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    posted a message on Why did Blizz ruin Diablo by limiting it to 4 players per game?
    Quote from Aulderon

    No, the dumbest freakin' thing they could possibly do is require a constant internet connection!! My god, seriously??? It's not an online game unless you want it to be one AND THEN you should (obviously) have an internet connection. Eight years! I've been waiting for this game for eight years -- the waiting, the hype, the waiting.... and it SUCKS!!! (awesome graphics, though) But seriously... no character customization, no zooming in or out, and... click to move? I understand that the original Diablo was click to move, I understand sentiment, tradition, what have you, but PC gaming has advanced. The game is VERY dissappointing in my opinion, especially the constant internet connection requirement. Diablo 3 plays like a game that was developed 10 years ago with modern day graphics. Where's the advancement, the evolution of PC gaming? Didn't Blizz make WoW? What... is their Diablo 3 department where they put the newbie programmers before they graduate to the WoW department?

    So... if there's a storm in my neck of the woods (pretty common) and my internet goes down (also common) I can't play Diablo like I'm used to playing Diablo? I'm subject to server down time for a game that's not an online game unless I want it to be an online game? I have to put up with lag for a game that's not an online game unless I want it to be an online game? I have to wait in a queue because the server's full for a game that's not an online game unless I want it to be an online game? When I played Diablo 2 I played on Battlenet exactly once; I usually played it by myself or with a friend on a private network -- it's not an online game! Unless, of course, I want it to be an online game.

    Am I ever gonna use Diablo 3's online auction house? No, I like finding my own stuff and I don't really care about putting the crap I find on the AH. Am I ever gonna play on Diablo 3's public servers? No, I can't imagine sharing that small of an environment with a bunch of rude and careless newb's, especially when I think about how rude players were and how cut-throat WoW became after just a couple of years (who can forget the dicks that went AFK while sitting on a mailbox in Org. on their mammoth war mounts?)

    Diablo has always been a game that I played while unwinding after a busy (or even not-so-busy) day, before going to bed and usually ended up playing too long (and not getting enough sleep) because I enjoyed exploring a zone and kept logging out and resetting the zone so I could explore it again -- alone, and occasionally with a friend.

    Am I gonna buy Diablo 3? No. After all the waiting and all the hype, I expected too much and am too dissappointed with it -- if it didn't require a constant internet connection, I'd buy it just to relive the good ol' days and, out of curiousity, see what's new in the game, but I'm too bummed out with the way it came out and the constant online thing is just too much for me.

    Good, leave. The rest of us would like the OPTION to use the AH, or the OPTION to play with others. In this day almost every internet connection is always-on. Sure there are a few exceptions, but those are rare.

    Your internet connection's crappy connectivity isn't Blizzard's fault, it's your ISP's. Maybe you should be complaining to them?

    Even during open beta there wasn't very much lag caused by the server, and I didn't experience a single queue playing every day.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Music to Fight Demons to
    In-game music or gtfo!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on I had and apiphany today at work
    Step 1: Join PvP match.
    Step 2: Bid all the gold you have against yourself from another account.
    Step 3: Tank the match.
    Step 4: Profit.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
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    posted a message on Patch 16 Information and Official Patch Notes
    Why the hydra buff does nothing:

    Before we had a 40 AP hydra that did garbage damage and couldn't hit anything.
    The devs said "wow nobody's using it, well that 40 AP is a huge kicker, let's lower that. But then if targets aren't moving it is too efficient so let's lower its damage."

    Here's the problem: You can still only have one hydra. That means your DPS from this skill just went down when it was bad to begin with. Now you have a cheap skill that does worse damage and still can't hit anything, and the only redeeming quality is now you can cast more other spells while using its suckitude.

    Yes, that 25 AP you save you can now cast other spells to increase your damage, but guess what? You could just use that last 15 AP and get even more damage.

    Let's compare familiar, magic weapon, and hydra, the fire and forget "free damage" spells. Magic weapon just increases your damage, which makes it easy to control. You aim your spells and can force them to hit. Efficient. Familiar can not only fire at things you attack (making it aimable), but also increase your damage. Also efficient. Hydra forces you every time you want to cast it to place it within the game world, taking up precious time while also being uncontrollable in regards to which monster it attacks. As the game difficulty goes up, monsters will only get faster and make hydra worse and worse as it misses more.

    Was it a hydra buff? Sure, but the buff is irrelevant because it doesn't address the issue that makes hydra terrible.

