Although looking at the even bigger scheme of things, I think Blizzard is in a little bit of a rut. WoW is old, say what good things you will about it but in 3 years it will be ancient in terms of video games. Blizzard knows this I'm sure. So on top of anything else, I'd bet they are planning a grand release for their new MMO that will kick start a new generation of Blizzard games, which can be funded from the pay to play plan that will undoubtedly be part of it.
That's exactly what I got out of Machinima's "Blizzard Entertainment Part 5." Frank Pearce said "I would say that even though we have these really popular franchises, Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo.. If you look at our track record over the last 10 years or so, really you could make the argument that we've just been the Warcraft company." Morhaime added some color to what Pearce said by staring all sadface at his shoes.
It's hard for me to accept the timetable for D3 because Blizzard constantly and openly admits short-changing their other franchises for the sake of WoW maintenance. Yes, they're working their tails off, but they need more engineering resources to actually get the thing done in a timely way.
I thought it was interesting that Morhaime hinted at changes to their development structure to facilitate faster release time frames. I don't have the quote but I remember that distinctly.
I'd bet they'll figure a way to optimize development in the next year or so. While they are all and all a realistically organized company for their size, I'd bet they'd be the first to admit they lack a modern structure to their methods of development. Which also is kinda their trade mark, so we'll see how that goes in the future.
Alright. Internal beta has started. Good!
External beta between July and September - I can wait. But you know what would really help the wait...
D3 system reveals! Let them come!
Hellz yeah! At this point it's almost nice to be confident in a 2012 release, now I can just sit back and look forward to news and content what I save for my gaming pc
“We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.” - Albert Einstein
Whether or not it was a lucky guess, time to admit the "fired tester" was probably right.
I wouldn't take anything found on 4chan as fact. That's deadly.
Which is why I mentioned "lucky guess". What else is going to be the big hype-worthy announcement at the show? We already know plenty about sc2.2, including a leaked final cinematic. And the next WoW Xpac would be kinda sorta exciting - but it isn't a make 'em all cry, scream, etc thing to send 'em home. They wanted badly to make that exact announcement at the last closing ceremony, with that Sams guy. Remember?
I dunno, the voice in the back of my head says 2012, but I really, really want to believe that Blizzard wants to release it this year. All signs point to "likely," but I can't take that for what it is because, shit, it's Blizzard.
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I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
Wait what? A WoW xpac (and keep in mind that WoW players make up most of Blizzard's fans) would be lackluster but putting a date on a beta thats already essentially announced would make people excited? I don't think so. Not to mention that BlizzCon is in October, which isn't during Q3, so their entire three month window would have to be off.
Wait what? A WoW xpac (and keep in mind that WoW players make up most of Blizzard's fans) would be lackluster but putting a date on a beta thats already essentially announced would make people excited? I don't think so. Not to mention that BlizzCon is in October, which isn't during Q3, so their entire three month window would have to be off.
"The 3rd quarter reference in the earning's call today was a calendar quarter, meaning that we're aiming to launch the Diablo III beta between July 1st and September 30th. Keep in mind that it's our current goal, and of course that can change as development continues."
Of course, that COULD mean the Beta could start earlier than Q3. But it won't. It's Blizzard. They haven't been on time since '97, and they've NEVER been early.
I think we're all more than aware of Blizzard's inability to do anything early, but I still don't see them missing a three month window, especially after internal testing has already started.
I think we're all more than aware of Blizzard's inability to do anything early, but I still don't see them missing a three month window, especially after internal testing has already started.
I agree with you. What surprises me is that they give a 3 month margin of error for something that could purportedly start in less than 2 months. When it comes to project management in software engineering, that's the same as saying "we don't really know." If I were a VP and my PM said that to me I'd fire him on the spot.
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"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions."
-Thomas Jefferson
What I meant to say was, "by that time, beta has already been announced." If Blizzcon is in October and the window they're aiming to release external testing is between July and September, than you can't announce something that is already in place. That's like announcing Christmas in January. Sure, they may reiterate the fact that Beta is in sequence, but they're not going to announce it in October.
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I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
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Verb: Select as an object of attention or attack.
What happens 3 weeks after the end of this "target"? Whether or not it was a lucky guess, time to admit the "fired tester" was probably right.
I'd bet they'll figure a way to optimize development in the next year or so. While they are all and all a realistically organized company for their size, I'd bet they'd be the first to admit they lack a modern structure to their methods of development. Which also is kinda their trade mark, so we'll see how that goes in the future.
Hellz yeah! At this point it's almost nice to be confident in a 2012 release, now I can just sit back and look forward to news and content what I save for my gaming pc
I wouldn't take anything found on 4chan as fact. That's deadly.
I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
Now I see why you find it great news. While I honestly love your optimism, I don't understand it.
-Thomas Jefferson
Which is why I mentioned "lucky guess". What else is going to be the big hype-worthy announcement at the show? We already know plenty about sc2.2, including a leaked final cinematic. And the next WoW Xpac would be kinda sorta exciting - but it isn't a make 'em all cry, scream, etc thing to send 'em home. They wanted badly to make that exact announcement at the last closing ceremony, with that Sams guy. Remember?
I dunno, the voice in the back of my head says 2012, but I really, really want to believe that Blizzard wants to release it this year. All signs point to "likely," but I can't take that for what it is because, shit, it's Blizzard.
I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
At least you're honest about that being most of your reasoning.
Beta announcement - closing ceremony
Release - April/June 2012
Really, I completely understand wanting to aim for the worst so as to not be disappointed, but I think we're allowed a semblance of practicality here.
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Beta has already been announced.
And what is your reasoning behind Mid-2012?
I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
"The 3rd quarter reference in the earning's call today was a calendar quarter, meaning that we're aiming to launch the Diablo III beta between July 1st and September 30th. Keep in mind that it's our current goal, and of course that can change as development continues."
Of course, that COULD mean the Beta could start earlier than Q3. But it won't. It's Blizzard. They haven't been on time since '97, and they've NEVER been early.
No it hasn't. They're targeting Q3. Key word targeting. An announcement is the release of an actual start date. Not a start 1/4 of an entire year.
-Thomas Jefferson
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the news team.
DiabloFans: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Live Chat
I agree with you. What surprises me is that they give a 3 month margin of error for something that could purportedly start in less than 2 months. When it comes to project management in software engineering, that's the same as saying "we don't really know." If I were a VP and my PM said that to me I'd fire him on the spot.
-Thomas Jefferson
What I meant to say was, "by that time, beta has already been announced." If Blizzcon is in October and the window they're aiming to release external testing is between July and September, than you can't announce something that is already in place. That's like announcing Christmas in January. Sure, they may reiterate the fact that Beta is in sequence, but they're not going to announce it in October.
I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence