The noble order of the Silver Inferno Crusading Knights is looking to bolster it ranks!
If you wish to sign up for the first ever Diablo 3 Guild you’ve come to the right place, if Camaraderie, adventure and steel on steel is what your after, then look no further
This is the OFFICIAL SIGN UP sheet for the diablo 3 (and Diablo 1 and 2) guild we are forming on this site.
The name of the Guild is SICK... SILVER Inferno Crusading Knights
whose motto is 'In the name of God the impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, amen'
The Guild's main objective is to be the most popular guild in diablo 3(and Diablo 2) and for all to sought to join. Because we here at are all a family we all have the first chances to join here directly in this thread
Below is a example of the guild application form, you are to fill out if you wish to join the guild
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guild Application form
Chatting is off limits in this thread, if it has nothing to do with signing up or the guild, or the guild itself or if you are a higher up, the requirements, it will be deleted.
those of you who are already members, and are still active, it would be preferred if you re sign up so we can see who is still interested in remaining part of the guild.
U will notice u have been added to the pending list on the ranking page. You have one week from 09/02/08 to comply with all rules , or forfeit guild membership
My computer had a trojan virus, and it took some time to save up money for a new one. But now I'm back and want to start playing again.
Its been a while, but I have the feeling I'm getting back into something that's been missing in my life.
I'll be able to play D2 about 3-4 days a week after football practice in a 2-3 hour shifts anywhere from 6-11 on weekdays. Saturdays and sundays are no guarantee but I will try to be on when I can.
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"Beware foul demons and beasts." - Barbarian "The land here is dead and lifeless." - Barbarian
Hey, Just curious if this is still up and running. I've been playing LOD for a long time now, but am just recently getting back into it. Ive waited for a guild worth joining for a long time, and I expect this will be stable even into diablo3 (hopefully) Im on USWEST ladder and non... I check this site like every day for news updates etc. I look forward to playing with u guys!
Hey, Just curious if this is still up and running. I've been playing LOD for a long time now, but am just recently getting back into it. Ive waited for a guild worth joining for a long time, and I expect this will be stable even into diablo3 (hopefully) Im on USWEST ladder and non... I check this site like every day for news updates etc. I look forward to playing with u guys!
as much as i love how you want to join an awesome guild... this is no longer it. SICK died when Elfen and Silver did nothing to improve it... people left, and it got ruined. maybe try to check back when diablo 3 comes out. But even then i wouldnt get your hopes up. not to be bashing on Silver or Elfen, but i think they have too many responsibilities as moderator/admins to be able to fully put their attention and heart into this guild.
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World of Warcraft - Finnegin- Level 80 Enhancement Shaman
d3 will bring forth a new refound effort guild wise. d2 is an old game. (extreamly old after playing the d3 demo) Hard to play somthing that old when you have already slightly experianed the newer game (speaking for myself)
Ok so I don't have D2 yet but I will be getting it this Xmas I was looking for a guild to join just to have others to talk to and play with. I am very exected about Diablo 3 and I play on getting it when it comes out. I do play a lot of RPGs.
I will be making a Ladder character soon. and as soon as D3 comes out i will be buying it and most likely be making a barbarian or possibly a witch doctor... depends... i already have characters made in d2 uswest non ladder.
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The noble order of the Silver Inferno Crusading Knights is looking to bolster it ranks!
If you wish to sign up for the first ever Diablo 3 Guild you’ve come to the right place, if Camaraderie, adventure and steel on steel is what your after, then look no further
This is the OFFICIAL SIGN UP sheet for the diablo 3 (and Diablo 1 and 2) guild we are forming on this site.
The name of the Guild is SICK... SILVER Inferno Crusading Knights
whose motto is 'In the name of God the impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, amen'
The Guild's main objective is to be the most popular guild in diablo 3(and Diablo 2) and for all to sought to join. Because we here at are all a family we all have the first chances to join here directly in this thread
Entry Requirements/rules
Failing these rules may result in your expulsion from the guild.
A taste for medieval fantasy role playing, anything relating to this can be done here
Elite Members
Sub Leaders:
-Elfen Lied
The Guild Leaders can refuse entry it they so choose.
Above information is subject to change
For more guild information go here
Below is a example of the guild application form, you are to fill out if you wish to join the guild
Guild Application form
Ladder: Ladder
Mode: Hardcore
Preferred D2/LOD Class/Build: Frenzy/BO Barbarian
Preferred D1 Class/Build: Warrior
Chatting is off limits in this thread, if it has nothing to do with signing up or the guild, or the guild itself or if you are a higher up, the requirements, it will be deleted.
those of you who are already members, and are still active, it would be preferred if you re sign up so we can see who is still interested in remaining part of the guild.
A List of Current members and Ranks can be found Here
SICK is also an Official recognized Guild on Xfire.
-Elfen Lied
But I would like to reinstate into SICK. If that is okay.
Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
U will notice u have been added to the pending list on the ranking page. You have one week from 09/02/08 to comply with all rules , or forfeit guild membership
Guild Application form
Ladder: Ladder
Mode: Softcore
Preferred D2/LOD Class/Build: Werebear/Druid
My computer had a trojan virus, and it took some time to save up money for a new one. But now I'm back and want to start playing again.
Its been a while, but I have the feeling I'm getting back into something that's been missing in my life.
I'll be able to play D2 about 3-4 days a week after football practice in a 2-3 hour shifts anywhere from 6-11 on weekdays. Saturdays and sundays are no guarantee but I will try to be on when I can.
"The land here is dead and lifeless." - Barbarian
as much as i love how you want to join an awesome guild... this is no longer it. SICK died when Elfen and Silver did nothing to improve it... people left, and it got ruined. maybe try to check back when diablo 3 comes out. But even then i wouldnt get your hopes up. not to be bashing on Silver or Elfen, but i think they have too many responsibilities as moderator/admins to be able to fully put their attention and heart into this guild.
Guild Application form
Ladder: Ladder
Mode: Hardcore
Preferred D2/LOD Class/Build: unknown/ Barbarian
I will be making a Barbarian
Mode: Softcore
Preferred D2/LOD Class/Build: Poison and Bone Necromancer
Preferred D1 Class/Build: Warrior
Sorry for reviving the thread. I'm just interested in joining a clan.
Okay, cool. So I won't get perm banned or anything.
Mode: Softcore
Preferred D2/LOD Class/Build: Wind Druid
I will be making a Ladder character soon. and as soon as D3 comes out i will be buying it and most likely be making a barbarian or possibly a witch doctor... depends... i already have characters made in d2 uswest non ladder.