I'm rolling with the standard archon vyr/tal with mandal and lightning damage but I'm curious if I've understood the basics of this build. When do I do damage? It feel so inconsistent. Most of the time I do zero damage, things with 10% hp (gr75) just won't go down if I don't channel lightning right at them for several seconds. Then I come to an elite and they get oneshoted. Is this how the build works? Is it only in the paralysis window I do any and all my damage?
I'm also curious if the channel lightning beam when in archon is hard to hit with? At least it feels as if the reach is WAY longer than it's animation. Would be grateful for any help to understand basics
Archon beam deals 700% weapon damage, MH procs deal 14000%, so yeah. The MH procs make up most of your damage.
The spikes you see are related to you either proccing a lot of MH damage or you having or not having tal rasha stacks (remember that the difference between 1 stack and 4 stacks of TR is the difference between multiplying your damage with 8 vs multiplaying it with 31)
Most of you damage is under 4 tal rasha stacks + 50 on top of 50 overlapping archon stacks. Then it just starts to fade off and you do no damage/aggro mobs till next archon
I'm rolling with the standard archon vyr/tal with mandal and lightning damage but I'm curious if I've understood the basics of this build. When do I do damage? It feel so inconsistent. Most of the time I do zero damage, things with 10% hp (gr75) just won't go down if I don't channel lightning right at them for several seconds. Then I come to an elite and they get oneshoted. Is this how the build works? Is it only in the paralysis window I do any and all my damage?
I'm also curious if the channel lightning beam when in archon is hard to hit with? At least it feels as if the reach is WAY longer than it's animation. Would be grateful for any help to understand basics
Archon beam deals 700% weapon damage, MH procs deal 14000%, so yeah. The MH procs make up most of your damage.
The spikes you see are related to you either proccing a lot of MH damage or you having or not having tal rasha stacks (remember that the difference between 1 stack and 4 stacks of TR is the difference between multiplying your damage with 8 vs multiplaying it with 31)
Most of you damage is under 4 tal rasha stacks + 50 on top of 50 overlapping archon stacks. Then it just starts to fade off and you do no damage/aggro mobs till next archon