Hi everyone,
Since I found the Wand of Woh,I went through different setups of gear and skills.
In the past 2-3 weeks since then,I have been working on optimizing through farming crafting gambeling and enchanting,as much as I can till I was able to run T5 and T6 with it.
Today I made this video in which I explain the basics of the build,and going into details discussing several gear veriations and setups,presenting all I have learned so far,to you.This is a long video,but I cover in details every aspect of the build and gear setup I have thought of.
You are of course also welcome to join my live stream on Twitch.TV.
I have been streaming Diablo III over a year now every day,this is the only game I play.
one thing, cuz at ur vid with chain reaction u had 12 explosions, i have only 6 (3+3) how u get 12?, with short fuse i have 4 explosions (this rune i wanna use with higher cdr.
also as its kinda male wizz, i use spectral blade to get more fire dmg
ye but at his video at 1:05 u can see that there is around 12 explosions. at minehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFGPRmK6brY&feature=youtu.beu can clearly see 6 explosions
fixed i just have to high ias (1.97) lowered to 1.57 and now i can see 12 explosions
I think that you've got it all wrong. +x% skill dmg is multiplied, just like elemental damage. Where does the information you claim is true come from? Source?
Hello everyone. I need some help with my wizard. Acually I am using frost build, and at first addon day I've got this wand:
Could some one tell me what I can do with it? Is it good roll? What I should rerol to use it? What skill build should I use to be awesome. Actually I've tried use this weapon, but seems to be I should use some specific build to make this explosions more effective.Muchappreciateany help.
Hey,everyone,thanks for watching the video,I know it is lengthy and I also know there is so much more to tell about this wand and also other possibilities to discuss.
Regarding the hexing pants,it is important for me to mention that I use them simply because I use the explosive blasts as my only source of damage,and while moving around I get the damage buff.For a magic missile conflegrate or wave of force builds I would use instead the captain crimson pants with a herrington waistguard or tal rasha's belt for some set bonuses.I've tried the pox faulds and I don't think the damage you're getting there is close to the CDR you're getting from the crimson's or the hexing pants damage buff.
When it comes to arcane damage build,the moonlight ward does indeed have a nice hidden bonus damage proc,but I find it lackluster on higher torment difficulties,and also,the high downtime between explosions makes dealing consistant dps with chain reaction the better choice to my taste.
After Kadala declaired her love to my by giving me my magefists,it is hard for me to even consider to go back to arcane
About the discussion on how damage is calculated,I would like to apologize for making mistake when I made the video.I now stand corrected and know the facts - all dps modifiers : bonus skill damage, bonus elemental damage and bonus damage to elites are multiplicative. Taken from this wonderful thread by Apo: https://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/8770117237
To perma stun/freeze boss mobs, you need to apply a ~1.8sec stun every .5 seconds. Basically, it's not gonna happen. Elites are slightly easier to perma freeze in that I think the stun duration only needs to be 1.5seconds, but still needs to be applied every .5seconds.
The only way I can think this MIGHT be possible, is a lightning wiz, with a wyrdward, paralysis, electrocute, and an insane attack rate, and then if you wanted to perma stun bosses, you'd need that neck that increased stun duration (http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/dovu-energy-trap). Even then, I doubt the proc rate would be high enough to perma stun.
If you wished to do so with frost nova, you'd need the cd on frost nova to be 1.05sec(86% CDR) for elites and 0.9(88% CDR) for bosses. (only for the cold snap rune)
That being said, spamming frost nova on cooldown + Teleport Calamity between will get you pretty damn close.
Edit: (actually came to point out the error in the explosive blast bonus dmg calculations, but saw it was already amended. If you want to understand how crowd control works better https://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/8770117237#3 , same link that Moses linked just a couple posts above)
Edit2: Not that it is related to this build, but you could probably perma stun using gesture of orpheus + frost nova and a very high CDR build.
Edit3: I could be wrong, but pretty sure all legendary sources will have 5 primaries except for the dud which is chantodos. The damage roll is innate to sources, plus the standard 4/2 split of primary/secondary.
