As most of you are already aware, a few of the various Blizzard Influencers and fansites have been given beta keys (see our beta key image above?) to give away to our dearest fans, ;). Since we know that you're all hungering for the Beta, we're going to keep it short, sweet, and to the point! Each week, we're going to have a screenshot to show and your job is to add a caption. Whether the caption be epic or completely for the lulz, we don't care! We'll choose the best one or two entries each week and they'll be granted a Diablo III Beta Key.
To edit in your caption, you can just toss this image into MSPaint or any other photo editing program, add a few thought or speech bubbles, and go to town! You can then upload your screenshot to your Gallery here on DiabloFans, or any other image sharing service you choose. This week's screenshot is...
Submissions can just be posted here and you are allowed more than one entry if you like! These will run Saturday to Saturday, every week for the next few weeks. Winners will be picked on Saturday and the next screenshot will go up.
(remember, you must upload your picture first, cant link from your computer o.0)
How To Upload your image to Diablofans (You DON'T have to)
First you new to go to your user bar up top, and click on settings.
Select the "gallery" option and then click the link to make your album
Select "new album" you only need to put a name (see red) and select "parent album" to memebers (see blue)
Once done, select the upload button (see red) upload the file, then hit next (see blue)
Now fill information if you want, then click the button at bottom right (see red)
Now simple click your image that you see, the page you go to, at top right click "share" (see red) and select the link that says bbcode (see blue) OR select direct link (you'll have to put img tags around it (see above) but it will do the full pic which is nice)
Copy that and just paste that here!
As most of you are already aware, a few of the various Blizzard Influencers and fansites have been given beta keys (see our beta key image above?) to give away to our dearest fans, ;). Since we know that you're all hungering for the Beta, we're going to keep it short, sweet, and to the point! Each week, we're going to have a screenshot to show and your job is to add a caption. Whether the caption be epic or completely for the lulz, we don't care! We'll choose the best one or two entries each week and they'll be granted a Diablo III Beta Key.
To edit in your caption, you can just toss this image into MSPaint or any other photo editing program, add a few thought or speech bubbles, and go to town! You can then upload your screenshot to your Gallery here on DiabloFans, or any other image sharing service you choose. This week's screenshot is...
Submissions can just be posted here and you are allowed more than one entry if you like! These will run Saturday to Saturday, every week for the next few weeks. Winners will be picked on Saturday and the next screenshot will go up.
Diablo III Analyst
edit: and as I see people asking now, yes, you can "add" things to it other than text.
Places to upload your pictures (view below)
To show an image in your post
(remember, you must upload your picture first, cant link from your computer o.0)
How To Upload your image to Diablofans (You DON'T have to)
First you new to go to your user bar up top, and click on settings.
Select the "gallery" option and then click the link to make your album
Select "new album" you only need to put a name (see red) and select "parent album" to memebers (see blue)
Once done, select the upload button (see red) upload the file, then hit next (see blue)
Now fill information if you want, then click the button at bottom right (see red)
Now simple click your image that you see, the page you go to, at top right click "share" (see red) and select the link that says bbcode (see blue) OR select direct link (you'll have to put img tags around it (see above) but it will do the full pic which is nice)
Copy that and just paste that here!
Easiest beta key I'll ever get. Kek.
Ha. Bagstone.
Good luck all!
Ha. Bagstone.
edit: oh apparently it's gone. Cool. Here's mine!
EDIT: better size