Im so down for the drunken monk. Haha right up my ally.
To be honest though, undoubtedly there will be a ranger type class. I believe it's the gameplay video that shows a bow drop.. so you can count on that class.
The other class... I don't know most likely somet type of "warrior of the light" aka paladin. I mean, Blizzards clever, but it's a medieval fighting game against Hell, which imo limits the characters they can use.
i'd like to see a new version of robocop with a laser beam gun and aliens with they little space crafts around.... just kidding
maybe a rogue/priest class... something like a zakarum high priest that deserted after D2 and became some kind of outlaw or something (i don't know well the lore so i'm sure i'm missing something, but u get the idea)... so he can use the bows and knifes for instanse and imbue them of "spiritual" powers (call them auras or spirit summoning...)
i think that the knight class must be there, is a cliche and all that, but is part of the game...
at the moment there is no shapeshifting class... maybe the elementalist coul transform into fire and water etc... that would be great to see and will be according to the almost godly skills the new classes have
I'm from the camp that thinks there needs to be a Ranger/stealth class that incorporates Ranged and Melee attacks somewhere in the Game. This class's armor should not be as uber-cheesy as the Amazon's looked in D2 (it should not have looked like a palladin with long hair and breasts--hope that was forum appropriate). Incorporate cloaks and leather armors into it. At any rate I'll likely spend way too much time on the pc when D3 comes out
Yes! I can't think up anything that would be cleaver other than a Rogue. The Rogue on WoW was excellent if it weren't for, in my personal opinion, the targeting system. I liked the fact that Guild Wars had auto target whereas WoW did not. Oh well, there is potential though!
I completely agree on the armour. I hated the fact that the Amazon looked so... cheesy. I mean, there's no other word for it. Leather and a cape (like in DnD Gosh, I'm nerdy) would be awesome.
Quote from "Socialist" »
I want a ninja and pirate. ;D The ninja's would obviously be evasion type characters, relying on the element of suprise, possibly poisons and assassination skills. The pirate would be a one handed melee dps character, using alcohol to fuel his fighting.
Dude, Guild Wars tried that and it didn't work out too well. It was called the Assassin. lol. But I do like the idea of alcohol. It's like Mana, but it's Booze.
I'm going to stick with being exteremly happy that we have a wizard class but I really would love a Rogue class and some kind of Paladin class. I know I want this game to be a little different from Diablo II but at the same time I want them to keep in every that was good about Diablo II. I'm happy that the Barb is still there. I never played as one much (my main was a Ice Sorc) but they were fun.
As for having a Pally, I think that they are pretty much essential with the style of gameplay and the contents/story line. I mean, you're in Hell, you are going to need a Holy Warrior. lol. I'd love to see some customizable character creation but I don't think that is going to happen. That's my only compliant so far.
I think that having a class that really brings out the lore of Diablo would be cool. Mabey like a horadrim but decard cain is the last of them... but i mean something along those lines. Alot of posts talk about a paly... perhaps a warrior from the zakarum, mabey a "Hand of Zakarum" as they were once called (those were the first pallys) would fufill this role. But looking at most games that have come out in the last year all have some kind of dark warrior... AoC Dark Templar, WotLK Death Knight, WAR Disiple of Khanie... this seams to be the trend now. As for my own off the wall ideas:
1. The Warlord: This class would be used kind of a pally replacement, but unlike pallys from D2... he would be able to give the team multiple buffs instead of just one. Through inspirations, auras, shouts, and an ability called Commander's Insight
2. The Vanguard: This would fufill the ranged class that everyone keeps posting about. He would be a ranged/stealth specialist. The twist on this would be not to specialize on bows or javs like in d2... rather his abilities affect all ranged weapons the same. His trees will revolve around Oportunity (stealth and crit), Tricks of the Trade (posins and traps kind of skills), and Relentless Assault (Vanguards are sent before the army to prepair the battlefield and disable defenses of the enemy... these are debuf skills)
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"Always respect the purity of battle. For only in the heart of combat are all pretenses of nobility and quality stripped away, replaced by survival and death."
Well, since the Barbarian is back from Diablo 2, as the same barbarian who defeated diablo, i would like for a character to come back from Diablo 1.
Character Class Name: Vizjerei Description: After the defeat of Diablo under tristram, the Vizjerei Sorcererrealized the full potential of power of demonic magic. Leaving Tristram after the defeat of Diablo, the Sorcerer headed to the city of Lut Gholein, searching for the arcane sanctuary to unlock more clues of utilizing demons for their power. After learning more of demon summoning, the Vizjerei created an arcane double of himself, in order to guard the arcane sanctuary in his abscense, and left, in order to try the practice of demonic magics, not simply the theory. Unfortunatly, the magical double created by the sorcerer was corupted by powerful demonic magics flowing through the arcane sanctuary. Now, 20 years later, the sorcerer of Tristram fame is back, once again adventuring and slaying demons. The sorcerer is adventuring, not to save the world, or for any sort of principles, but to acquire more sources of power from foreign sources. Type of Attack: Melee or ranged, depending on talent tree Specialties: Can summon demons to perform different tasks, ranged spellcast, or magic-augmented melee
The different talent trees of the vizjerei mage are:
Demon Mastery: The Vizjerei calls into hell, and calls forth a demon companion. These include, familar(from diablo 1) as the first demon a Vizjerei learns to summon. Goat lord, to serve as personal protecter to the vizjerei, among others.
