• 1

    posted a message on New pics from the Chinese fansite
    This is way better than the facebook updates have been! Always been a big fan of the new GUI. Good find!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Diablo 3 Followers Mechanics
    This entire thread is full of lengthy posts explaining exactly why this system is flawed based on nonexistent evidence and conjecture, so I'll get right to the point.

    This system has been tested and iterated and retested by hundreds of people for thousands of hours already, before Alpha even started. Experienced Designers have been retooling and testing it and changing it again until it was damn near perfect, then improving it more. This is their job, and many of them have been doing it since before you put your grubby paws on Warcraft One.

    To second guess them, without having even played the game, is criminally stupid.

    If you wanted to keep your Follower until later in the game, that's different. Personal taste is one thing.

    If you're making judgments about the specific workings of a system you haven't used created by people who thought of every single thing you have already (and more) years ago, that's another thing entirely.

    Believe it or not, playing video games does not a Game Designer make.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
  • 1

    posted a message on Diablo 3 Followers System Unveiled

    Some good info in there.

    For all you nay-sayers out there:

    1.) All your followers hang around town and don't need to be leveled up individually. You can trade out all day and they keep up with your level (or a little below).

    2.) They are only slightly less expendable than original mercs it would seem, not some all powerful second champ.

    3.) They auto-revive after a short time when they die.

    4.) Just the equipment on the screens shown.

    5.) No runes :(

    6.) Each of them have have a gold find and a magic find ability.

    7.) Single Player Only.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
  • 1

    posted a message on On The Subject Of Demonic Possession...
    So, I may not be the first to post this idea, but I've never seen it before so I'm gonna go ahead and share it. If it has been discussed before, feel free to delete it.

    I was looking through some articles on the Diablo wiki and elsewhere, and came back across that screen shot of a work-in-progress model of Diablo from the cinematic trailer. The little blurb accompanying it noted it's feminine shape, and made an offhand comment suggesting Diablo's soulstone had been driven into the head of a woman.

    For a while now I had been wondering why exactly Leah had been introduced--Deckard Cain had served her apparent role well enough in the past, why add a character needlessly? Some people have already speculated that Cain will die at some point during Diablo 3, and therefore Leah is the heir to his role as a guide.

    But what if she is in fact going to be possessed by Diablo (or a combination of the three prime evils, as some have suggested), and become his last physical manifestation in Sanctuary? She may in fact even be the one to kill Cain, having been corrupted, before she finally transforms into this iteration of Diablo.

    She is known to have some kind of supernatural power, as she is seen having a vision of the impending meteor strike in the trailer. Tal Rasha made a powerful body for Baal in LOD, making him more formidable than his brothers that possessed more ordinary human hosts. And we've seen that Diablo's physical appearance alters based on the body he possesses, his form being skinnier and more upright in the body of the prince in Diablo 1, but more hulking and bestial in Diablo 2 after possessing a powerful warrior.

    I don't have a shred of proof for any of this, obviously, but given Leah's somewhat mysterious role in this coming installment in the series--and the feminine form of that model--it seems at least possible. And for the reasons above, it makes a strange sort of sense in my brain.

    Maybe you guys disagree, I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts. :blink:

    Here is the image by the way:

    There are better ones, but I can't find them, if someone else can please post!
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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