Hello all, here's the DiabloCast for this week. This time around we talk about return of Town Portals, the brand new D3 Book, and a tangent discussion on item stores and item selling! If you missed the fifteenth episode, you can check it out here. Otherwise, the sixteenth episode covered the following topics:
RE requiring a prior Blizzard title to get into the Beta, IMHO if you haven't had D2 for at least 3 months, you shouldn't even be considered, since you are not familiar with the Diablo games.
RE Pillars in PvP, you said there is no chanelling in D3.
If a Wizard does a constant disintegrate, it gets stronger the longer it's held down, and the Wizard can't move. If it's at its srongest level, and the Melee char hides behind a pillar, this will force the Wizard to cancel the disintegrate, reducing the damage.
RE requiring a prior Blizzard title to get into the Beta, IMHO if you haven't had D2 for at least 3 months, you shouldn't even be considered, since you are not familiar with the Diablo games.
RE Pillars in PvP, you said there is no chanelling in D3.
If a Wizard does a constant disintegrate, it gets stronger the longer it's held down, and the Wizard can't move. If it's at its srongest level, and the Melee char hides behind a pillar, this will force the Wizard to cancel the disintegrate, reducing the damage.
I think the problem with requiring you to have Diablo 2 for the beta is that many people that love D2 may have stopped playing before they ever had the ability to add CD keys to battle.net or may have simply lost jewel cases. I am totally behind them having to own SOMETHING, though.
I think owning a blizzard game is enough (other than the WoW trial, which is why some of my friends got the sc2 beta). Lots of people are going to buy D3 who didn't own D2, so blizzard should hear the opinions of newbies as well as veterans . Just my opinion but.. yeah
If you've missed any previous episodes, check the archive!
Diablo III Analyst
But try to sound equally excited for mapcraft
RE Pillars in PvP, you said there is no chanelling in D3.
If a Wizard does a constant disintegrate, it gets stronger the longer it's held down, and the Wizard can't move. If it's at its srongest level, and the Melee char hides behind a pillar, this will force the Wizard to cancel the disintegrate, reducing the damage.
I maybe wrong though.
I think the problem with requiring you to have Diablo 2 for the beta is that many people that love D2 may have stopped playing before they ever had the ability to add CD keys to battle.net or may have simply lost jewel cases. I am totally behind them having to own SOMETHING, though.
Some guy claiming he knows stuff...
Link To Quote From Bashiok
You'd also think that with "an overwhelming amount of questions coming in" - He'd keep the same URL...