Throughout the original //">Diablo" class="wiki-link">//">Diablo"/> Diablo and Diablo II we only visited a select few areas in the sprawling world of Sanctuary. Diablo I took place in Tristram and the dungeon below the Cathedral, and Diablo II took us to a Rogue Monastery near Tristram, Lut Gholein, Kurast, Hell, and finally the Barbarian homeland surrounding Harrogath. However, as you can see after a quick look at the world map on the official site, Sanctuary contains many more locations that we haven't seen. Fortunately, through the Sin War books and the backstories of new and old characters, we know the lore behind some of the locations on the world map. Below is a short summary of the locations we could see in Diablo III and its expansions, along with a few pictures. If you would like to view the high-res version of any image in this article, simply click on it. For more information on confirmed and potential locations in Diablo III, be sure to check out Don_guillotine'seditorial on the topic. If you still aren't satisfied with your knowledge of Sanctuary's locations, be sure to click on any wiki links and check out the official site.
So far in the Diablo series, we have yet to venture to the High Heavens, despite repeated journeys to the Burning Hells. Early in development, Diablo III was supposed to take place in the Heavens, which appeared to be much lighter than most areas we've seen, and most of the architecture was composed of white pillars. If it appeared in the final game, it could end up looking similar to these screenshots. Obviously Heaven could also provide a good contrast to Hell, which is another self explanatory potential location.
Another potential location is the once proud city of Ureh. Featured in The Kingdom of Shadow, Ureh is now trapped between the mortal and immortal planes after Diablo twisted the mind of the city's leader Juris Khan into opening a passage to Hell, only to be foiled at the last second, forcing the city into a state of limbo. Although the city was featured in the announcement cinematic, Ureh has since been removed from the game. However, it is an obvious choice for an expansion location, and its presence at any point in Diablo III would most likely also give the player access to the swamp area surrounding the city.
The Skovos Isles, home to the Amazons, are yet another location that was shown and then removed from Diablo III. From the concept art we've seen, these islands appear to be tropical locations, which would make for some interesting flora and fauna. If an expansion included these isles, it would be interesting to see if Blizzard was able to implement a reasonable way to get from island to island, or if we would only get access to the main island. Either way, exploring the Amazon's homeland would be extremely interesting.
Another interesting homeland to explore could be the Druid homeland of Scosglen. Although we have no idea what Scosglen and the Druid college of Tur Dulra would look like, it appears as though it is an arctic environment. Scosglen is also close to the semi-confirmed Xiansai, the Wizard homeland.
Official Blizzard Quote:
Jay Wilson: Well, our story tends to focus a lot more on the two major demons and the impending invasion of Sanctuary. So the character classes tend to follow those events and not so much their homelands. I think the only character who actually goes through their homeland is, I believe, the wizard, Leonard [Boyarsky] knows more about this than me, sometimes I get this wrong. But I'm pretty sure it's the wizard. The monk's land we're not going to, but there are likely to be other monk characters and details about the religious group and the culture that he comes from.
It should be noted that this quote is from an interview in 2009, and Jay Wilson seems less than certain that we will go to Xiansai in Diablo III. However, if it is a location in the final game, a trip to nearby Scosglen could make sense. Both environments would most likely be similar, although Xiansai, judging by its color on the world map, does seem to be effected by the same plague as the Dreadlands despite the island's distance from the Arreat Crater.
A more familiar location could be the Sharval Wilds and Ivgorod. Located to the north of Tristram, the Sharval Wilds are home to the Monks of Ivgorod. This region, along with Westmarch, would most likely feel very similar to the area surrounding Tristram and the Rogue Monastery in the previous Diablo games. However, exploring Ivgorod could be more focused on the mountains in the area, while Westmarch is much closer to a port town than anywhere we've gone to in the area.
Mentioned in the Witch Doctor's entry on the official site, the Torajan Jungles surround familiar places like Kurast, but in Diablo II we only explored a small portion of the area. Depending on whether or not you liked Act III in Diablo II, a journey to the Torajan Jungles could be a very appealing or cringe inducing idea, but any Witch Doctor fan would probably enjoy a visit with the Tribe of the Five Hills. The towns in this area could also prove intriguing, seeing as other than Kurast the world map shows no centers of civilization. Small, unprotected villages instead of walled of cities and towns could lead to a lot more dangerous of a feel in the dense jungles.
The only other location on this list that is at all confirmed is the previously mentioned Dreadlands surrounding the Arreat Crater. During the Blizzcon 2010 Crafting Sanctuary panel, we got a short look at the concept art and interior of Bastion's Keep, a Barbarian stronghold located near the Arreat Crater. A short time later, Bashiok told us that we had actually seen a small portion of Act III. Seeing as all other footage was labeled as part of the first two acts, that would appear to imply that we venture to Bastion's Keep during Act III, which would then seem to suggest that Act III takes place in the Dreadlands. However, at this point in time that is pure speculation, so technically the only confirmed locations are the forests around Tristram and the deserts surrounding Caldeum.
So now that you've gotten a short overview of each of the choices, which locale do you want to see in Diablo III and its expansions? Do you have any other locations in mind? Vote in the poll above and discuss your favorite choices in the topic below.
During last week's poll, most people (37%) agreed that a follower system that is similar to what we saw in Lord of Destruction, with the addition of skill choices, would be ideal. The next most popular option was the system Leonard Boyarsky explained in a 2009 interview (28%), and the temporary followers option trailed behind with 18% of the vote. If you would still like to vote in last week's poll, or if you just want to talk about followers and hirelings in Diablo III, be sure to head over to the topic through the link above.
Same with Hell and Heaven, though im not sure how that would be possible lore wise.
Well in D2 the Three created a portal to Hell, so a similar thing could be done for Heaven. I'm sure Tyreal (or any other angels on our side) has some way of getting back there.
Torajan Jungles - Well, I think it's a possibility for an additional expansion act. The place where the Witch Doctor originated from had a lot to do with demons in the past (most significantly Zagraal) so it will not be surprising at all to visit the jungle.
Yea, and theres some concept art portraying ruins in the jungle. Also, I'm pretty sure the goatmen come from that area as well.
As for my top choices, I'd say something like:
1. Xiansai
2. Skovos
3. Ureh
4. Torajan
5. Ivgorod
I'd really like to see the homelands of all the characters, as I feel like that can easily add significance to an area. Heaven and Hell are also places I'd like to go, but it seems like a foregone conclusion that we'll be visiting them at some point, especially since D3 is going to close out this story arc.
Man, I don't know all of those places.. Good thing you guys rock the Diablo wiki party out with your.. lore books out. K that got weird.
Yea I guess thats true. Thanks for the pointer. The main reason I grouped it with the Dry Steppes is that the clip of Ureh seems to be in a desert-like area, so I just assumed it was closer to the Dry Steppes than the swamps. But the world map pretty clearly shows it in the swamps.
Voted for every option cause I want to go to all them places
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack for all your Trans Siberian Orchestra listening pleasure
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
How would heaven work out if they added it to the game? It sounds really awesome but what reason would we have for going there? The heroes are at war with the forces of hell right? Why would we go up to heaven to hack and slash some angels who really are fighting on our side?
The only reason I can see for us going there is if hell invades heaven or something, but that would be strange and out of place fighting demons in heaven. Something along the lines of a outpost in heaven that gives us some quest to head into hell through maybe a portal would make more sense. But still.
If there is lore behind this that I am missing please fill me in
Give us an ultimate cocktail recipe: The very else where, minecraft hell-style, like breaking into a dead zone that is instantly generated, collided pieces that could be the roads in specific maps for guiding uses, which becomes misleading in the place of an instant spawned dead space/dead zone.
When pve players dropped into these shakes, roles will be given to players that will have more to do with responding to the environment. One of the teammates will be responsible for exploring the environment, by exploring the environment, this role materialize what he sees before him. Players however can choose to walk into unexplored terrortory, yet the demons they encounter will be tougher to kill, and the environment which their extremely near sighted vision will be changing from moment to moment. And the change also refresh the monster spawn in his/her's standing area.
Until the leading team member arrive to stabilize the area, freezing the change. This however can be use as a purposeful teamwork, making one of the non leading team member a scout to walk into dark area, switch away the environment until it's no longer a wall before him, but a door for instance. This can be use when one of the team member sees the environment is turning deserted, or soon will be walking into a dead end.
There could be a treasure placing's logo on the dead zone's map for players to get to. And I think there should be a secret role that comes up once in a while among the team, which the secret role has to kill the path, making it completely blocked, explored. This role will know a different treasure position located somewhere, players can stalk him to get to it, or he can attract hordes to destroy the team...well I haven't figure out exactly how this role should function.
If one's not the guide of the team, walking into dark area and attracted demons from there, these demons will still be the strengthened demons if pulled into explored passage.
And I think this can be at least another angle on what a cow level would be like in D3.
And you think that angels in Diablo are nice beings? Think again:P
Looting from angels, I suspect there's only a profile of a storeroom dummy behind that hood.
It will be thrilling to kill something with such figurative body. And maybe in a place that will maddened' mortals vision. Background music suited for an asylum. Oh, for heaven's sake!
"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Kingdom of Shadow, hmm, now I have my head filled with what a place with that description would look like. And the monsters living there for that matter...
Oh my...
Well I didn't read any of the D books, I voted for the other, therefore I wouldn't accidentally ruin some kind of close match between two winning candidates, that are two very interesting places we would like to be in. So you guys knock yourself out
If there're medieval jesters to be seen in any of these worlds I will be glad to see them become reality in gameplay. Vampire jesters or demon jesters.
It just wouldn't stop moving. This is even freakier than it was in the movie.