Is there a secret to using chain instead of short fuse? 12*320 vs 4*909 is close and you get insta cast.
I think it's just personal preference. The insta cast doesn't matter, as with Chain Reaction it will look like you're constantly casting EB, having non-stop explosions, even with relatively low CDR. With low CDR, there's a noticeable gap between two EB casts.
Don't have a level 70 Wand of Woh (but a level 60 one), and I used to switch to Short Fuse when I had an Empowerment Shrine effect, Chain Reaction otherwise - with very low CDR, though (40%).
Very nice video. Could've used some gameplay at the end, but I consider build and item explanations more important.
Personally, I would make use of that Mirrorball and take MM-Conflag over basically anything in that build. It's just too strong vs single targets. It's tempting to use all cooldown based skills, when you already run a lot of cdr, but I think, the output is higher with MMs.
That being said, I use Crimson Pants, the Harrington Belt and Unwavering Will.
I also use Short Fuse, because I prefer the instant effect when I press the button. I suppose Chain Reaction is more effective if you're spamming the key, but I don't know, if I want to re-install AHK. Any idea, if Blizzard's stance has changed regarding that?
I guess chain is better for higher t lvls when you can lock down enemies more effectively. Rotating black hole and freeze seems to work great if you can get used to the timing. Im at 51% cdr and there is only a very small gap, once i get my shoulders and ring rerolled for cooldown it should be ready after the 4th explosion.
Does chain reaction stack? With enough cdr could the first two blasts hit along with the last two blasts of my previous cast?
I don't think there's too much. 72.15% is max CDR (see http://www.bannedofgamers.com/index.php?cdr/), at which point you definitely want Short Fuse rather than Chain Reaction, at least that was my impression when I was at ~73% with Empowered Shrine. But it definitely wasn't "too much", it's still ~1.67s downtime.
Maybe it's too much, maybe it'll make you OP. Who knows? If it's too much and you hit a global cooldown wall it still doesn't matter. This situation would occur for 1% of your game time, and I'd definitely absolutely never gimp myself by removing a useful stat like 8% CDR just because in case I ever run into this 1% situation my build is "sub-optimal".
If you want to ask that as a theoretical question, if there is such a global cooldown, someone who actually has that gear and a level 70 Wand should let us know. Since I don't have one I don't have lots of CDR gear yet (probably not more than 45%), so I can't really test that. But it's only for theorycrafting. In practice the answer is: no, you cannot have too much CDR.
Very nice video. Could've used some gameplay at the end
Yes,but I hardly ever present gameplay in the actual vid.My vids are for explenations and the stream (~10 hours a day) is for gameplay thanks for watching though.
Personally, I would make use of that Mirrorball and take MM-Conflag over basically anything in that build. It's just too strong vs single targets. It's tempting to use all cooldown based skills, when you already run a lot of cdr, but I think, the output is higher with MMs
Well,the use of MM conflegrate is optional indeed,and this is a question that rises A LOT on stream.
There are few reasons why MM is not good for my build\gear setup(or wave of force for that matter):
1)MM does not benefit from %EB bonus damage that I have on chest or on offhand(since I am not using cindercoat or firebird's OH),and so only getting 80% fire damage that I stack on gear(with TR bonus).
2)Using MM makes me stop and cast,which with the hexing pants will cause a damage debuff of 25%.(I rather leave stutter stepping for DH's,this kind of gameplay also makes the build very clancky and not flowing).
3)(and probably most important reason) MM Needs attack speed so more DoTs will stack on targets for long duration fights(Extra health elites on T6 or Rift guardians),since I have literally 1.4 attack speed(no APS mods on gear only CDR to maximize EB efficiency),I cannot stack enough DoT damage on targets,this type of build (MM conflegrate) requires an entirely different gear setup(focused on attack speed ,fire damage MM bonus damage) in order to melt things and after trying to combine it in my build (instead of "basically anything in that build" to your words),I found that the MM edition only crippled me.Making ~4-5 M crits when my EB crits for 25.
