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    posted a message on Ranged are at an extreme disadvantage in Inferno mode...
    Quote from abu11

    Ranged characters have range. They don't get hit if you know how to play.

    Try not getting hit with Tongue lashers with fast, extra health, jailer, invulnerable minions

    No glitches, exploits, or being way overgeared and one shotting it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Itemization and Drop Rates have got me down.

    I recently hit level 60, and now find myself in the exact situation I've been dreading for the past few weeks; I've lost interest in playing the game I have waited 10 years for.

    I play more than my fair share of videogames, and find it crazy that it took me 3 weeks to get my character to max level, yet I know the exact reason why. It wasn't because I couldn't have gotten there within the first few days, It was because I feared that I would find myself unmotivated to play the game once I reached max level, and so I attempted to prolong the leveling process as best I could.

    Diablo is a game entirely about items, the fun and engaging gameplay is just a bonus. In Diablo 2, my favourite things were trading items, and farming for more items. If you played Diablo 2 to any sort of religious status, these were your favourite things too, with PvP being the only other thing you could really do to pass your time while playing.

    With trading now completely removed from the equation, and PvP yet to arrive, we are left with but one option; to farm for items (I guess you could farm for gold, but wtf is this, WoW?). The only problem is the itemization, in my opinion, is fundamentally flawed. It has me wanting to quit, and maybe wait for a day when blizzard finally makes it fun again.

    The current system has you vying to find the best possible rolls on the blue and rare drops, to continue your progress through Inferno, "Legendaries" are nothing but a thought in the back of your mind, knowing how stupidly rare and lackluster they are. In Diablo 2 , the items you had been using during the entire leveling process (i.e. Blues and Rares) were just a small part of the journey between you and the pot of gold(en items) at the end of the rainbow; and thats the way I like it. (I don't know about you).

    I have a lvl 60 Wizard
    1167 rare kills
    19984 total kills
    0 legendary Items

    Basically, I want itemization to return to the glory that was Diablo 2. Plentiful Uniques and Sets, which were better than 98% of other items. Apparently Blizzard is working on making Legendaries and Sets actually good, which is a great first step, but the plentiful part will need to follow to create a game where people will actually want to keep hunting for items. The only reasons why Blizzard decided to change the former system was for the sake of not farming the exact same thing over and over ( which has been semi-fixed I believe via Nephelem Valor, and I think with a few tweaks it could be a great system) and so that everyone doesnt end up looking the same at the end of the game. Did they not just release a stat stating that only 1% of the playerbase was even in Inferno? and do they not also realize that even if rares remain the best items in the game, 'everyone' (i.e. only the top 1-5% of players, much like Diablo 2) will still end up looking the same, they'll just all be wearing top tier rares instead of top tier uniques?

    I want blues at max level to not be worth even a glace, as they should be.

    Rares to be worth only a glace, just enough to check if they're perfect, or more likely not. Akin to the rares which people actually used in Diablo 2, like perfectly rolled gloves, rings, ammys or circlets with great stats unavailable on 'standard' uniques like +Skills +Resists or +FCR.

    I want Legendaries and Set items to actually drop, like, all the time. Expecially with the incredibly random stats they have at the moment, they're more just like special, atleast seemingly valuable rares. They are much more likely to be of value, but certainly not always; and when you see them drop, you get that warm feeling inside. At the very least, the item name wasn't fricking blue or yellow like all of the other ones you've seen since level 1.

    Whoa, that's turned into a wall of text. Anyway, if you read it I'd love to hear your input on items, and what you think should be done with droprates, rolls, Legendaries/Sets etc.

    Legendarys (this includes sets) need buffed somewhat (but ilvl 62 legendary perfect roll shouldnt be better than ilvl63 perfect roll), which they are doing this (They consider sets to be basically legendary status).

    Anddd that's about it. yeah it would be nice to be able to farm gear and it all be upgrades for me. But its fine that i found several upgrades for other classes, sell it, then buy an even better item than any of those, giving me a huge upgrade

    If they didn't include the factor of the ah, everyone would gear up way too quickly, they would be able to gear themselves up quick, the item drops that are good for other classes they dont need would flood the auction house, causing low prices and everyone would just buy the gear or farm it quickly, thats why drop rates are lowered somewhat. (no they dont use the current supply in the ah to determine drop rates, just the fact that people can use the AH)

    TL:DR :They are buffing legendaries, shut up about it, Farm, sell, buy. Better droprates would break game.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Itemization and Drop Rates have got me down.
    Quote from ChrispyCA

    Everyone would agree itemization needs changing. Plus some items are bugged, one of them being that increase attack speed and attack speed increase blah blah.

    I probably killed around 4k elites and 50k+ total kills and have got 3 legendaries and 1 set (I dont know if sets count as legendaries)

    Blizzard announced they will buff future legendary items, change the attack speed bug, make crafting items more powerful as it cost a lot of craft for the bad RNG they give you, etc.

    I dont really know, i'll have to wait and see until blizzard does the upcoming patch and see how the game goes.

    They didnt say they are making crafting items more powerful, they said they are reducing the costs and mats. l2read
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Finally got my refund!
    Quote from InfidelMan

    Quote from InfidelMan
    Anyways, I thank Diablo 2/LOD for good teenage memories, it was a simpler time. :D
    Seems nostalgia blinds yet another person to the fact that it took years for the things they "loved" to actually get put into the game. Does no one remember how buggy and shitty D2 online was for the first 6 months? It feels like forums are crawling with LOD babies disappointed because Diablo 3 doesn't meet their D2 v1.10 standards or something. Like I said in another thread: Week two of Diablo 3 still beats year two of Diablo 2 for me. "But at least it had single player from the start!!1" Unfortunately, that goes against why people enjoyed D2's online community structure in the first place, but that's an argument for a whole 'nother time. Cya in a few years when D3 lives up to your LOD expectations.

