanished before the events of diablo 3 (correct me if wrong) and it describes a change in his person.
It seems to be foreshadowing that he does show up as some sort of antagonist eventually. Also Imperius is said to often go to him for his wisdom, so maybe he mislead Imperius to rash decisions or something.
Speaking of possible expansions, if you watched the behind the scenes disc at the part where Metzen hints at Leahs spirit is still out there and it is still possible to save her. Hell he even said "spoilers" before he said that!
I'm not sure how that will play out seeing as how she no longer has a body. There were also Leah ghost in-game models data mined a while back, i wonder if the hero is still keeping in contact with Leah even after Adria's betrayal.
This is one reason why i watched the cinematics, because they don't tell you the entire story, theres still so many things that will pop up throughout the game that will lead to mass amounts of speculation.
Speaking of possible expansions, if you watched the behind the scenes disc at the part where Metzen hints at Leahs spirit is still out there and it is still possible to save her. Hell he even said "spoilers" before he said that!
I'm not sure how that will play out seeing as how she no longer has a body. There were also Leah ghost in-game models data mined a while back, i wonder if the hero is still keeping in contact with Leah even after Adria's betrayal.
This is one reason why i watched the cinematics, because they don't tell you the entire story, theres still so many things that will pop up throughout the game that will lead to mass amounts of speculation.
I'm betting on a Death Themed Expansion. We get to find out where dead people go, see Leah, maybe even Cain, Aiden, some D1 and DII characters, etc. Fight Malthael, meet/fight/work for Trag'oul. Maybe even get the Necro back, or some other death themed class (Egyptian Magician/Priest type, Death Knight, who knows).
My thoughts exactly! Unless they can somehow unleash the prime evils from the black soulstone we need something to fight in the X-Pac.
The only other thing I can think of, other than Malthael or Tathamet, is perhaps a human, grown to powers on the same level as ours, who has chosen to try to fill in the void.
1So...with the cinematics out Tyreal explains in the video before the actual cinematic of Diablo's "death", that the mortals managed to save Auriel (Archangel of Hope) and Itherael (Archangel of Fate), and at the end Tyreal states that he is the Archangel of Justice no more, but Wisdom (Malthael).
So, I guess we're just going to assume that he was killed when Diablo infiltrates the High Heavens.
Anyone know for sure at all?
edit: come on guys, some of mustve noticed this.
It seems to be foreshadowing that he does show up as some sort of antagonist eventually. Also Imperius is said to often go to him for his wisdom, so maybe he mislead Imperius to rash decisions or something.
I'm not sure how that will play out seeing as how she no longer has a body. There were also Leah ghost in-game models data mined a while back, i wonder if the hero is still keeping in contact with Leah even after Adria's betrayal.
This is one reason why i watched the cinematics, because they don't tell you the entire story, theres still so many things that will pop up throughout the game that will lead to mass amounts of speculation.
Ha. Bagstone.
Yeah, but where did it go?
And while I'm on the subject, do they tell us what happens to Adria after Leah's, um, enhancement?
Minds that need examining want to know!
here it is: http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b125/Rydiculous/Diablo-3-Boss-Portraits.png
I'm betting on a Death Themed Expansion. We get to find out where dead people go, see Leah, maybe even Cain, Aiden, some D1 and DII characters, etc. Fight Malthael, meet/fight/work for Trag'oul. Maybe even get the Necro back, or some other death themed class (Egyptian Magician/Priest type, Death Knight, who knows).
My thoughts exactly! Unless they can somehow unleash the prime evils from the black soulstone we need something to fight in the X-Pac.
The only other thing I can think of, other than Malthael or Tathamet, is perhaps a human, grown to powers on the same level as ours, who has chosen to try to fill in the void.
Lol yeah totally called it!
Ha. Bagstone.