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    posted a message on Blizzard Servers Down - Not Just D3
    Looks like they're also taking down the Starcraft II servers for maintenance today as well, and a long one at that. I think it's safe to assume we're getting the patch for D3, we all probably know that already, but the fact that the SC2 servers will be taken down leads me to believe they will be including some additional bnet features, like cross game chat.

    Here's to hoping. I can't wait to see the patch notes and make a new character again once the servers are back!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on So the server is down...
    Wtf? It says "The servers will be taken down for maintenance on Tuesday, February 18th at 10AM." It also states this in the starcraft II load screen.

    Today is Saturday. It is the 18th of february. Did I miss like 3 days or something?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Potential Patch 13 upcoming changes to runes (Unconfirmed)
    Agree with Deleo, wouldn't mind the changed too much, they seem good and bad. It depends on how exactly you earn new runes etc, it would be more interesting if you unlocked them as a result of using the skill.

    Was going to say myself that once the removed the ability to salvage runes, that it didn't really make sense to have them as an item anymore, as they would just diminish in value over time as more and more were acquired, eventually just cluttering up your inventory.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on follower level
    Ya he definitely levels on his own, you can see his experience bar if you open the tab. Mine is level 12 on my 13 DH, was leveling him today, gets about a quarter to a third of a bar from a skeleton king run.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Official] Release Date Speculation Thread
    I wouldn't say thats bad. They are basically saying Blizzard hasn't stated when the game is going to be released yet, so they can't possibly try to forecast the sales from that game without even knowing if it will be out. The fact that they also stated explicitly this does not include the possibility of a blizzard release means that it's still on the table.

    It wouldn't be very smart to forecast sales for a product you aren't sure will even be out, it would be much more diligent to say; "these are our forecasts, but note we are not including projections for a blizzard game, because we aren't sure if it'll happen yet. It may, it may not, but we haven't included these data in our calculations."

    This is an investor meeting, these guys are talking about tens of millions of dollars, if not more, they aren't interested in the what ifs and possiblys, they want to know about the definites, how much money should they expect with the information they definitely have, include speculations as a side note.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on No hatred generators.
    Moderately off topic but this reminds me of a random build I saw in someones sig yesterday that was a barb build with no fury generators. Someone needs to explain to that poor soul how fury works, it makes me sad to think he has 6 awesome skills at his disposal, none of which he can ever use.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Spells/Abilities you will take just because they look cool.
    Multishot is a staple for any DH build I try to make. Because it's awesome looking. And because of D2 nostalgia.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on beta invites
    Strong first post. Way to lead with your best foot forward.

    As a side note expect more invites soon, last week averaged about 1500 people in public games, down to 750 people this week. I'd imagine after the next patch.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablofans, what is your profession?!
    I'm in my fourth and final year of physics. I have no idea what I'll be doing after I get my degree, probably nothing related to physics.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Rune sistem of Diablo 3 overloading the sistem. Rumor or fact?
    Quote from Snaks42

    I have to agree, I think they will stay drops, just feels cooler. Also, don't some recipes require dust of rune stones? That would give a sink for the low level, high dropping ones.

    Not anymore, all the recipes have changed, none require rune dust.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Rune sistem of Diablo 3 overloading the sistem. Rumor or fact?
    Ya overall I like it, but like I said I'm worried about that fact that if it is a 'scroll of learn level 7 rune' then these scrolls will diminish in value greatly over time, they'd need to make the scrolls themselves useful somehow, other than to learn a rune, even if it's just salvaged as a blue item.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Rune sistem of Diablo 3 overloading the sistem. Rumor or fact?
    Quote from FreddyBenson

    i posted this podcast in a diff thread yesterday, but at thispoint i dont care

    even game magazines dont care anymore, my cousin works for a game magazine in the states, she says that nearly all of the gaming mags and online game mags views D3 becoming a joke

    her mag has already made its mind up on D3, when it is finally released she told me that her mag will not give it favourable review cos of the sheer delay on it, infact there will be a article on about taking advantage of coustomers next month

    so ye dont care

    So you're friend is already making an incredibly biased review of a game that isn't out, because she feels screwed over by a company that isn't releasing a game because it hasn't met their standards? Sounds like something I definitely won't be reading. Blizzard doesn't owe your friend, or any of us, anything. THEY are losing a LOT of money by not releasing this game, they are 'punishing' theirselves. Why? because they want to release an amazing game, that's their priority. That's all they care about, not your friend or her biased, totally unfair article.