    Why do you people keep using that argument. Just because that happened to Diablo 2 twelve years ago doesn't justify Diablo 3's bad release? It's so annoying to hear that. Diablo 2 was in development for 3-4 years and it actually defeated Diablo 1 in gameplay, story, mechanics, content, replayabilty, everything even if it kinda sucked. Diablo 3 team inherited some work from the Blizzard North team that was working on it 6-7 years ago. So the current Diablo 3 team had all those 6-7 years to develop it, they had experience. And I did play Diablo 2 from the start, even the demo and I loved it, I did not get bored for some reason.

    Problem is that Diablo 3 is fundamentally flawed with things like linearity and game mechanics. I just don't see any real changes coming, apart from nerfs and some changes to itemization issue, which blizzard is still in denial of. So your argument, 'just because D2 sucked in the beginning, D3 has the same right to suck'. Your argument is invalid. All the new team did was simplify Diablo 3 into a more mainstream game. The game no longer feels like a Diablo game, yet it still has the title. It didn't improve from it's predecessor except for the graphics(Still WoW-ie) and to some extent gameplay(I give that a pass). But overall, it was dumbed down.

    They did NOT use blizzard norths work, if you actually looked at blizzards norths d3 screenshots, they was terrible, they was expecting to turn d3 into an mmo as well.

    Diablo 3 doesn't suck. Everyone was expecting perfection, and you know what, there's a lot of little things, but overall, not comparing it to d2 directly, quite possibly the best ARPG made. Nostalgia is a bitch to get over though. 12 years from now, this will be one of THE teenage defining games, and when d4 comes out (if it does), everyone would say d3 was better, even if d4 is honestly better.

    TL:DR Nostalgia fanboys ,L2change
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Finally got my refund!
    Quote from ruksak

    How many weeks until you buy it again?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Farming spot broken?
    magic find increases the chance of a monster dropping more items.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on You guys see Athene's 3 Sec Butcher Kill?
    1. Given loads of gold and money to get possibly the best gear
    2. Nether Tentacles hits 3 times a shot
    3. Crit passive makes him crit 100 percent of the time for a small small amount of time
    4. Overgeared.

    TL:DR Given gear/money free, Op class, Not impressed
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on INFERNO A1 FARM GUIDE/TIPS VIDEO
    Misinformation, Good try though bro

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Inferno Gear Stat Choices
    500 resis ATLEAST, I was able to get through act 2 99percent with only 200, it was a struggle, stuck on belial fight, phase 3 can be sometimes random, and phase 2 is annoying to get past.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on Issues with Crit (and Attack Speed)
    Does chaneled (Hold down the button for continous effect like ray of frost) tick more often with IAS? And shouldnt dots tick more often with IAS?
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on A BETTER LOOKING DIABLO III
    This is actually against ToS and can and will get you banned
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard is offering refunds through submitting a ticket
    Quote from gorillawarf

    People are gonna get refunds..and then buy it again and QQ when they lost all there characters
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Patch next week - Feeling optimistic?
    Quote from Kisho

    You aren't going to see buffs and nerfs like in WoW. Besides any obvious outliers, the classes will mostly be left alone. Simply put, we haven't realised their full potential. We don't know what the optimal builds are yet. We don't know the optimal gearing strategies. We have theories, certainly. But we don't know for certain.

    It'd be pre-mature for Blizzard to waltz in with sweeping buffs/nerfs. They've dealt with the obvious problems that warranted swift action. For the rest? Wait and see. Don't get your hopes up for buffs, you'll probably just get disappointed.

    Idk how many times blizzard has said buffs and nerfs will be made. It's called a balance patch for a reason.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Is Inferno Act 4 gear higher tier than Act 3?
    Quote from Scare

    Yes, the average range is higher in Act IV than in Act III, meaning that while (as a completely random and untrue example.) Act III might drop ilvl60 items 20% of the time, Act IV will only drop them 10% of the time. Meaning the amount of loot that is of the highest item level will drop more often.

    Nope, same range. Everyone would like to think act 4 drops more of the better loot, but nope. It doesn't, all assumptions.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on My humble opinion on WD skillset.
    Quote from Spell

    Too be honest only abilties you should be ever considering in Inferno are:

    Strict Core:
    Poison Dart - Splinters
    Grasp of the Dead - best is 80% slow (other work well but overshadowed)
    Spirit Walk - Jaunt or Honored (Honored if you run Acid Cloud / Locust Swarm)
    Soul Harvest - 60sec duration

    Other 2 abilities to choose from:
    Hex - Healing or Jinx
    Acid Cloud - 24y range
    Wall of Zombies - Barricade

    Other viable for 2 last spots:
    Horrify - Movement Speed or Range
    Mass Confusion - Mass Hysteria
    Locust Swarm - Fire Damage
    Big Bad Voodoo - 30% dmg
    Fetish - Cooldown reduced, Legion of Daggers, Head Hunters
    Haunt - Resentful Spirit / Draining Spirit
    Garganduan - Bruiser / Restless

    2 must have passives:
    Spirit Vessel
    Pierce of Veil

    Last one to choose from:
    Fetish Sychos (solo)
    Jungle Fortitude (solo)
    Bad Medicine (group)

    Exeption is Dire Bat / Zombie Bears build, which requires abusement of ManaRegen Big Bad Voodoo and Vision Quest, which gives huge dps, but high risk to deaths in Inferno act2+.

    Didn't use grasp of death or 60 sec soul harvest in act 2, worked out fine.

    I also used the 20 percent mana passive.

    Poison dart splinters
    dire bats
    Spirit walk honored
    Soul harvest siphon
    Locust Swarm Mana/fire
    Any non damage skill
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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