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    posted a message on Character uniqueness?
    This thread? Again?

    1. You only have ~10 skills and ~ 4 passives unlocked, out of the potential ~120 skills (runestones) and ~ 20 passives available per class.
    2. Stat points were broken. They created an issue where if you screwed up you couldn't use half the gear you wanted, or it made you not able to kill anything in the second half of the difficulties. But alas, stat points are still in the game, but they are on gear instead of given per level. This makes the game that much more custom because you choose which gear with which stats you want. A far better system.
    3. Having to level a new character every time you wanted to try a different build was also broken. Don't mistake something that was in D2 for good, just because it was in D2. There's nothing that stops you from leveling another character if you so choose, but the majority of the player base don't WANT to level the same class twice or 6 times.

    All in all the removal of stat points is a great move, and your toon feels the same because there are almost no options available in the beta that will be at release, including later level spells, runes, passives and gear.

    Ask yourself, why do you care so much that i can swap skills when i want? Why do you want to put such a penalty on it? There's no good reason because it's a control issue; For some reason people with your mindset have a seriously hard problem thinking that someone else in a different game that you'll probably never meet is able to switch skills. In my opinion the system in place now is awesome, and it bugs me that you want to control how I play the game. Nothing is stopping YOU from keeping whatever build you want, and in all actuality the majority of players will end up sticking with one build. But If they wanted to change, there's the option.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on World of Diablo
    Blizzard is not only a part of diablo, they made diablo what it is today. North wanted diablo to be a turn based claymation rpg, blizzard changed that. I for one would not be in love with diablo if it had stayed the same. Take a look at the 2005 D3 screenshots that North wanted. Terrible. they looked almost worse than D2, and I loved D2.

    Not only is Blizzard moving Diablo in the right direction, it's because of direct action from Blizzard that we love diablo the way we do today, even D1 and D2.

    1. Not sure if that's a typo, but wow never had a single player option.
    2. nitty gritty dark graphics were because of an extremely limited color pallet, and even more limited computers that customers used.
    3. light radius was almost completely taken out in D2, so not really sure where you're going with that. Half + of D2 you couldn't even notice if you had light radius on. Also, you haven't seen 1/100th of D3's dungeons, which they've stated change from well lit (the cathedral) to dark.
    4. Stat points actually gave you less options, because you were committed to them. D3 you choose your stats by choosing gear, giving players more options.
    5. Character diversity? D3 is using the 5 basic archetypes, and actually have made them far more interesting than D1 and D2 imo.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Cow level in Diablo 3?
    I'm.... I'm slightly disgusted you've never played D1 or D2.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Do you have any special talents?
    I can forum troll AND flame at the same time ! =D
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on problems with new skill swapping system?
    Quote from WishedHeHadBeta

    Quote from Molster

    which is why everyone was mad at it >_> =P

    I also like how you trust in my blue post knowledge when it goes with you but when it dosnt you dont believe me about a blue post hehe =P

    if someone says they agree and have proof of what you say, why question it? if someone says your incorrect and you DONT question it, well that just makes you gullable. lol

    but ya this doesnt make sense how the system is perfect if it actually worked how its worded lol. putting a CD on a new skill u wanna use is pretty much backwards. isnt it?

    so let the QQing continue!

    the link in the blue post refers to jays write up but no where in the write up does he discuss the new skill swapping....? *confusion*

    I'm in beta. I'll tell you exactly how it works.

    Boom, level up, new skill available.
    I choose an already existing skill I have to switch out, and pick a new skill.
    that new skill has a 30 sec CD before I can use it, and I also can't swap with that same skill 'slot' again.
    I also cannot swap a skill that is ON CD, such as being a wiz, and I use frost nova. I can't swap until it's CD is complete.
    You can also swap up to your 6 skills if you'd like, they would just be on CD.

    While the 30 seconds ends up feeling pretty long, this system is a GREAT compromise. I can actually use a new skill once I level while out fighting, rather than trying to find some alter. And without the ability to swap when that skill is on CD effectively stops abuse.

    On a personal note, you're being kind of a douche.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on What's the point of killing?
    It's almost like every time you try to kill a ridiculous thread.. it just keeps coming back.. stronger... whinier...
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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    posted a message on Go to Diablo 3 Snacks
    I heard mah name?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Save and exit???
    Quote from Kolos

    Quote from Firehært

    This is where you nerdraged by degrading those that want to play hardcore without the "features" you so want.

    As you said, it is a damn game. Don't cry if you lose a character. Start a new one.

    There is a reason for why they introduced a small window before you actually exit the game also why they gave stone of recall a casting time. They just didn't like how it was abused in D2. They want it to be played in another way.

