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    posted a message on Collection of Blizzcon 2008 D3 Videos
    Sweet.. thanks, Ill be updating this list too with better quality videos as I find them.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Collection of Blizzcon 2008 D3 Videos
    I will keep this updated..

    Video Interviews and Q&A's:

    Ray Gresko and Leonard Boyarsky Private Q&A
    Jay Wilson Interview
    Mike Morhaime Interview (More Blizzard Related then D3 Related)

    D3 Gameplay Panel Q&A

    Jay Wilson and J. Allen Brack
    Frank Pearce
    Jay Wilson and Ray Gresko


    Gameplay Videos:

    Gameplay Movie
    Skill Runes Video (A few minutes into the video it will show the skill runes footage)
    Wizard Effects Movie
    Wizard Trailer - HD
    Demo Gameplay (Hit High Quality!!)

    Diablo III Skills Video (Hit High Quality!!)

    Panel Videos:

    Diablo 3 Class Panel
    Diablo 3 Lore and Art Panel

    Other Videos:

    Opening Ceremony:

    Dance Contest

    Written Interviews:

    Rob Pardo



    UI and Character Selection (There's a lot of them, just click through)
    Fire Bats - Withcdoctor
    Plague of Toads - Witchdoctor
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on BlizzCon - Pick the Best Diablofans Questions
    Here's my list. I tried putting it in order of importance too.

    USNSEALs: #31
    In Diablo II, if you took the time to really enjoy every detail, playing it the second time around, there was a feel of 'I know what to do next. I remember this guy was here, I know I have to do this to get to this.' It didn't even take 3 or 4 completions. How is Diablo III going to improve upon that if at all?

    JNM-illiquid: #79
    Diablo PVPing has always been an aspect of what truly made diablo what it is; uniquely bold and not watered down as most games of today are. How will you expand upon diablo2's pvp system without losing alot of the charm found in d2 pvp?

    AcidReign: #14
    Will there be Magic Find in Diablo III, if so, how will it be different/similar? If not, how will the dropping of super rare items be dictated?

    basekick: #8
    Is item trading going to be improved upon? Will there be "market" games, in which players can set up a shop to display their items, and browse other shops?

    jwest88: #10
    I loved to collect set items in Diablo 2, but sometimes I never found a whole set, or the set was not as effective as having unique or runeword items, will having full sets be more rewarding in Diablo3? Will sets and the other kinds of items be more ballanced in power?

    Veltras: #4
    How are you going to keep the pace of the game fast for spellcasters with the nerfing of potions?

    DesmondTiny: #72
    Will Diablo3 be scary? (I mean will there be so many surprises that you will literally shit yourself?)

    basekick: #8
    How similar will the skill tree be to Diablo 2? For example, will all characters be using Mana to cast our spells? Will we be having the same progression-type skill tree as in Diablo 2? And will synergies make a return?

    Romak: #15
    Won't Blizzard oppose d2jsp?

    AcidReign: #14
    Are there any revolutionary ideas or content planned for Diablo III that may influence all other Blizzard games, or for that matter, the entire gaming industry? What I'm primarily asking is, will there be anything brand new to the Action-RPG genre that you'll introduce in Diablo III?
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on BlizzCast 5 Live - Diablo 3 Q&A
    Good stuff. I was actually hoping there would be more then four acts, just so we get to see alot more content, but its not a big deal. I didn't really mind the green lightning, I still thought it looked pretty good, however it does look somewhat better now :thumbsup:. I LOVE that theres alot more inventory, and that there will be some type of stashing system. I hated going into trading games with only half of the things i wanted to trade on me, which especially sucked if I wanted something someone, but he did not want anything I had to show for it, but I ended up having what he did want on a mule. However, this probably wont happen now because there will be a currency, even though on the other hand, we can still barter. Reguardless, thats great. Jay is a really good speaker... I wonder what he has to say about the shoulderpads some people are complaining about. I don't mind them, but I am curious to see what his words on this are even though, atleast i think, its a minor issue.

    Oh, and "somebody's going to lambast me for not getting the name right." -- I lol'ed :D
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Blizzard Read : The Destruction of Diablo III
    Quote from "woop" »
    Eh, didn't you just say that you tried to buy items from it?

    EDIT: Yes you said this:

    EDIT 2: You sir, are a liar! A LIAR!

    I should have specified.. I said I wanted a Mal and a Lo, I wasnt offering forum gold. I had posted the items i had in exchange for the Mal and Lo.. i did not expect the spam of replys saying "Ill give mal/lo for # Forum gold).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard Read : The Destruction of Diablo III
    Yap, its pretty lame. I never tried using it, but i know its popular.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard Read : The Destruction of Diablo III
    d2jsp is VERY popular.
    I remember I put up a thread, saying that I wanted to buy a Mal and a Lo i believe, and I forgot what my offer was.. but within a minute of my post.. there was almost a full page of replys saying "Ill give you Mal and Lo for # forum gold" I was shocked!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on What do you think of my sig?
    Thanks. I know its not original. I couldn't really think of any other picture that would work better to make into a sig to represent Diablo 3. I wasn't claiming its original.

    It took me 1:00 to 1:30 because it was my first time using photoshop, and I when I first started making the sig, i didnt know exactly how I wanted it to look.. I just wanted it to look cool. So, I spent alot of time messing with buttons and options and tools to see what does what, and eventually I mixed the right things together and it came out looking like that, and I thought it was cool.
    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Diablofans - WWI Card Tyrael Pet Contest

    The trading system in Diablo 2 was not bad, I liked it... but I have some ideas that I think will make it better.

    There should some sort or some variation of an auction house in the game. Yes, this probably has been mentioned many many times, but here's my idea for going about it. In Battlenet 2.0, there would be a "Chat" Tab, and a "Trade" Tab. The Chat Tab would obviously be where you can switch between all the different chat channels, chat and join games.

    The 'Trade' Tab would be where players can list what item(s) they have for trade and then they can add a description and put how much gold they want for it, or what items they would accept in exchange for the item. They can also add multiple tags (from a drop down list of tags, so it makes it easier to search by tags) to the item they are listing if they want. When the item is listed it will appear on the list of items in the "auction house" and will show the Lister's Name, The Items Name (and if you cursor over the name it will show you what tags are on it, if any), and a description. There will also be a button which you can click on to send a message to the Lister. This way whoever is interested could message the lister, and when he checks his inbox he will see who's offer interests him the most, and he'll message him back. It will also obviously list the time the message was sent, so if two people made the same offer, he would know who made the offer first.

    IE: | Jugzor | MSG ME | Jalal's Mane |Perfect- I want 50 gold pieces or a SoJ for this item. |

    You can also search the "Auction House" for exactly what you want. You can search by authors name, and or item's name, and or tag(s).

    Here's something I made in paint that illustrates my idea.

    Obvously It doesn't have to be exactly like I drew it.. its just a rough example of what it would be like. I would be even better if you could Link the item instead of typing it's name in when you list it so it can show us our stats, I dont know how you would be able to link it from outside of a game though. You get the idea right? Well anyway, thats that.

    A few more (some obvious) important points on trading and items:

    -Botting and Duping especially needs to be eliminated for the economy to be succesful

    -Gold should have value

    -I stiill think that 'rare items' that happen to have the right combination of stats and bonuses should be (one of) the most powerful item in the game for its slot and build, as is in Diablo 2.

    -Sets should be improved upon. Most sets in Diablo II were not very good compared to what else you can get. This might however have been a result of duping the items that are way better then those set items.

    -There should be runewords! They were interesting and fun, just need to be careful with what runewords there are. (IE: No enigma imo). On a side note, crafting should be kept too if possible. I wanst a huge crafter but there were some interesting items from it.

    -When you make a trade, and you both hit the checkmark, there should be a a popup box that says "Are you sure?" and lets you review the items you're trading, and the other person is trading. And once both hit yes, the trade will go through, but if someone says no then the trade wont go through. Just to prevent noobs from getting scammed, even though they should make sure whats being traded anyway =\ But this way they have no excuse.