Of course ,1,2,3 are not there to imply that different people with different gear setups would not be able to make use of that skill(Wave of force included),on the contrary,I've read some good comments on forums about that,but for my personal taste and experience,and for the way I wanted to make the build,it simply does not fit.
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Since I found the Wand of Woh,I went through different setups of gear and skills.
In the past 2-3 weeks since then,I have been working on optimizing through farming crafting gambeling and enchanting,as much as I can till I was able to run T5 and T6 with it.
Today I made this video in which I explain the basics of the build,and going into details discussing several gear veriations and setups,presenting all I have learned so far,to you.This is a long video,but I cover in details every aspect of the build and gear setup I have thought of.
I hope you enjoy,and good luck in your journey!
You are of course also welcome to join my live stream on Twitch.TV.
I have been streaming Diablo III over a year now every day,this is the only game I play.
50cdr atm, aiming for 60+
one thing, cuz at ur vid with chain reaction u had 12 explosions, i have only 6 (3+3) how u get 12?, with short fuse i have 4 explosions (this rune i wanna use with higher cdr.
also as its kinda male wizz, i use spectral blade to get more fire dmg
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ye but at his video at 1:05 u can see that there is around 12 explosions.at minehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFGPRmK6brY&feature=youtu.beu can clearly see 6 explosionsfixed
Click to check my Diablo Progress profile
Thank you for an excellent guide! What's your battletag? EU? I would appreciate a link please.
Click to check my Diablo Progress profile
I think that you've got it all wrong. +x% skill dmg is multiplied, just like elemental damage. Where does the information you claim is true come from? Source?
Could some one tell me what I can do with it? Is it good roll? What I should rerol to use it? What skill build should I use to be awesome. Actually I've tried use this weapon, but seems to be I should use some specific build to make this explosions more effective.Muchappreciateany help.
Thanks. Will do that.
Regarding the hexing pants,it is important for me to mention that I use them simply because I use the explosive blasts as my only source of damage,and while moving around I get the damage buff.For a magic missile conflegrate or wave of force builds I would use instead the captain crimson pants with a herrington waistguard or tal rasha's belt for some set bonuses.I've tried the pox faulds and I don't think the damage you're getting there is close to the CDR you're getting from the crimson's or the hexing pants damage buff.
When it comes to arcane damage build,the moonlight ward does indeed have a nice hidden bonus damage proc,but I find it lackluster on higher torment difficulties,and also,the high downtime between explosions makes dealing consistant dps with chain reaction the better choice to my taste.
After Kadala declaired her love to my by giving me my magefists,it is hard for me to even consider to go back to arcane
About the discussion on how damage is calculated,I would like to apologize for making mistake when I made the video.I now stand corrected and know the facts - all dps modifiers : bonus skill damage, bonus elemental damage and bonus damage to elites are multiplicative. Taken from this wonderful thread by Apo: https://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/8770117237
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Avxzyy5pHlsZdDZoVzNQeVl3XzA3bExpdk5yTVdaV1E ATTENTION. FOLLOW THIS LINK IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW DAMAGE CALCULATION WORKS.
Hit CTRL+F, type "#33" and it will take you to the block where damage calculation is explained.
Here's my profile for those who asked:http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Moses-2279/hero/1758942
Thanks again everyone and take care.
The only way I can think this MIGHT be possible, is a lightning wiz, with a wyrdward, paralysis, electrocute, and an insane attack rate, and then if you wanted to perma stun bosses, you'd need that neck that increased stun duration (http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/dovu-energy-trap). Even then, I doubt the proc rate would be high enough to perma stun.
If you wished to do so with frost nova, you'd need the cd on frost nova to be 1.05sec(86% CDR) for elites and 0.9(88% CDR) for bosses. (only for the cold snap rune)
That being said, spamming frost nova on cooldown + Teleport Calamity between will get you pretty damn close.