Hellfire: Not all spells in this tree are necessarily fire, but this is the Vizjerei's ranged spellcasting tree. (i haven't quite decided on all the spells here)
Blood magic: Through the slaughtering of innocents, the Vizjerei can gain power, the vizjerei and his blade will thirst for blood, growing stronger. One spell is: blood thirst; enchants current weapon for x seconds, causing vizjerei to heal for y% of dmg dealt. Another is soul armor; the Vizjerei puts a piece of his soul into his armor. While wearing it, it gives certain bonuses, and you can drop it from your inventory onto the ground, and it will stand up and act as a pet. Only one piece of armor can be such enchanted, and needs to be unenchanted before another one can be. When the item is unenchanted all magical abilities that started on the armor are gone, so it becomes a regular white item.
well diablo 1 characters need lovin too (i forgot to say that theres really no place for him till an xpac, as there is already a pure caster, as well as summoner)
you didn't read my description of the class, did you?
Also, does anyone REALLY expect their ideas to get picked up by blizzard? This is simply a place for fun discussions, and I'm sure that I'll enjoy whatever classes Diablo 3 has, but until then, this is a good way to pass the time.
To be honest though, undoubtedly there will be a ranger type class. I believe it's the gameplay video that shows a bow drop.. so you can count on that class.
The other class... I don't know most likely somet type of "warrior of the light" aka paladin. I mean, Blizzards clever, but it's a medieval fighting game against Hell, which imo limits the characters they can use.
maybe a rogue/priest class... something like a zakarum high priest that deserted after D2 and became some kind of outlaw or something (i don't know well the lore so i'm sure i'm missing something, but u get the idea)... so he can use the bows and knifes for instanse and imbue them of "spiritual" powers (call them auras or spirit summoning...)
i think that the knight class must be there, is a cliche and all that, but is part of the game...
I completely agree on the armour. I hated the fact that the Amazon looked so... cheesy. I mean, there's no other word for it. Leather and a cape (like in DnD Gosh, I'm nerdy) would be awesome.
Dude, Guild Wars tried that and it didn't work out too well. It was called the Assassin. lol. But I do like the idea of alcohol. It's like Mana, but it's Booze.
I'm going to stick with being exteremly happy that we have a wizard class but I really would love a Rogue class and some kind of Paladin class. I know I want this game to be a little different from Diablo II but at the same time I want them to keep in every that was good about Diablo II. I'm happy that the Barb is still there. I never played as one much (my main was a Ice Sorc) but they were fun.
As for having a Pally, I think that they are pretty much essential with the style of gameplay and the contents/story line. I mean, you're in Hell, you are going to need a Holy Warrior. lol. I'd love to see some customizable character creation but I don't think that is going to happen.
Angel: instead of having paladins , we got angels as the "holy warrior".. i don't know about the skills, but its kind of cool to have him...
1. The Warlord: This class would be used kind of a pally replacement, but unlike pallys from D2... he would be able to give the team multiple buffs instead of just one. Through inspirations, auras, shouts, and an ability called Commander's Insight
2. The Vanguard: This would fufill the ranged class that everyone keeps posting about. He would be a ranged/stealth specialist. The twist on this would be not to specialize on bows or javs like in d2... rather his abilities affect all ranged weapons the same. His trees will revolve around Oportunity (stealth and crit), Tricks of the Trade (posins and traps kind of skills), and Relentless Assault (Vanguards are sent before the army to prepair the battlefield and disable defenses of the enemy... these are debuf skills)
-Leoric of Khanduras, The Craft of War
Character Class Name: Vizjerei
Description: After the defeat of Diablo under tristram, the Vizjerei Sorcererrealized the full potential of power of demonic magic. Leaving Tristram after the defeat of Diablo, the Sorcerer headed to the city of Lut Gholein, searching for the arcane sanctuary to unlock more clues of utilizing demons for their power. After learning more of demon summoning, the Vizjerei created an arcane double of himself, in order to guard the arcane sanctuary in his abscense, and left, in order to try the practice of demonic magics, not simply the theory. Unfortunatly, the magical double created by the sorcerer was corupted by powerful demonic magics flowing through the arcane sanctuary. Now, 20 years later, the sorcerer of Tristram fame is back, once again adventuring and slaying demons. The sorcerer is adventuring, not to save the world, or for any sort of principles, but to acquire more sources of power from foreign sources.
Type of Attack: Melee or ranged, depending on talent tree
Specialties: Can summon demons to perform different tasks, ranged spellcast, or magic-augmented melee
The different talent trees of the vizjerei mage are:
Demon Mastery: The Vizjerei calls into hell, and calls forth a demon companion. These include, familar(from diablo 1) as the first demon a Vizjerei learns to summon. Goat lord, to serve as personal protecter to the vizjerei, among others.
Hellfire: Not all spells in this tree are necessarily fire, but this is the Vizjerei's ranged spellcasting tree. (i haven't quite decided on all the spells here)
Blood magic: Through the slaughtering of innocents, the Vizjerei can gain power, the vizjerei and his blade will thirst for blood, growing stronger. One spell is: blood thirst; enchants current weapon for x seconds, causing vizjerei to heal for y% of dmg dealt. Another is soul armor; the Vizjerei puts a piece of his soul into his armor. While wearing it, it gives certain bonuses, and you can drop it from your inventory onto the ground, and it will stand up and act as a pet. Only one piece of armor can be such enchanted, and needs to be unenchanted before another one can be. When the item is unenchanted all magical abilities that started on the armor are gone, so it becomes a regular white item.
Also, does anyone REALLY expect their ideas to get picked up by blizzard? This is simply a place for fun discussions, and I'm sure that I'll enjoy whatever classes Diablo 3 has, but until then, this is a good way to pass the time.
like a witch hunter