I think a lot of what made Hardcore fun for me was watching your characters progress up the ladder. Although the cap is at 60, they could also implement a part of the ladder with number of inferno difficulty monsters killed which would move you up as well. I think this would be a good gauge of who has the most "powerful", longest lasting hardcore character.
Concerns that the Real Money Auction House would not function well with a ladder system are null and void in HC, due to the fact that there will be none.
What are the Hardcore playing DFans thoughts on this?
I don't know how the ladder system will function in D3 if we ever get one.
Another thought is not how many monsters killed in inferno but how many bosses killed in inferno, where a boss is the end act boss and mini boss like the Skeleton King currently in Beta.
I'm still completely undecided about ladders in D3 though since everyone will be lvl 60 ragardless...How do you have a ladder when everyone is the same level, what do you base it on next then?
I like the ladder. I think it adds a very interesting component to leveling. With that said, I would like to see a ladder tracking the progress to level 60. I would go further and say add in a special title for the first hardcore character of each class to make it to 60. I wouldn't mind something that counts the amount of hardcore inferno boss' killed either. Realistically though, I doubt there will be a ladder implemented for either softcore or hardcore.
I'm leaning toward not-sure/don't-care, but it's interesting to contemplate. Perhaps a ranking based on the number of HC achievements one had would be another metric. I don't know enough about the achievments to say wether that would be a way to show prowess, but listing rote infero-kills seems an abuse-laden way to go about it and levels certainly won't be as impressive as in D2.
The problem with that is: it encourages players to wear a clown-suit of their higest level gear in order to top the ladder. I don't think it can be that arbitrary. Cumulative item level, monster kills, boss kills, character level; those things are not doing to show much and that ladder would be unimpressive. I hold to the achievement pitch being the most viable option, unless achievements themselves turn out ot be easy, random, or arbitrary to get.
I liked the ladder system it was fun to see the stats of the leaders and when they died a tear was shed inside for there deeds of valor.
A ladder system would work in nearly the same way it did in D2 at 60 they have an exp climb with no cap and that runs the ladder. Now as for the RMAH I wish they would add one for Hc which actually bums me out because 100% of my time will be invested into Hc. I mean the people that play Hc know the risk of losing there gear but they still play so what if you buy real gear you still are aware of the risk and can only blame yourself if you go and die.
Well that depends to be honest. The main advantage of creating a Ladder Character is being able to join in on a totally new economy where powerful items are very valuable.
That`s why I think it is good to have this option based on # of Inferno Monsters Killed.
I voted yes, it should be based levels until the first character hits 60, then it should be based on rare/champion monster kills in inferno in my opinion, there are probably some locations in inferno where you got a big pack of easy killable monsters that hardly drop any loot but would count toward the inferno kills you suggested and would probably get farmed just to get higher up the ladder.
I think ladder is irrelevant in how Diablo3 works.
We all can reach lvl60 quite easily so there is no point for the ladder. Only if you still gained exp after hitting 60 you could rank people by their exp.
Wow, at first I thought that this thread is needless and the answer is already known, but actually there are people here who vote against it and think there won't be a Ladder in D3!
Ofcourse there will be. A much more in depth and interesting ladder for SC and HC toons. Cheers, lol!
Its more about the fact that the ladder will look like the LoD ladder in D2 quite fast, 200 level 60s in a row, it would be cool if something else defined your spot in the ladder after hitting level 60, something that isn't easy to abuse.
I like the idea of ladders. The D2 version was a lot of fun with resets. But the D3 version won't be the same.
The only way I think it would work is if rank was given by a number of factors, not just level alone.
Probably a combination of most things PVE, boss kills, minion kills/tallies etc etc, it could be a combination of a whole bunch of appropriate statistics. At least this way there would be some competition for the top spot continuously.
You could and I assume they will do the same for PVP separately seeing as there's a better focus on it in D3.
So I hope they do add one in, as long as they do it right.
I loved racing the ladder in hardcore and did it many times in 1.10+. Towards the end with the rampant botting (especially baal botting), it really lost its fun. However, considering D3 will work differently, I really don't see a ladder happening unless it tracks achievements or some inferno statistic as mentioned.
Nice poll, and I like the idea of having ranks by number of monsters killed in Inferno difficulty. Much better than the old d2 ladder, which was just about level and not accurate.
This one would be more interesting, since you would have to keep playing on Inferno, which is dangerous, to be kept at the top ladder!
I really hope they, somehow, implement this feature, if it isn't already and nobody knows!!!
Sooo.... there currently isn't a Ladder for this already? What the hell? YES, I want to see how the rest of the world is doing on HC and how I compare. Sheesh, I will be shocked if there is no such thing. I never played HCNL. When Ladder reset, I started right up with HCL and eventually dumped all my HCNL gear for HCL gear once enough farming was going. I dumped it for cheap too! Entire mule accounts for a HCL Shako and a T-god's lol! I was never super close to the top, but I've made it to 46 or so on the top 200 Necromancers.
Wow, no Ladder. Hmm. I guess if there's no ladder, not all is lost. At least then I know everything I collect will be for all-time!
Concerns that the Real Money Auction House would not function well with a ladder system are null and void in HC, due to the fact that there will be none.
What are the Hardcore playing DFans thoughts on this?
Another thought is not how many monsters killed in inferno but how many bosses killed in inferno, where a boss is the end act boss and mini boss like the Skeleton King currently in Beta.
I'm still completely undecided about ladders in D3 though since everyone will be lvl 60 ragardless...How do you have a ladder when everyone is the same level, what do you base it on next then?
The problem with that is: it encourages players to wear a clown-suit of their higest level gear in order to top the ladder. I don't think it can be that arbitrary. Cumulative item level, monster kills, boss kills, character level; those things are not doing to show much and that ladder would be unimpressive. I hold to the achievement pitch being the most viable option, unless achievements themselves turn out ot be easy, random, or arbitrary to get.
A ladder system would work in nearly the same way it did in D2 at 60 they have an exp climb with no cap and that runs the ladder. Now as for the RMAH I wish they would add one for Hc which actually bums me out because 100% of my time will be invested into Hc. I mean the people that play Hc know the risk of losing there gear but they still play so what if you buy real gear you still are aware of the risk and can only blame yourself if you go and die.
That`s why I think it is good to have this option based on # of Inferno Monsters Killed.
We all can reach lvl60 quite easily so there is no point for the ladder. Only if you still gained exp after hitting 60 you could rank people by their exp.
RIP: Demon Hunter: lvl 50 | Barb: lvl 60 (plvl 5) | Monk: lvl12 & lvl70 (plvl 200)
The only way I think it would work is if rank was given by a number of factors, not just level alone.
Probably a combination of most things PVE, boss kills, minion kills/tallies etc etc, it could be a combination of a whole bunch of appropriate statistics. At least this way there would be some competition for the top spot continuously.
You could and I assume they will do the same for PVP separately seeing as there's a better focus on it in D3.
So I hope they do add one in, as long as they do it right.
This one would be more interesting, since you would have to keep playing on Inferno, which is dangerous, to be kept at the top ladder!
I really hope they, somehow, implement this feature, if it isn't already and nobody knows!!!
Wow, no Ladder. Hmm. I guess if there's no ladder, not all is lost. At least then I know everything I collect will be for all-time!
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