I know nicer clowns will do hiccup tricks though. They will act like they're trying to stop themself from making the hiccups. It can be fun. But still creepy. I agree, clowns give me the creeps. Even the regular ones in our world.
my friend is clown at a season carneval, you know the kind you throw a ball to shot down.
i allways throw at him insted of the target thingie :b
WOW. Had he been doing it for a while now? It must be a magical feeling having a friend that's in a carnival working as a clown. Well, less magical for him since his friend once in awhile visits and throws stuff on him xD
If you bring your girl friend in for the action, both of you do the throwing, it would be the slow motion nightmare I think he'll sincerely remember for the rest of his life =P
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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So far in the Diablo series, we have yet to venture to the High Heavens, despite repeated journeys to the Burning Hells. Early in development, Diablo III was supposed to take place in the Heavens, which appeared to be much lighter than most areas we've seen, and most of the architecture was composed of white pillars. If it appeared in the final game, it could end up looking similar to these screenshots. Obviously Heaven could also provide a good contrast to Hell, which is another self explanatory potential location.
Another interesting homeland to explore could be the
Jay Wilson: Well, our story tends to focus a lot more on the two major demons and the impending invasion of Sanctuary. So the character classes tend to follow those events and not so much their homelands. I think the only character who actually goes through their homeland is, I believe, the wizard, Leonard [Boyarsky] knows more about this than me, sometimes I get this wrong. But I'm pretty sure it's the wizard. The monk's land we're not going to, but there are likely to be other monk characters and details about the religious group and the culture that he comes from.
A more familiar location could be the Sharval Wilds and Ivgorod. Located to the north of Tristram, the Sharval Wilds are home to the Monks of Ivgorod. This region, along with Westmarch, would most likely feel very similar to the area surrounding Tristram and the Rogue Monastery in the previous Diablo games. However, exploring Ivgorod could be more focused on the mountains in the area, while Westmarch is much closer to a port town than anywhere we've gone to in the area.
So now that you've gotten a short overview of each of the choices, which locale do you want to see in Diablo III and its expansions? Do you have any other locations in mind? Vote in the poll above and discuss your favorite choices in the topic below.
During last week's poll, most people (37%) agreed that a follower system that is similar to what we saw in Lord of Destruction, with the addition of skill choices, would be ideal. The next most popular option was the system Leonard Boyarsky explained in a 2009 interview (28%), and the temporary followers option trailed behind with 18% of the vote. If you would still like to vote in last week's poll, or if you just want to talk about followers and hirelings in Diablo III, be sure to head over to the topic through the link above.
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the news team.
DiabloFans: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Live Chat
-Thomas Jefferson
Yea, and theres some concept art portraying ruins in the jungle. Also, I'm pretty sure the goatmen come from that area as well.
As for my top choices, I'd say something like:
1. Xiansai
2. Skovos
3. Ureh
4. Torajan
5. Ivgorod
I'd really like to see the homelands of all the characters, as I feel like that can easily add significance to an area. Heaven and Hell are also places I'd like to go, but it seems like a foregone conclusion that we'll be visiting them at some point, especially since D3 is going to close out this story arc.
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the news team.
DiabloFans: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Live Chat
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the news team.
DiabloFans: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Live Chat
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
The only reason I can see for us going there is if hell invades heaven or something, but that would be strange and out of place fighting demons in heaven. Something along the lines of a outpost in heaven that gives us some quest to head into hell through maybe a portal would make more sense. But still.
If there is lore behind this that I am missing please fill me in
When pve players dropped into these shakes, roles will be given to players that will have more to do with responding to the environment. One of the teammates will be responsible for exploring the environment, by exploring the environment, this role materialize what he sees before him. Players however can choose to walk into unexplored terrortory, yet the demons they encounter will be tougher to kill, and the environment which their extremely near sighted vision will be changing from moment to moment. And the change also refresh the monster spawn in his/her's standing area.
Until the leading team member arrive to stabilize the area, freezing the change. This however can be use as a purposeful teamwork, making one of the non leading team member a scout to walk into dark area, switch away the environment until it's no longer a wall before him, but a door for instance. This can be use when one of the team member sees the environment is turning deserted, or soon will be walking into a dead end.
There could be a treasure placing's logo on the dead zone's map for players to get to. And I think there should be a secret role that comes up once in a while among the team, which the secret role has to kill the path, making it completely blocked, explored. This role will know a different treasure position located somewhere, players can stalk him to get to it, or he can attract hordes to destroy the team...well I haven't figure out exactly how this role should function.
If one's not the guide of the team, walking into dark area and attracted demons from there, these demons will still be the strengthened demons if pulled into explored passage.
And I think this can be at least another angle on what a cow level would be like in D3.
Looting from angels, I suspect there's only a profile of a storeroom dummy behind that hood.
It will be thrilling to kill something with such figurative body. And maybe in a place that will maddened' mortals vision. Background music suited for an asylum. Oh, for heaven's sake!
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Oh my...
Well I didn't read any of the D books, I voted for the other, therefore I wouldn't accidentally ruin some kind of close match between two winning candidates, that are two very interesting places we would like to be in. So you guys knock yourself out
If there're medieval jesters to be seen in any of these worlds I will be glad to see them become reality in gameplay. Vampire jesters or demon jesters.
I know nicer clowns will do hiccup tricks though. They will act like they're trying to stop themself from making the hiccups. It can be fun. But still creepy. I agree, clowns give me the creeps. Even the regular ones in our world.
If you bring your girl friend in for the action, both of you do the throwing, it would be the slow motion nightmare I think he'll sincerely remember for the rest of his life =P