It's not demons, ghosts, and a cellar. It's Damonen, Geister, and Kellerschacht. Which has not association with demons for me whatsoever. I don't know German. I don't care for the translation much...
I have no idea. Which is my point. When I hear those songs, I don't associate them with demons because German is nowhere near a language that I am familliar with.
It's not demons, ghosts, and a cellar. It's Damonen, Geister, and Kellerschacht. Which has not association with demons for me whatsoever. I don't know German. I don't care for the translation much...
Huh? but thats what those words mean. Geister is german for ghost or spirit. Damonen is german for demon. if it were in english that what he would be saying., but since Rammstein comes from Germany, Till Lindermann sings in german.
and i do know some german. i took german in school for 1 year. (plus i have some german friends) so when i hear the lyrics "Dämonen Geister schwarze Feen" i know what he is talking about.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
How dim can you be? I don't know German. And I think most of this forum, and most of potential recruits wouldn't. Maybe they like Rammstein, I don't know. I would prefer if the songs were in English. Or, perhaps, without words at all. There is no way I can associate that song with it's translation if I don't directly understand it.
''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
I would prefer if the songs were in English. Or, perhaps, without words at all.
i agree, if i had the instrumental version i would have suggested using it, but i dont.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
I don't dislike foreign languages. I already told you that I like Rammstein, and I am a fan of Pink Floyd, and they are English, anyway. I just don't associate foreign songs with their lyrics because I have no idea what those songs are about. I just listen to the tone itself and that's it, and I can set up my own kind of interpretation (which is usually very wrong), so there is no way I would associate a song about demons if I don't understand the song's language.
I hope that's clear. Sorry for my English if I have to explain this for the 5th time.
i think Metallica suits most peoples needs? though i wouldnt mind a instrumental of a sort.
metallica is kinda overated since they don't produce or make albums any more.
since "'fuel'' nerffed off all the heavy metallica fans of the way they're hair was OMFG!!!....SHORT!!!
i'm like, the heavy metal there is DEAD..DEAD!!!...DEAD!!!!!!
but although i still listen to their music quiet sometimes,....
woulda be better if they grow back their hair long again..but they're old and they're now legends.
most of all, they still hold the most heavy metal and unforgetable song that lives in each n everyone of us.
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the best BOW of DIABLO2LOD for annoying nubs in the beat this!
yes old metallica pre St. Anger stuff. back it their mullet days.
we have a thread discussing music people like to having playing in the background, on WMP or a similar program or a radio while the are playing Diablo. virtually any of the artists mentioned in that thread would be good for a guild video. Music to Diablo by
if you would like to make a video for the guild, or prehaps just the legion you are in go right ahead. we look forward to seeing what you can come up with. we should have a vote and adopt the winning video as the offical guild video. but that of course first requires some entries upon which we can vote.
-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
talk to Darjay or Carloseus. they appear to be the most experienced in this field.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
guys. all i can say is, if your thinking of metallica, i can think of several songs that would suit. yes, old, no st anger, maybe not even load or reload. but yes...i know my tallica', and ill have no problem selecting a perfect song to represent us.
well, i give props to whoever made the second video, it is very good sounding/looking, i like the guy speaking in another language, it adds some amazing effects! good job guys, keep up the good work!
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World of Warcraft - Finnegin- Level 80 Enhancement Shaman
we had a few compliants from people for the use of german in the video.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
i really want to finish it but ive run out of ideas, and after that their are slides of each of the excecution squad, a few more smaller slides and then i hit a.. well block
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If you ever meet a hafling and a hungry dragon you dont have to outrun the dragon, you only have to outrun the hafling.
it was mostly a test for me as to whether or not i have what it takes to make a SLAYERS video, and hopefully one for SICK.
i know its a bit repetative of me to use FF7 for most of the other vids i've made, but cloud is a character ive grown to see very much of myself in, and i think finally ive found a video to lay it to rest. not that i wont use the video for future projects, but im not making it %100 FF7 AC anymore.
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umm, Damonen doesnt mean demon?
Huh? but thats what those words mean. Geister is german for ghost or spirit. Damonen is german for demon. if it were in english that what he would be saying., but since Rammstein comes from Germany, Till Lindermann sings in german.
and i do know some german. i took german in school for 1 year. (plus i have some german friends) so when i hear the lyrics "Dämonen Geister schwarze Feen" i know what he is talking about.
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
i agree, if i had the instrumental version i would have suggested using it, but i dont.
I don't dislike foreign languages. I already told you that I like Rammstein, and I am a fan of Pink Floyd, and they are English, anyway. I just don't associate foreign songs with their lyrics because I have no idea what those songs are about. I just listen to the tone itself and that's it, and I can set up my own kind of interpretation (which is usually very wrong), so there is no way I would associate a song about demons if I don't understand the song's language.
I hope that's clear. Sorry for my English if I have to explain this for the 5th time.
metallica is kinda overated since they don't produce or make albums any more.
since "'fuel'' nerffed off all the heavy metallica fans of the way they're hair was OMFG!!!....SHORT!!!
i'm like, the heavy metal there is DEAD..DEAD!!!...DEAD!!!!!!
but although i still listen to their music quiet sometimes,....
woulda be better if they grow back their hair long again..but they're old and they're now legends.
most of all, they still hold the most heavy metal and unforgetable song that lives in each n everyone of us.
we have a thread discussing music people like to having playing in the background, on WMP or a similar program or a radio while the are playing Diablo. virtually any of the artists mentioned in that thread would be good for a guild video.
Music to Diablo by
if you would like to make a video for the guild, or prehaps just the legion you are in go right ahead. we look forward to seeing what you can come up with. we should have a vote and adopt the winning video as the offical guild video. but that of course first requires some entries upon which we can vote.
we have 2 thus far from dark jay, some like them some dont.
Version 1
Version 2 (unfinished)
if i knew how..
--> Roo
we had a few compliants from people for the use of german in the video.
it was mostly a test for me as to whether or not i have what it takes to make a SLAYERS video, and hopefully one for SICK.
i know its a bit repetative of me to use FF7 for most of the other vids i've made, but cloud is a character ive grown to see very much of myself in, and i think finally ive found a video to lay it to rest. not that i wont use the video for future projects, but im not making it %100 FF7 AC anymore.