    So now "raging" simply means saying you don't like the same as someone else?
    And how did this start anyway? Was I the one saying others shouldn't play the way they wanted? No, I was saying that I would like to play as I did in D2. Fans of a more hardcore HC mode have been saying all along that people who want to play D2 style HC are pussies for wanting that.
    Now for saying that I'm fine with them playing however they want, if I can play the way I used to, I'm suddenly, not even raing, but nerdraging. How does that work out?

    Also, complaining about losing a character because of a game bug, or unfair (compared to the previous diablo game) game mechanic, isn't crying. It's complaining about it and hoping it will get fixed so that random insta deaths doesn't happen in the same way anymore.

    And it wasn't abused in D2. It was used the way it was meant to. Now they just want something else from D3, and a 10s exit time is too long for me in HC. At least it would have been in D2 with so many random insta deaths. Maybe D3 won't be like that, making a 10s casting time less of a worry. However it seems to be down to 4s now, much more to my liking.

    What my real problem is situations like this: getting spotted by something like dark souls in worldstone keep from somewhere off screen where I can't see them.
    What happens is this, I walk along without seeing any mobs. Suddenly though, I see a ton of lightning coming my way from somewhere off screen, and I die. That's a random insta death. Nothing you can do about it. I don't like that, and I don't want it in D3.
    Even with the right gear for the situation, you can happen to get killed in an instant by something you didn't even see.
    If D3 doesn't have these kinds of situations, then a 10s exit might be ok, let alone a 4s casting time.

    First off you're asking for an instant out, because you took your toon too far and you're going to die. That's not HC, nor the instant save and exit.

    Second, SoR is on like a 4 second cast.

    Third, you can exit the game while moving and fighting, on a 10 second timer. If you're that big of a puss, just play with your exit game open the whole time.

    Fourth, we have no idea how disconnects from our end are handled by D3, for all we know disconnects mean an instant leave-game server side. Just unplug your shit
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on Save and exit???
    Quote from Kolos

    Lets all get this straight: playing Diablo 3 on HC, or any video game for that matter, does not make you "hardcore", bad ass, or a real man by any means, It's a damn game.
    You could be playing the hardest game known to man and still only be a little asocial kid living in his parents basement.
    Failing to acknowledging certain features of D2 missing in D3 only shows how eager you are to appear like internet toughguys.
    In D2 HC, save & exit and instant tp was the name of the game. It's what you did to get out of a tight spot. Becaues guess what, it was either doing that or losing your char.
    Choosing not to play the game as it's meant to be played (save & exit and tp being parts of the game) by not escaping a fight you know you'll loose is just dumb. You can either escape or loose your char. Loosing your char on purpose and then posting about it in an internet forum just makes you an idiot for wasting your own time without gaining anything from it - becaues lets face it, you aren't becoming more of a man by completing certain difficult videogame challenges.

    I agree with OP. D3 is missing features that made HC what it was in D2. Saying that save & exit and tp in D3 HC makes it too easy, or basically makes it SC, is just dumb as it was what made HC in D2 what it was.
    HC is having one life but also having easy exit strategies. That's how HC in D2 was. HC in D3 is a harder version of HC.
    Saying that HC has always been like that is simply wrong, as we've always been using save & exit and tp to get out of trouble, to avoid loosing our chars.

    It still surprises me to see how eager people are to prove how "hardcore" they are for beating a damn video game in a certain way.

    Save and exit and instant TP weren't features jackass, they were faults. Just like there being no actual currency in D2 was a fault, so players had to make up their own (see SOJs). Arguing that this is being changed in D3 is = to burning a cross is ridiculous. Just because it's what we did before doesn't mean it's healthy for the game or the players.

    The fact that you want an easy way out if you're in a tough spot just says to me you need to play softcore. You like the danger but 'oohhh *cring*' I don't want to actually lose!

    Also, coming onto the forums for the first time using such a heavy stream of nerdrage words to flame people about playing diablo on HC, on a diablo website, is not the best idea.
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on [BETA] Magic Find Ring
    Quote from Frozenkex

    I didnt play D2 too much , i have question, can you change gear during combat? It would be lame if the "right way" to do it in the end game becomes switching to MF gear right before boss dies or whatever.

    I was actually slightly concerned about this but there are a couple factors in place to make this not a huge issue : No mods for D3 (of course there can be keyboard macros, but damn how hard is that going to be to make), and bosses won't have the highest drop rates, but packs of champions which will have the potential to be even harder than bosses will, and if you wanted to do the switch right before they all died, it would take a lot more time to try and get each one close to death, as apposed to having your dps gear on and just killing faster.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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