Well the Witch Doctor is from Teganze. That sounds an aweful lot like Tanzania or Zimbabwe (both are countries in Africa near the Congo), so I think its pretty safe to say that the Doc is almost certainly a black gentleman. So i doubt there'll be anymore black added to the palette, so to speak...
That being said, I think the next two races will likely be white/European and middle eastern (both racially and stylistically). Diablo has traditionally been a midieval style came with knights and peasants, and kings, and the like... And thus far, players are unable to play as the traditional "knight" character in D3. Adding these two races would give the game that recognizable crusade-esque feel that we all know so well...
Dont get me wrong, I'm not advocating the addition of of these races, I'm just sayin'...
I actually think a Romanian (Transylvanian) character would be pretty cool... although i dont like the idea of vampires in Diablo, i think a Vampire Hunter D style character would be pretty cool. And I'm really just talking style here, what with the cross-bows, daggers, black trench-coat, talking hand, and what-not...
Anyway, speaking of craaab people, i'll bet one of the next classes is a very Jewish Dr. Zoidberg. :confused:
Looked through your sources man, no where did they say the Druids were men of war. When I say that I mean an actually warrior who picked up a weapon to end another mans life.
The only thing that they did that related to war was advise and act as ambassadors. Druids acted as more than Priests but also law makers so it would make sense that they would travel to rival clans and tribes to negotiate peace or other tribal politics.
The only time a Druid took an animal or humans life was in sacrifice to their gods.
So no Druids never fought in a war or killed in the name of a chief.
Quote from name="Julius Caesar, Gallic War" »
They were a brave enemy-through the whole battle lasting from noon to sunset, no Roman ever saw the back of a Gaulish warrior.
The Druids, of course, as the leaders of the tribes of Gaul and other places, besides (Gaul is modern-day France, give or take some space), led the Gauls to battle, and also had the distinct power to immediately stop any conflict between the tribes (because they were both feared and revered). They fought resistance in Celtiberian Numantia and Alesia (the latter's defense was led by Vercingteorix, if I remember correctly), when Caesar was trying to conquer the far lands. Critognatus was, again if I can remember well, a Druid who was pivotal in the resistance and urged Druid councils to band together their prospective tribes. Resistance was supposedly gone by 51 B.C., as per Posidonius' writings.
So yes, they were fighters, both politically and first-handed, so I don't particularly mind their presence in games, but they are often nothing like what they really were.
That's absolutely impossible. The Sanctuary have only one race - the Humans.
Also the humans are - Arreat Mountain villagers, the villagers of the Western continent(Westmarch, Ensteig, Kanduras), the townsmen of Kehjistan, the Aranoch villagers, that's for now. Also in the Steppes and the Marchlandds but we didn't go there for now. So that's mainly the races for now. Also if we see the classes in Diablo II we see that: the Barbarian comes from Arreat, the Amazon comes from Westmarch, the Sorceress comes from Kehjistan, the Paladin comes from Aranoch...and in Diablo the Sorcerer comes from Kehjistan, the Warrior comes from the desert Aranoch and the Archer girl comes from Westmarch...as you see all the classes have a specific location in Sanctuary.
Yes, I would agree. Blizzard is going to derive the last two classes from the remaining regions that don't already have a character from there. I think it would be safe to assume that there will be an expansion set with at least another class introduced as well.
The Druids, of course, as the leaders of the tribes of Gaul and other places, besides (Gaul is modern-day France, give or take some space), led the Gauls to battle, and also had the distinct power to immediately stop any conflict between the tribes (because they were both feared and revered). They fought resistance in Celtiberian Numantia and Alesia (the latter's defense was led by Vercingteorix, if I remember correctly), when Caesar was trying to conquer the far lands. Critognatus was, again if I can remember well, a Druid who was pivotal in the resistance and urged Druid councils to band together their prospective tribes. Resistance was supposedly gone by 51 B.C., as per Posidonius' writings.
So yes, they were fighters, both politically and first-handed, so I don't particularly mind their presence in games, but they are often nothing like what they really were.
Originally Posted by Julius Caesar, Gallic War They were a brave enemy-through the whole battle lasting from noon to sunset, no Roman ever saw the back of a Gaulish warrior.
Key word there, Gaulish warrior. Druids were never warriors.
Celtic Life was had 3 different social ladders.
Nobility and the Warrior class - shouldnt take any explaining ;D
Peasents - pretty much what you expect, they did the manual labor and fought in wars when called upon
And the Druids - Priests, teachers, Advisors, Bards, made sacrafices and did the healing for a tribe.
I've got to run though so I'll try to make this short
The Druids weren't leaders... They had Power yes but that came from being of the higher class. They followed the Chieftain of the tribe and advised him on political and tribal affairs. The reason being is they were also the head of the Celtic religion. It's been shown through history that you dont fuck with your people's faith.
Another thing is Celts also valued their reputation and word was law. Bards were part of the Druidic order and if the Chieftan or Champion etc. did something to anger the gods or just a druid in pacticular they would preform a satire on the man. Which is pretty much suicide for any Celt with standing.
This is why they held power in the Celtic world. Why would a man or woman *yes Druids were men and woman* dirty their hands in a fight to the death with someone who was trained from the age of 7 to kill? They had the backing of a clan or tribe to do that for them.
Druids were involved in the Gallic war because Ceaser and Rome were a threat to their religion and the Celtic way of life, It was kind of like a Celtic version of the Jihad. But no, no they never picked up a weapon that delt with war.
And.. Celts lived in
Modern day France
good portion of Western Germany
Northern Italy
Quite a bit of Spain
Parts of Greece for a time
Originally Posted by Julius Caesar, Gallic War
[I]They were a brave enemy-through the whole battle lasting from noon to sunset, no Roman ever saw the back of a Gaulish warrior.
Key word there, Gaulish warrior. Druids were never warriors.
Ah, that is true.
The Druids weren't leaders...
Quote from "Caesar »
Among the Druids there is one supreme leader who holds authority... [...'] When this chief Druid dies, he is succeeded by whoever is most qualified. If there are several contenders for the position, the Druids all take a vote-though they have been known to contend for the title with armed force.
The first underlined portion shows that there is a supreme Druid who leads, and then there are subsequent other ones below that one. The latter actually attests to their combat, though I didn't at first realize it when I read it.
The Gauls were superstitious within their own religion and so the roles of political leader and religious leader overlapped. The Druids often acted as arbiters between disputes, including wars:
Quote from "Posidonius" »
The Gauls consider the Druids the most just of all their people, and so they are given the role of judge in all public and private disputes. In the past, they were even able to halt battles and bring an end to wars.
They also, of course, acted as advisors to various Gaulish kings (not affiliated with the tribes).
Another thing is Celts also valued their reputation and word was law. Bards were part of the Druidic order and if the Chieftan or Champion etc. did something to anger the gods or just a druid in pacticular they would preform a satire on the man. Which is pretty much suicide for any Celt with standing.
The Bards had no political swing, they were record keepers in their songs and such. The Vates were the ones which oversaw the sacrifices, not the Druids or Bards:
Quote from "Posidonius" »
There are three groups among the Gauls who are given special honor-bards, vates, and Druids. The bards are singers and poets, while the vates supervise sacrifices and study the ways of nature.
This is why they held power in the Celtic world.
Why would a man or woman *yes Druids were men and woman*
Which was not at question They, of course, had completely equal standings with men:
Quote from name="Posidonius, History" »
The women of Gaul are equal to their men in size and a match for them in strength as well. . . .
Onomaris of the Danube River area were lead by females but that's the only tribe specifically coming to my mind right now. Specific female Druids I can only remember Chiomara and Cama of the Galatians.
Druids were involved in the Gallic war because Ceaser and Rome were a threat to their religion and the Celtic way of life, It was kind of like a Celtic version of the Jihad. But no, no they never picked up a weapon that delt with war.
It wasn't a *Celtic* version of Jihad, it was a Roman conquest of most of the European continent. Prior to the conquest by Caesar they were mostly on good terms with Rome (the Druids specifically, that is) since they engaged in counseling leaders and such.
And.. Celts lived in
Modern day France
good portion of Western Germany
Northern Italy
Quite a bit of Spain
Parts of Greece for a time
The list can go on
None of that was in question :confused: Mysticism in general was very popular back then, even in the Church.
Of course, it's just a video game character, so I don't even know why all this matters, and it's been weeks since this started and I can't remember why I cared enough to bring up the distinction.
Come to think of it, since Druids aren't an ethnicity or a race, I don't know why any of us are even bothering with this.
Well the Witch Doctor is from Teganze. That sounds an aweful lot like Tanzania or Zimbabwe (both are countries in Africa near the Congo), so I think its pretty safe to say that the Doc is almost certainly a black gentleman. So i doubt there'll be anymore black added to the palette, so to speak...
That being said, I think the next two races will likely be white/European and middle eastern (both racially and stylistically). Diablo has traditionally been a midieval style came with knights and peasants, and kings, and the like... And thus far, players are unable to play as the traditional "knight" character in D3. Adding these two races would give the game that recognizable crusade-esque feel that we all know so well...
Dont get me wrong, I'm not advocating the addition of of these races, I'm just sayin'...
I actually think a Romanian (Transylvanian) character would be pretty cool... although i dont like the idea of vampires in Diablo, i think a Vampire Hunter D style character would be pretty cool. And I'm really just talking style here, what with the cross-bows, daggers, black trench-coat, talking hand, and what-not...
Anyway, speaking of craaab people, i'll bet one of the next classes is a very Jewish Dr. Zoidberg. :confused:
a native americanish ranger would be kinda cool make it from the lands of the witch doctor to get that tribalistic lore and you could fit it in....a ninja is basically the assasin and a samurai...no...just no
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
:cool:i dont know how to make banners an such so ill put quotes
god grant me the serenity,
to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things i can and wisdom to know the difference
The last class is probably a physical ranged type. How about a Mongolian? The Mongols were some of the best archers who ever lived. I can foresee some complaining that this creates too many Asian classes, but whatever.
D2 classes and region from
Necro - central east
barb - north west
sorc - central (somewhat south) east
amazon - south
paladin - south west
druic - north east
assassin - same as sorc
D3 Classes and region from
Barb- north west
Witch Doctor - south east
Wizard - north
Monk - Ivgorod (my guess central west or somewhat north east)
??? - most likely south west since they said that no one from the skovos islands
this would give you a nice diversity of people from around the world of sanctuary. thus gives you different races (skin color) to chose from
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
My life is like a dragon, first praised, then hated, now lost.
they should just make it that Wizards, Monks and the next class be organizations rather than races.
anyone of any race can join them and thus we can have any race we want as a Wizard or Monk
This is the off topic of the year.
That being said, I think the next two races will likely be white/European and middle eastern (both racially and stylistically). Diablo has traditionally been a midieval style came with knights and peasants, and kings, and the like... And thus far, players are unable to play as the traditional "knight" character in D3. Adding these two races would give the game that recognizable crusade-esque feel that we all know so well...
Dont get me wrong, I'm not advocating the addition of of these races, I'm just sayin'...
I actually think a Romanian (Transylvanian) character would be pretty cool... although i dont like the idea of vampires in Diablo, i think a Vampire Hunter D style character would be pretty cool. And I'm really just talking style here, what with the cross-bows, daggers, black trench-coat, talking hand, and what-not...
Anyway, speaking of craaab people, i'll bet one of the next classes is a very Jewish Dr. Zoidberg. :confused:
The Druids, of course, as the leaders of the tribes of Gaul and other places, besides (Gaul is modern-day France, give or take some space), led the Gauls to battle, and also had the distinct power to immediately stop any conflict between the tribes (because they were both feared and revered). They fought resistance in Celtiberian Numantia and Alesia (the latter's defense was led by Vercingteorix, if I remember correctly), when Caesar was trying to conquer the far lands. Critognatus was, again if I can remember well, a Druid who was pivotal in the resistance and urged Druid councils to band together their prospective tribes. Resistance was supposedly gone by 51 B.C., as per Posidonius' writings.
So yes, they were fighters, both politically and first-handed, so I don't particularly mind their presence in games, but they are often nothing like what they really were.
Yes, I would agree. Blizzard is going to derive the last two classes from the remaining regions that don't already have a character from there. I think it would be safe to assume that there will be an expansion set with at least another class introduced as well.
Originally Posted by Julius Caesar, Gallic War
They were a brave enemy-through the whole battle lasting from noon to sunset, no Roman ever saw the back of a Gaulish warrior.
Key word there, Gaulish warrior. Druids were never warriors.
Celtic Life was had 3 different social ladders.
Nobility and the Warrior class - shouldnt take any explaining ;D
Peasents - pretty much what you expect, they did the manual labor and fought in wars when called upon
And the Druids - Priests, teachers, Advisors, Bards, made sacrafices and did the healing for a tribe.
I've got to run though so I'll try to make this short
The Druids weren't leaders... They had Power yes but that came from being of the higher class. They followed the Chieftain of the tribe and advised him on political and tribal affairs. The reason being is they were also the head of the Celtic religion. It's been shown through history that you dont fuck with your people's faith.
Another thing is Celts also valued their reputation and word was law. Bards were part of the Druidic order and if the Chieftan or Champion etc. did something to anger the gods or just a druid in pacticular they would preform a satire on the man. Which is pretty much suicide for any Celt with standing.
This is why they held power in the Celtic world. Why would a man or woman *yes Druids were men and woman* dirty their hands in a fight to the death with someone who was trained from the age of 7 to kill? They had the backing of a clan or tribe to do that for them.
Druids were involved in the Gallic war because Ceaser and Rome were a threat to their religion and the Celtic way of life, It was kind of like a Celtic version of the Jihad. But no, no they never picked up a weapon that delt with war.
And.. Celts lived in
Modern day France
good portion of Western Germany
Northern Italy
Quite a bit of Spain
Parts of Greece for a time
The list can go on
Ah, that is true.
The first underlined portion shows that there is a supreme Druid who leads, and then there are subsequent other ones below that one. The latter actually attests to their combat, though I didn't at first realize it when I read it.
The Gauls were superstitious within their own religion and so the roles of political leader and religious leader overlapped. The Druids often acted as arbiters between disputes, including wars:
They also, of course, acted as advisors to various Gaulish kings (not affiliated with the tribes).
The Bards had no political swing, they were record keepers in their songs and such. The Vates were the ones which oversaw the sacrifices, not the Druids or Bards:
This is why they held power in the Celtic world.
Which was not at question They, of course, had completely equal standings with men:
Onomaris of the Danube River area were lead by females but that's the only tribe specifically coming to my mind right now. Specific female Druids I can only remember Chiomara and Cama of the Galatians.
It wasn't a *Celtic* version of Jihad, it was a Roman conquest of most of the European continent. Prior to the conquest by Caesar they were mostly on good terms with Rome (the Druids specifically, that is) since they engaged in counseling leaders and such.
None of that was in question :confused: Mysticism in general was very popular back then, even in the Church.
Of course, it's just a video game character, so I don't even know why all this matters, and it's been weeks since this started and I can't remember why I cared enough to bring up the distinction.
Come to think of it, since Druids aren't an ethnicity or a race, I don't know why any of us are even bothering with this.
That being said, I think the next two races will likely be white/European and middle eastern (both racially and stylistically). Diablo has traditionally been a midieval style came with knights and peasants, and kings, and the like... And thus far, players are unable to play as the traditional "knight" character in D3. Adding these two races would give the game that recognizable crusade-esque feel that we all know so well...
Dont get me wrong, I'm not advocating the addition of of these races, I'm just sayin'...
I actually think a Romanian (Transylvanian) character would be pretty cool... although i dont like the idea of vampires in Diablo, i think a Vampire Hunter D style character would be pretty cool. And I'm really just talking style here, what with the cross-bows, daggers, black trench-coat, talking hand, and what-not...
Anyway, speaking of craaab people, i'll bet one of the next classes is a very Jewish Dr. Zoidberg. :confused:
god grant me the serenity,
to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things i can and wisdom to know the difference
Make them all black, Asian, White,..., whatever.
Once you have them on a monitor, you ain't gonna be able to tell the difference at all.
There is one way Blizzard could allow multi-classes without people bleeting is to allow a skin tone adjustment like some games.
I Love LoTR, but this is not THAT type of fantasy.
Just humans, demons and natural animals, please.
D2 classes and region from
Necro - central east
barb - north west
sorc - central (somewhat south) east
amazon - south
paladin - south west
druic - north east
assassin - same as sorc
D3 Classes and region from
Barb- north west
Witch Doctor - south east
Wizard - north
Monk - Ivgorod (my guess central west or somewhat north east)
??? - most likely south west since they said that no one from the skovos islands
this would give you a nice diversity of people from around the world of sanctuary. thus gives you different races (skin color) to chose from
anyone of any race can join them and thus we can have any race we want as a Wizard or Monk