Edit: (actually came to point out the error in the explosive blast bonus dmg calculations, but saw it was already amended. If you want to understand how crowd control works better https://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/8770117237#3 , same link that Moses linked just a couple posts above)
Edit2: Not that it is related to this build, but you could probably perma stun using gesture of orpheus + frost nova and a very high CDR build.
Edit3: I could be wrong, but pretty sure all legendary sources will have 5 primaries except for the dud which is chantodos. The damage roll is innate to sources, plus the standard 4/2 split of primary/secondary.
Late edit: and yes using the 65 and 70% cc resistance. So you can stun/freeze for a while before they reach that cap.
I think it's just personal preference. The insta cast doesn't matter, as with Chain Reaction it will look like you're constantly casting EB, having non-stop explosions, even with relatively low CDR. With low CDR, there's a noticeable gap between two EB casts.
Don't have a level 70 Wand of Woh (but a level 60 one), and I used to switch to Short Fuse when I had an Empowerment Shrine effect, Chain Reaction otherwise - with very low CDR, though (40%).
Personally, I would make use of that Mirrorball and take MM-Conflag over basically anything in that build. It's just too strong vs single targets. It's tempting to use all cooldown based skills, when you already run a lot of cdr, but I think, the output is higher with MMs.
That being said, I use Crimson Pants, the Harrington Belt and Unwavering Will.
I also use Short Fuse, because I prefer the instant effect when I press the button. I suppose Chain Reaction is more effective if you're spamming the key, but I don't know, if I want to re-install AHK. Any idea, if Blizzard's stance has changed regarding that?
Does chain reaction stack? With enough cdr could the first two blasts hit along with the last two blasts of my previous cast?
I don't think there's too much. 72.15% is max CDR (see http://www.bannedofgamers.com/index.php?cdr/), at which point you definitely want Short Fuse rather than Chain Reaction, at least that was my impression when I was at ~73% with Empowered Shrine. But it definitely wasn't "too much", it's still ~1.67s downtime.
Maybe it's too much, maybe it'll make you OP. Who knows? If it's too much and you hit a global cooldown wall it still doesn't matter. This situation would occur for 1% of your game time, and I'd definitely absolutely never gimp myself by removing a useful stat like 8% CDR just because in case I ever run into this 1% situation my build is "sub-optimal".
If you want to ask that as a theoretical question, if there is such a global cooldown, someone who actually has that gear and a level 70 Wand should let us know. Since I don't have one I don't have lots of CDR gear yet (probably not more than 45%), so I can't really test that. But it's only for theorycrafting. In practice the answer is: no, you cannot have too much CDR.
Well,the use of MM conflegrate is optional indeed,and this is a question that rises A LOT on stream.
There are few reasons why MM is not good for my build\gear setup(or wave of force for that matter):
1)MM does not benefit from %EB bonus damage that I have on chest or on offhand(since I am not using cindercoat or firebird's OH),and so only getting 80% fire damage that I stack on gear(with TR bonus).
2)Using MM makes me stop and cast,which with the hexing pants will cause a damage debuff of 25%.(I rather leave stutter stepping for DH's,this kind of gameplay also makes the build very clancky and not flowing).
3)(and probably most important reason) MM Needs attack speed so more DoTs will stack on targets for long duration fights(Extra health elites on T6 or Rift guardians),since I have literally 1.4 attack speed(no APS mods on gear only CDR to maximize EB efficiency),I cannot stack enough DoT damage on targets,this type of build (MM conflegrate) requires an entirely different gear setup(focused on attack speed ,fire damage MM bonus damage) in order to melt things and after trying to combine it in my build (instead of "basically anything in that build" to your words),I found that the MM edition only crippled me.Making ~4-5 M crits when my EB crits for 25.
Of course ,1,2,3 are not there to imply that different people with different gear setups would not be able to make use of that skill(Wave of force included),on the contrary,I've read some good comments on forums about that,but for my personal taste and experience,and for the way I wanted to make the build,it simply does not fit.