Hello guys and gals, seems i have big stutter problems while playing Diablo 3 at the moment, it worked fine the last time i was playing the beta, but the FPS dips and stutter ruins the game, i have a 580 GTX and i am using the 301.24 driver.
Im having similair FPS issues, im playing steadily on high graphics in wow with 30+ fps at all times.
But in D3 i got all settings on low and i got a maximum of 21 fps and during some fights i get as low as 4 fps for no apparent reason.
Im using a Geforce GT 540M card with the latest 296.10 drivers (laptop)
Was thinking that it was the Nvidia software that did not specify to use the 540m card and instead used the crappy inbuilt one, but even though its set on the nvidia card its still bad. Can it be that it does not use the Ram properly or is it just that it doesn't use the card at all even though its "forced" to use it in the software?
Any help is greatly appreciated since i can't really play at all, except for public games where people can kill stuff for me, and how fun is it to not be able to participate in the slaughter?
I'm the same, Wow is set to high details and it plays awesomely so do most the games i have, But this is stuttering and i dont know what to do, i have a GT 555M with 296.10
I have extreme artifacting with Geforce GTS450. It is so bad that I cannot even walk down Overlook Road before the game is unplayable. I have tried the last 2 release drivers and the beta driver - no luck. Messed with settings in nVidia Control Panel - no luck.
The wierd thing is my computer can get into a "state" where the game will work for days. But I have no idea how to do that. I can restart a million times - eventually it might just work. The last time it worked, my monitor stopped going to sleep but the game played great.
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I've come for your children - Your first born
I'm the monsta - The boogieman
So mothers be warned - But you give them up gladly
I don't really have stuttering but what I do have is my screen will revert to desktop for about 2 seconds then go back into the game. Very strange. Never happens on my laptop, just my desktop running a GTX9800. Older card yes, but it runs the game well.
I am also getting the same issue GT525M seems like it must be the card, runs exactly the same on Hi/Low detail and no matter how full the party is. pretty sure i have Ambient Occlusion set to on though so will try that first. though it doesn't seem like a stutter it looks like its running fine just its seperate from the server as it seems like a massive lag spike???
it's quite hard trying to be a tank and then it stops running for 10 seconds you are just sitting there swinging away hoping they all walk into it
The wierd thing is my computer can get into a "state" where the game will work for days. But I have no idea how to do that. I can restart a million times - eventually it might just work. The last time it worked, my monitor stopped going to sleep but the game played great.
Live client hasn't be out long enough for you to say "the game will work for days"
The wierd thing is my computer can get into a "state" where the game will work for days. But I have no idea how to do that. I can restart a million times - eventually it might just work. The last time it worked, my monitor stopped going to sleep but the game played great.
Live client hasn't be out long enough for you to say "the game will work for days"
I was in the beta.
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I've come for your children - Your first born
I'm the monsta - The boogieman
So mothers be warned - But you give them up gladly
I tried all this stuff with NVidia card and options still no dice, it just lags where i can run to the edge of the map and everything, maybe more to do with Australia than the card I reckon as i tried lowest possible settings and it seemed exactly the same despite a better frame rate.
mine doesn't stutter or anything, it stops and 10 seconds later i'm dead.
would be nice if they at least said they were looking into it and an update on the status, no dice though.
I'm not sure if this is the same problem as I have, but I'll post what I'm experiencing anyway and hope that someone knows a solution.
My laptop is a Samsung RF511. According to the benchtests in the sticky, ( if I understood wth I was looking at) I should be able to play this game on high. I have played Skyrim and BF3 on maximum settings with very low FPS lag.
Now to my explanation of what's going on.
I lag. Hard. For some reason I can't seem to get over the 5-15 FPS mark with everything turned off, or set to low. I have no clue how I managed to get through Nightmare mode with this. It's sort of unplayable. When I run around in towns, I can get lucky and get up to 20-30 FPS, but as soon as there's a mob nearby the game just.. dies... It's like playing the game in constant slowmotion :\ I looked around the net for possible solutions, but the tips that were out there did not help.
I've tried tweaking pretty much everything I can imagine in the nVidia setupthingie, but to no avail. Anyone out there who knows how to fix this? :))
Yeah, I get the stuttering with my GTX 680. Nvidia have said it's due to the GPU boost feature on the 600 cards and it should be fixed in the June update.
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The question isn't why do I kill. The question is, why I don't kill everybody.
I continued to get the 'black screen' at random times and especially on damn boss fights. When the graphics would come back up, of course im dead.
My resolution to this was simple and was off of a post I saw a blue reply to, it instructed to simply turn the max foreground fps down to something much lower, like 60.
I made this change (I use an nvidia 9800 gtx w/ current driver) and my problems are solved, I no longer have a black screen, i have no stuttering and it doens't matter how big of a pack i encounter.
I have tried to get my thread stickied on the Blizzard forums without any success. It has a lot of tips to improve performance in the game. In my case, the ramdisk trick made a huge difference on stuttering. I even went back to HDD install to make sure I wasn't imagining things and the 1-2 second constant stuttering came back. With it on a ramdisk it's more of a microstutter and a lot less annoying.
Anyone experiencing the same problems?
I'll mess around a bit
I'm the same, Wow is set to high details and it plays awesomely so do most the games i have, But this is stuttering and i dont know what to do, i have a GT 555M with 296.10
A QUADRILLION MAGIC FIND is worthless if you can't kill shit!
The wierd thing is my computer can get into a "state" where the game will work for days. But I have no idea how to do that. I can restart a million times - eventually it might just work. The last time it worked, my monitor stopped going to sleep but the game played great.
it's quite hard trying to be a tank and then it stops running for 10 seconds you are just sitting there swinging away hoping they all walk into it
Live client hasn't be out long enough for you to say "the game will work for days"
Battle.net Profile / Diablo Progress Profile
I was in the beta.
mine doesn't stutter or anything, it stops and 10 seconds later i'm dead.
would be nice if they at least said they were looking into it and an update on the status, no dice though.
My laptop is a Samsung RF511. According to the benchtests in the sticky, ( if I understood wth I was looking at) I should be able to play this game on high. I have played Skyrim and BF3 on maximum settings with very low FPS lag.
Now to my explanation of what's going on.
I lag. Hard. For some reason I can't seem to get over the 5-15 FPS mark with everything turned off, or set to low. I have no clue how I managed to get through Nightmare mode with this. It's sort of unplayable. When I run around in towns, I can get lucky and get up to 20-30 FPS, but as soon as there's a mob nearby the game just.. dies... It's like playing the game in constant slowmotion :\ I looked around the net for possible solutions, but the tips that were out there did not help.
I've tried tweaking pretty much everything I can imagine in the nVidia setupthingie, but to no avail. Anyone out there who knows how to fix this? :))
was having a play around on the weekend, still get massive latency issues but here are some options that fixed my framerate.
Optical Occlusion - OFF
Pre Rendered Frames - 0
Threaded Optimization - OFF
I have done a few other things but the Threaded Optimization was what fixed the stuttering.
My resolution to this was simple and was off of a post I saw a blue reply to, it instructed to simply turn the max foreground fps down to something much lower, like 60.
I made this change (I use an nvidia 9800 gtx w/ current driver) and my problems are solved, I no longer have a black screen, i have no stuttering and it doens't matter how big of a pack i encounter.
Here is the link: