I live in Holland and I was able to see the first bit of the podcast, shame I had to leave my computer, and I havent got the time to check if it works on mobile devices. Guess I'll look at youtube tomorrow.
“We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.” - Albert Einstein
if im not mistaken, the activision guy talked about the games coming this year, and no mention of diablo 3, also a mention of two blizz titles in 2012
-this is mid conference call posting-
listening to force now live cast they said 2012 for now will see... maby they got it wrong
Can nothing ever go right in video games? FFxiv is a steaming pile a crap, Sony online's been down for weeks, Console games lick pouch anyways, and now the news that we will be waiting around for another 9 months to play this game.
So what may I ask is internal testing? Like is it just a bunch of guys from blizzard testing it out? Or is it something else entirley?
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If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
Yea. Q3 is beginning of July to end of September, so still pretty much a summer beta. And internal testing is pretty much just people under NDA and people from in the company testing the game I'd assume.
2012 release. Called it for the past 2 years. They say they're aiming for a 2011 release, but won't sacrifice quality to meet the window. Which means it won't happen, I know I'll get shit for saying that but I truly would go all in on a Q1-Q2 2012 release.
“We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.” - Albert Einstein
Well hopefully we get the beta on the early end of Q3. Either way, at least we'll be getting (hopefully) consistent updates in the form of new systems until the beta comes out. And the lack of questions about D3 is probably because 'Beta in Q3 2011' doesn't really lead to many questions.
what the hell, i started this thread. why the fuck does skarin1993 have the first post.
can i get a moderator to PM me ASAP.
Edit: I just realized they re-named another thread and folded my post into this one. And I don't like that.
Anyway, to confirm, The soonest we'll see the external beta is July.
threads got merged dude, they were all on the same thing
kinda depressing listening to them talk about WoW like a cash cow, even though i never liked the game, but wow activision
that spyro game is SUCH A NEW LOW
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Expect Diablo 3 in 2012. AS I THOUGHT! Sorry I'm gonna rub this all over everyone's faces because I've been saying this forever..
-this is mid conference call posting-
Edit: Sorry, saw the news on the mainsite, though you should write new posts about it.
:: Enkeria [Twitter / Twitch / Website / Tattoos]
Can nothing ever go right in video games? FFxiv is a steaming pile a crap, Sony online's been down for weeks, Console games lick pouch anyways, and now the news that we will be waiting around for another 9 months to play this game.
Its just a constant stream of letdowns.
on a side note, anyone else horrified by the new spyro concept? new activision low, buy the other characters as real life toys WTF
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Gotta admit, I'm disappointed that I'm disappointed.
Edit, changed time frame to July-Sept, which Bashiok has confirmed.
Just to be clear, this means the External Beta will START no sooner than SOMETIME in the 3 month window starting July to September.
-Thomas Jefferson
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
maybe the beta wont take 6 months for d3? might be shorter... hopefully
err q3 is july-sept last i checked
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That is all.
are we looking at august-oct beta?
bashiok confirmation first page, july-sept
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can i get a moderator to PM me ASAP.
Edit: I just realized they re-named another thread and folded my post into this one. And I don't like that.
Anyway, to confirm, The soonest we'll see the external beta is July.
-Thomas Jefferson
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the news team.
DiabloFans: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Live Chat
threads got merged dude, they were all on the same thing
kinda depressing listening to them talk about WoW like a cash cow, even though i never liked the game, but wow activision
that spyro game is SUCH A NEW LOW