I am not using hydras. I am getting quite fed up with this build NOT hitting things that are directly in front of it. I do not use Zei's...I am not using PH. I am watching the beam pass right through mobs and not do ANYTHING at all. My wizard is in full ancients with fairly solid rolls...all of her gear is augmented at 300+ intellect. I am working on getting them to 400+. Her gems are at level 80.
It becomes insanely frustrating to have to wiggle the beam back and forth like an epileptic in order to proc Manald Heal. I do like the build, but it seems if you have ANY latency issues at all it simply does not work. It's pretty pathetic when an EB build outperforms my archon at GR79. It would be a lot more fun to actually hit my targets.
Any ideas what might be causing the beam to not do anything whatsoever? It gets completely frustrating to watch other wizards in similar gear breezing through a GR of this level while mine takes four cycles to kill a pack because the beam misses.
I usually go into archon with the T6 bonus fully stacked...and then start ramping up Gogok and building the first set of stacks...but it really grinds my gears to get up to 70+ stacks and reset archon for an elite pack kill only to have the beam fail. Tips would be greatly appreciated...because I am about to flip out.
What is your attack speed? You need all the stacks of gogok and vyr 4 piece set to get all the attack speed you can get. Try aim for around 2.0 attack speed i buffed and close to 5 with all the buffs. Higher attack speeds will proc manald heal more often.
Also, you do know the huge damage comes directly after popping into Archon for 8 seconds while the Tal Rasha is active. The rest of the Archon time is just base damage (whatever Archon stacks you have) and whatever Manald Heal deals out. Another good reason to have Zei's gem socketed for more damage.
Thats why the hydras come into play as you now have three sources to proc Manald Heal.
Or to the most extreme you have the COE version which has all the stacks of Archon, COE, Tal Rasha, and Black hole overlapping for those 8 seconds.
This is on the second cycle of archon with the overlap from Swami, 15 stacks of Gogok and the full bonus from T6. I understand the origin of damage in the build...but do not understand how it is doing absolutely NO damage when these conditions have been met in a GR below 80. It's maddening.
Super fun to watch the beam go through mobs and not do anything. Then it is backtracking to the entrance of the rift to try to find the "right" angle to shoot...and then do the same thing again when it fails as well. This happens with:
-both high and low archon stacks
-both high and low Gogok stacks
-full T6 bonus (4 stacks)
-both +2/-2 APS
It is happening in rifts below GR70 and above. It's a crying shame when an EB build outperforms archon due to the stupid beam not being worth a damn. I've had this happen with and without Zei's...with and without Power Hungry...with and without Starfire. It's beyond retarded.
Is this happening on single targets? I've noticed it's hard to target single enemies and just skip them to find bigger mobs. And dealing with just one enemy - as in the Rift Guardian, the Bane of the Stricken gem is a must.
I find it helpful to aim at the feet of the target model. I don't wiggle per say, but sometimes i edge it in very slowly. Typically this helps with smaller monsters or the 'floating' monsters.
There is some amount of chance due to paralysis, but you can limit this with being at higher attack speeds. I also find repositioning helps find the better angles to deal damage in, and also keeps you alive more than not.
Thanks. I will check this out a bit later. It gets old fighting an RG for three minutes because you just aren't hitting it. This happens with both clusters of mobs and single targets. It's making archon "unfun".
Edit: This is solid advice, Cratic. I guess when playing D3, I should remember to "aim low". Clipping toes of mobs seems to be far more effective.
I am not using hydras. I am getting quite fed up with this build NOT hitting things that are directly in front of it. I do not use Zei's...I am not using PH. I am watching the beam pass right through mobs and not do ANYTHING at all. My wizard is in full ancients with fairly solid rolls...all of her gear is augmented at 300+ intellect. I am working on getting them to 400+. Her gems are at level 80.
It becomes insanely frustrating to have to wiggle the beam back and forth like an epileptic in order to proc Manald Heal. I do like the build, but it seems if you have ANY latency issues at all it simply does not work. It's pretty pathetic when an EB build outperforms my archon at GR79. It would be a lot more fun to actually hit my targets.
Any ideas what might be causing the beam to not do anything whatsoever? It gets completely frustrating to watch other wizards in similar gear breezing through a GR of this level while mine takes four cycles to kill a pack because the beam misses.
I usually go into archon with the T6 bonus fully stacked...and then start ramping up Gogok and building the first set of stacks...but it really grinds my gears to get up to 70+ stacks and reset archon for an elite pack kill only to have the beam fail. Tips would be greatly appreciated...because I am about to flip out.
What is your attack speed? You need all the stacks of gogok and vyr 4 piece set to get all the attack speed you can get. Try aim for around 2.0 attack speed i buffed and close to 5 with all the buffs. Higher attack speeds will proc manald heal more often.
Also, you do know the huge damage comes directly after popping into Archon for 8 seconds while the Tal Rasha is active. The rest of the Archon time is just base damage (whatever Archon stacks you have) and whatever Manald Heal deals out. Another good reason to have Zei's gem socketed for more damage.
Thats why the hydras come into play as you now have three sources to proc Manald Heal.
Or to the most extreme you have the COE version which has all the stacks of Archon, COE, Tal Rasha, and Black hole overlapping for those 8 seconds.
This is on the second cycle of archon with the overlap from Swami, 15 stacks of Gogok and the full bonus from T6. I understand the origin of damage in the build...but do not understand how it is doing absolutely NO damage when these conditions have been met in a GR below 80. It's maddening.
Super fun to watch the beam go through mobs and not do anything. Then it is backtracking to the entrance of the rift to try to find the "right" angle to shoot...and then do the same thing again when it fails as well. This happens with:
-both high and low archon stacks
-both high and low Gogok stacks
-full T6 bonus (4 stacks)
-both +2/-2 APS
It is happening in rifts below GR70 and above. It's a crying shame when an EB build outperforms archon due to the stupid beam not being worth a damn. I've had this happen with and without Zei's...with and without Power Hungry...with and without Starfire. It's beyond retarded.
Is this happening on single targets? I've noticed it's hard to target single enemies and just skip them to find bigger mobs. And dealing with just one enemy - as in the Rift Guardian, the Bane of the Stricken gem is a must.
I find it helpful to aim at the feet of the target model. I don't wiggle per say, but sometimes i edge it in very slowly. Typically this helps with smaller monsters or the 'floating' monsters.
There is some amount of chance due to paralysis, but you can limit this with being at higher attack speeds. I also find repositioning helps find the better angles to deal damage in, and also keeps you alive more than not.
Thanks. I will check this out a bit later. It gets old fighting an RG for three minutes because you just aren't hitting it. This happens with both clusters of mobs and single targets. It's making archon "unfun".
Edit: This is solid advice, Cratic. I guess when playing D3, I should remember to "aim low". Clipping toes of mobs seems to be far more effective.