    -A stash that all your characters on your account can access would be excellent!

    -Oh, and no Bind on Pickup!! =D


    I actually really enjoyed the PvP system in Diablo II alot. Duels, PKing, the whole 9 yards. There are some features that I think, although maybe not all that necessary, would make PvP in the game more fun.

    Arenas: I was thinking it would work like when you create a game, theres an 'PvP' option. And when you enter the game there is a special sword and shield on the floor (That only the game creator can pick up, and that cannot be equipted). When you put this sword and shield in the hoardric cube (assuming the hoardric cube is making a comeback) a portal will appear.

    When you go through this portal, its like going to a new act, you go through the loading screen and everything. When you go through the portal you are taken to a bloody arena, and the players are all in the stands overlooking the arena. Then once there are two or more people through the portal this is how it will work..

    Player one challenges player two
    Player three challenges player four
    Player two accepts the challenge. They are queued for battle one. Proceed to the arena.
    Player five challenges player six
    Player four accepts the challenge. They are queued for battle two. Battle two will start when battle one is done.
    Player six accepts the challenge. They are queued for battle three. Battle two will start when battle two is done.

    And so when its you're turn, a portal appears that only you and your opponent can go through, and once both are through, they appear each on opposite sides of the arena. Both players get a debuff where they cannot move or cast offensive spells for 15 seconds once they are both through.. tihs allows for buffs.

    Just an idea, obviously it can be tweaked, this was just an idea of mine. Could even go as far as being able to group up and have for example group one challenge group two and that get into the queue. Can also make it so potions are restricted inside, the possibilities are endless. You can also just choose to not transmute the sword and shield, and just PvP like normal outside of town like in Diablo 2.

    Besides that idea, aslong as classes are balanced and well designed, i think all should be well.

    Also, and achievements tab would be nice to keep track of things like how many player kills we have, how many diablo kills and things like that would be nice.

    I'm not trying to tell blizzard what to do or anything like that if i'm coming off like that, i know blizzard will do whats right for the game to make it great. As of right now i'm happy with the games direction.

    I think thats all I can think of for now.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on What do you think of my sig?
    EDIT: I'm sorry, I totally missed the sticky. I guess I didn't pay mind to the fact that this might be against the rules to it because I didnt think a display sig thread would be against the rules in this kind of forum! Sorry!

    First time using photoshop.
    Took me about an hour or an hour and a half.
    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Church
    Awesome pic!!
    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Skills you DONT want coming back
    Omg Iron Maiden. Atleast off mobs, god damnit!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo MMO Hinted?
    I would like to see a prequel to Diablo I, that would be pretty cool. Seeing all that happens before Diablo I would be sweet.

    An MMO based on Diablo/Sanctuary lore would also be pretty badass! If it's anything as WoW is (as far as endgame raiding goes.. like sunwell or naxxrammas).. it'd be fun and a challenge. Taking 25-40 people to a dungeon to down a [new?] prime evil would be really cool. And we could see all the places in sanctuary that we arn't able to see in the traditional game.

    @ Synthaza... Only the truly hardcore would spend 18 straight hours on one boss fight in one day. IDK how it works in the Final Fantasy MMO, but in WoW you have a whole week to defeat a boss before the whole raid dugneon resets. Usually it takes alot of preperation, coordination, skill and trial and error to down a new raid boss, not to mention you need gear that's up to that dungeon's difficulty, unless its a pushover boss.

    You're not guarenteed to get down a new boss in within your first week, it takes practice. But you're never going to need to spend 18 hours in one day. One you get that boss the first time, it becomes eaiser for your guild.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Diablo MMO Hinted?
    I don't think they're specifically hinting at a MMO. I also don't think we can assume what's being hinted at (it could be anything: a prequel, a mmo, a movie.. who knows?), just that they have something up their sleeves, but I think they're not hinting at an expansion in this article, but I think its safe to assume that there will be an expansion anyway (I think there was another article on that), and that will probably finish off the storyline (id imagine).
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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