Played about 800 hours of D3 and took a break for past year or so (mostly playing Marvel Heroes - 1700+ hours there). Came back to RoS last week, leveled my Wiz, WD and DH to 70 and now working on the Monk and Barbarian before starting a new Crusader. Also did some adventure mode but mostly doing act 5 to get everyone to 70 before I go Adventure mode only, so not geared (yet) for Torment runs, but will be soon enough :-)
Also have a few levl 60 HC but won' get to them soon
Just like the OP,I play almost every day and would like he option to have people I can party with, but also not looking for a clan with "forced participation"
I am a active Wizard (main character) and looking for a mature and active clan to join.
I have played Diablo 3 since release of the original game (with a little break before RoS came out), so I have some experience with the game.
I play almost every day, but I'm not looking for a clan with forced participation in events.
Feel free to ask any questions if there's something you want to know.
Played about 800 hours of D3 and took a break for past year or so (mostly playing Marvel Heroes - 1700+ hours there). Came back to RoS last week, leveled my Wiz, WD and DH to 70 and now working on the Monk and Barbarian before starting a new Crusader. Also did some adventure mode but mostly doing act 5 to get everyone to 70 before I go Adventure mode only, so not geared (yet) for Torment runs, but will be soon enough :-)
Also have a few levl 60 HC but won' get to them soon
Just like the OP,I play almost every day and would like he option to have people I can party with, but also not looking for a clan with "forced participation"
My Battletag is Undrtaker#1634 -
And there is only one thing we say to Death. Not today.