hey, i wanted to ask the people who've been on the PTR, what builds are topping the boards now? and what's the new gr cap? assuming that not much has changed to the sets and the only thing that's really changed is the Companion nerf, we can expect the same result as this season with an ever so slightly lower gr cap?
on a side note, anything broken now that'll most likely go live? like twister? lol
"Top builds on PTR" are meaningless, for two main reasons:
1) The amount of people testing on PTR is abysmal. Top builds are almost never discovered on PTR, but much later (and if someone finds them on PTR they usually hide them). If people were to find top/OP builds on PTR Blizzard oftentimes nerfed them in the past, which obviously alienated testers. But in general, this PTR is a wasteland, almost no one playing. To give you an idea: With GR50 you get on the leaderboard with DH, monk, and WD. On the other six leaderboards (crus, barb, wiz, and 2p/3p/4p) the leaderboard isn't even full yet, so any GR gets you a ranking. Currently the lowest rank on 4p is #74. A total of 24 groups have tested 4 player gameplay on PTR (NS SC, which is where high-level testing is being done by high-end players). HIghest GR is 101 in 11 minutes with 3+1 Twister meta, so obviously people stopped testing when they realized that.
2) Twister is still broken on PTR, but Blizzard made it pretty clear that they'll nerf it, so we're all waiting for that final nerf, although it seems we're running out of time. So we're in this state where we don't know if Blizzard is just overlooking this and S7 will be the same as S6, or if we'll see another PTR patch with some changes. There's already another patch on the way, but not many changes in the datamining.
Meh, I just realized after writing this you're probably only asking about DH. Highest clear is GR91 (LoN), there are some other clears with 2 M6 + 2 Shadow, UE, and so on but they're all GR88 or lower (at paragon 3000) so quite meaningless. All the top DH players have not ranked on PTR, so same is true here: almost no testing done. But as you said, probably just a bit lower than last season and no changes overall.
hey, i wanted to ask the people who've been on the PTR, what builds are topping the boards now? and what's the new gr cap? assuming that not much has changed to the sets and the only thing that's really changed is the Companion nerf, we can expect the same result as this season with an ever so slightly lower gr cap?
on a side note, anything broken now that'll most likely go live? like twister? lol
Season 7 Hardcore Demon Huntard #14 @ GR78
Unhallowed Essence Multishot Guide
"Top builds on PTR" are meaningless, for two main reasons:
1) The amount of people testing on PTR is abysmal. Top builds are almost never discovered on PTR, but much later (and if someone finds them on PTR they usually hide them). If people were to find top/OP builds on PTR Blizzard oftentimes nerfed them in the past, which obviously alienated testers. But in general, this PTR is a wasteland, almost no one playing. To give you an idea: With GR50 you get on the leaderboard with DH, monk, and WD. On the other six leaderboards (crus, barb, wiz, and 2p/3p/4p) the leaderboard isn't even full yet, so any GR gets you a ranking. Currently the lowest rank on 4p is #74. A total of 24 groups have tested 4 player gameplay on PTR (NS SC, which is where high-level testing is being done by high-end players). HIghest GR is 101 in 11 minutes with 3+1 Twister meta, so obviously people stopped testing when they realized that.
2) Twister is still broken on PTR, but Blizzard made it pretty clear that they'll nerf it, so we're all waiting for that final nerf, although it seems we're running out of time. So we're in this state where we don't know if Blizzard is just overlooking this and S7 will be the same as S6, or if we'll see another PTR patch with some changes. There's already another patch on the way, but not many changes in the datamining.
Meh, I just realized after writing this you're probably only asking about DH. Highest clear is GR91 (LoN), there are some other clears with 2 M6 + 2 Shadow, UE, and so on but they're all GR88 or lower (at paragon 3000) so quite meaningless. All the top DH players have not ranked on PTR, so same is true here: almost no testing done. But as you said, probably just a bit lower than last season and no changes overall.
hehe gotcha, thanks^^
Season 7 Hardcore Demon Huntard #14 @ GR78
Unhallowed Essence Multishot Guide