    What happened to their mantra of making abilities awesome when they got to hydra? They could have made the spell way more impressive but still balanced, instead it's just weak and underwhelming looking and feeling. If you cast it, you don't even seem to notice it doing anything. Missed opportunity so far.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on How long do you think it will take you to finish Inferno ?
    Quote from wyewye

    The world first inferno finish will be in 2, top 3 days from release date.
    For me, about a week, taking it relatively easy (2 days off work + weekend + a few days).
    For below-average little Johnny, 3-4 weeks TOPS. If its longer they will stop playing.

    The whole "brutally hard" is hogwash and marketing whoring. This is not wow. Diablo fights are seconds(1-2 clicks) vs normal mobs and 1-2 minutes tops for bosses in crappy gear.

    Long term Diablo has always been about the item farm, not about the initial questing. Repeat-ability is key. Initial questing will be fast and very limited, gearing up will take months/years. Lame gear will not block you from progressing, it will just slow you down. Remember thou, slow means SECONDS in the Diablo world, not weeks, not months!

    Makes me question if you even played Diablo 2. I've seen entire groups of fresh hardcore (untwinked) characters from levels 25-35 wipe on Diablo on normal... and my lone Amazon ran to town dozens of times for health potions while hitting the 8 player health big D with guided arrows for over 20 minutes.

    Considering a fresh Normal through Inferno run with no prior knowledge of the rest of Act I and none of II-IV without DYING would take somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 days of play time, it's highly unlikely anyone will have the gear from Hell to survive in Inferno for a while.

    Exception: If a group of 50+ hardcore gamers funneled perfect Hell gear to a single player, they could get him geared in a day. Maybe he could beat act I, but now that they're making II-IV harder, unlikely he will beat big D for a while.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on ENTIRE ACT 1 now available for Beta testing
    Nice job, like others it's still the 31st at 6pm here. I knew since it wasn't on the front page it wasn't true, but there was just enough of me hoping it could be true that I clicked...

    ...and you shattered what small remaining hope I had.

    GJ, 5 stars. I agree all other April Fools threads should be deleted/closed. This one was just believable enough, others will be so outlandish as to be obvious or just plain stupid.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Official] Release Date Speculation Thread
    Quote from GladHeHasBeta

    Quote from JaundiceBunny

    Quote from ElJefe725

    I'm not sure if it's funny or sad.. i haven't been following this thread, and i just ran through the whole thing. I tend to be overly optimistic about these things, and it's crazy to see people like myself that were pretty sure it was going to be january 17! lol. so with absolutely NO confidence whatsoever, i will speculate that ever since they changed a lot of their release date wording, and couched it by saying it wasn't a delay and they were still aiming for Q1 release, the end of March is officially the end of Q1 (i believe), so i'll say by the end of March... until March, when I will sadly revisit this thread and say definitively April 16th...

    "early", not "Q1". There is a difference. And there were even people who thought the game might come out in 2010...

    itll be announced this month, no worries everyone :D

    Agreed. Announcement this month, release late March/early April. If I could parlay this with my Super Bowl bets I would.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Mass beta invites
    Next patch coming soon!

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Anyone Else Feel Like Diablo 3 Development Lacks a Leader?
    Just FYI Doez is (mostly) right, minus the whole tree hugging part. If you want to say D3 will make WoW lose subscriptions, but point at Skyrim's development being so fantastic, why didn't Skyrim affect WoW's subscriptions, or SWTOR, or any of those other groundbreaking titles that came out? There's a few million people that have zero interest in Diablo, and there's a few million more that haven't played any PC game before WoW... so no interest there, either.

    They wouldn't purposefully lose money by NOT releasing D3 and NOT getting all the RMAH fees during this period unless they had hard evidence that accurately showed they would lose more money by releasing it. That's not how business works.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on System Changes
    • Scrolls of Identification are gone - players can now identify rares/legendary items without them.
    • Weird... used to Cain identifying.

    • Button '5' is now dedicated to potions.
    • Don't care, was probably going to leave potions there anyways.

    • The Mystic artisan has now been removed from the game.
    • Good, I always believed she was a glorified jeweler.

    • The Cauldron of Jordan and Nephalem have been removed.
    • Not a big loss, I don't mind going to town as I'm used to it from D2. I like that it will make it so we don't WANT to pick up everything. We're treasure hunters, not carpet cleaners.

    • The Stone of Recall is now a button at the bottom and has been renamed "Town Portal".
    • Cool. Running out of TP scrolls wasn't exciting in D2, and the stone didn't make a lot of sense.

    • The Blacksmith is now responsible for salvaging players' items.
    • Common (white colored) items are no longer salvageable.
    • Cool.

    • Character Attributes have been changed. Stats are now broken down as follows:
    • YEAHHHHH! D2 attributes!

    • Character stats are now placed in the same place as the inventory panel and the old dedicated stats panel has been removed.
    • Much easier than D2.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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