    The people at her mag have already made up their mind.. that's childish and incredibly unprofessional. Sure they can note that it took a long time to release, but to judge the other games characteristics based on something (the extra time) that was used to refine those very characteristic doesn't even make sense. Having the played the beta, the game is amazing, and I for one will love it, and will likely play it for years. Do I care that it's delayed? Yes. Why? Because I *want* to play an amazing game. Will I be a patient and rational adult about it? Yes, when it comes out it'll be well worth it. And if it isn't, it will be because it isn't a good game (an almost laughable notion, having played the beta.. many times), not because they took forever to release it.

    Edit: Lol just read post below mine, if I got trolled than I guess it deserves a 7/10 or so... I think he was being serious though. In which case his friend is a liar, because ya any reputable game company would never give any game a purposely bad review just because of delays, it might earn a few sentences in the review, nothing more.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Rune sistem of Diablo 3 overloading the sistem. Rumor or fact?
    Can definitely see this happening. It wouldn't be a radical change at all, they'd just have to stop the runes from dropping and create some interface regarding runes leveling up and applying them, easy stuff from an implementation, fair easier than, say, completely changing the attribute system, or removing an artisan completely.

    Furthermore, to refute the point stated in post above me, they've stated explicitly they are doing some major changes to the runestone/skill systems. So saying 'I doubt they'd made such radical changes so late' is simply wrong, as they've actually said that's exactly what they're doing. Plus the changes to the inventory system make it blatantly obvious, in my opinion, that they do not want people having to feel like they need to hang on to additional unused runestones. The difference between this and any old item, is that runes have the potential to be useful in the future, maybe later you'll want to change your skills up and use that indigo rune, better hang on to it.

    That short sword of the bear with 100 less dps than the one you're using, has no purpose, and simply won't ever be useful, and needs to be blown up for some crafting materials. So you're point that, this is a bad change because it implies that all items should be scrolls, is not only a gross exaggeration of the OPs point, but doesn't make sense. The salvaging system encourages you to get rid of those items in favour of a 1 slot, stackable item. The runestone system, as we understand it, encourages you to hold on to every single rune, which as far as we know isn't stackable, and even if it was it's a required use of at least 7*5 = 35 slots, one for each level of rune, for each rune type. Runestones AREN'T white items, worth nothing, they are valuable, and as such, based on blizzard explanations, will take up tons of inventory space, blizz is looking to steer away from this, they didn't add white item explosions, they removed salvaging white items, so you don't even pick them up anymore.

    In addition, I actually love this idea, it solves the skill swapping problems, and the inventory space issues. You still get character evolution feeling as you're unlocking the new runestone effects and levels as you find the scrolls.

    The one downside is the value of these scrolls will diminish over time, as more and more people acquire the level 7 runestones they need, the value of the scrolls will decrease. Alternatively, you could, say, salvage the scrolls for runedust or something, which is then required to actually apply a rune to a skill, for a fee, by the jewelcrafter or something. This would also put a soft stop to in combat skill changing (changing right before a boss or whatever).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Builds are not characters the fatal flaw in Diablo 3
    "DIablo II had dozens and dozens of character archetypes within each character class"

    Sorry did you play d2? Did you mean, there are dozens and dozens that simply don't work, and result only in you wasting your time even trying to spend your skill points that way. Cuz ya.. there *may* have been a dozen viable late game builds in total, spread through all 7 classes.

    New system is great, love it, already feel attached my DH even though she's beta version and genocide will be commited upon her, and her fellow heroes, at some point (probably several times) before release. (Full wipe.)

    No, not all DHs are the same. I will have mine, she will be geared, skilled and runed the way I want her to be, and it is unlikely there will be another out there exactly like me. (Unlike D2, every game was a bot with an identically geared hammerdin. Every game. Every. Single. Game. Tons of customization there, to the point where it feels like hammerdins are the only class that can viably run hell baal consistently with more than 1 player.)

    If I want to switch up my skills I'll have to be careful and take the time to decide how I'm going to change. If I feel like I need a completely different build for arenas, guess what, I'm rolling another DH since she's going to be completely differently skilled and geared.

    D2: I wouldn't attack things, and I wouldn't level skills until after level 18 or 24, depending on when I get my first useful skill. The implementation of the d2 skills system actually requires you to do this in some instances in order to have an optimal build. The number of chars restarted because of an accidental click, or the realization that I'm simply no where near powerful enough with the skills I've chosen, was INCREDIBLY frusterating, not fun and unique. Eventually, after failing to make a character strong enough to contend with nightmare, I was forced to look up builds online. No customization, literally none.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta Buddies - Post Your Battletags here!
    doomscream it says your didn't exist
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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