Using conventional knowledge as to the 7 classes and their roles in Diablo II, i have compiled a small study of the possibilities for the 3 remaining unreleased class types.
The 7 original Diablo II (with expansion classes) were:
Assassin - Dedicated only-Attack Support class Amazon - Close attack support/ranged fire support Barbarian - Dedicated front line attack support (Tank) Druid - Summon and Spam fire support Necromancer - Summon and Spam fire support Sorceress - Dedicated Magic Ranged support Paladin - Dedicated Front line support and Party support (Reserve Tank)
The currently released Classes for Diablo III are:
Barbarian: Once again, dedicated front line attack support Witch-doctor: Druid/Necromancer replacement, Summon and Spam fire support
With the 3 currently unreleased classes being identified as uniquely different, this would require that the 3 classes fulfill the roles of(x/y/z)
X: Party Support + Ranged/Close fire support (Reserve Tank) (Paladins, Conventional human warriors, rogues(males/females), One-element wizards, etc.)
Note: The return of the Paladin would be an easy move, as both sexes were allowed to join the Zukarum paladins. However, after the events of Diablo I and II, it seems unlikely that the Paladins would continue to exist; but seeing as the Barbarian is returning the Paladin may be a likely choice. 2 out of 5 old seems like a good move for Blizzard.)
Y: Dedicated Magic/Conventional Ranged support (Amazon, Rogues, Assassins, Sorceress/sorcerer, Wizard, Mage, Spell-sword, Missionary)
Note: The return of the Sorceress class would imply that males have been allowed to join the Viz Jeri mage clan that the original sorceress was from; seeing as the all-female clan was only observant to practice the elemental magics; hence making a return unlikely. The same rule applies to the Assassin.)
Z: Dedicated only-Attack support class (Ranged, Close or Magic)
Note:Once again, seeing as the Amazons were all-females there is a dilemma as to how to add them to the game.
Please note that these are rough estimations of what they could be; Blizzard has never ceased to be hush-hush about what they are thinking, and my assumptions could be way off chart.
Just one small note, the Paladin of D2 was not a Paladin of the Hand of Zakarum. He was a Paladin for Westmarch. Although the Hand is absolutely destroyed due to the joint efforts of Mephisto and Diablo, Westmarch survived the entire ordeal of the return of the three with only a small conflict against Leoric in which Westmarch won without contest. So paladin like characters from Westmarch are still entirely plausible.
ok. paladins. we could just have warriors. they basically the same. sword workers and stuff. just not relaly like knighted.
and dude. there are many clans in the sorcerer/sorceress. diablo 1 had sorcerer which is mostly vijeri clan. and sorceress is from zann ezu. which yes was all girls. but if they had vizjerei it could be intergender
and there will be an archer wether it be a rouge or whatever.
In my opinion, they should think a little bit outside the box. What I mean by that is; don't bring back characters with expected abilities, names, which have been seen in countless other games. The Witch Doctor is very, very unique, in my opinion. I mean, in how many games have you seen such a character? I know I can't say the same about the Barbarian, but at least he has some unique abilities now. Now, regarding the new characters, I hope they will be as unique. I don't know what they're cooking up, but if it's as good as the Witch Doctor, then I know I will be pleased.
First Things first, the point of this thread was to present the reasons why the original 7 (6 With Barbarian) would not return bar the Paladin; Or the Druid which i failed to add. New character ideas are not the contention of this thread; however the uses and applications are.
X, Y and Z are these unnamed characters.
Quote from "Veritech017" »
Just one small note, the Paladin of D2 was not a Paladin of the Hand of Zakarum. He was a Paladin for Westmarch. Although the Hand is absolutely destroyed due to the joint efforts of Mephisto and Diablo, Westmarch survived the entire ordeal of the return of the three with only a small conflict against Leoric in which Westmarch won without contest. So paladin like characters from Westmarch are still entirely plausible.
I have already said that Paladins have the possibility to make a return.
Quote from "necronergal" »
there are many clans in the sorcerer/sorceress. diablo 1 had sorcerer which is mostly vijeri clan. and sorceress is from zann ezu. which yes was all girls. but if they had vizjerei it could be intergender
As i have already stated; my contention was to put light upon the reasons why the original 7 characters in their original forms would be unlikely to make returns; but going by the Diablo World lore it has been 20 years and a lot can happen in that time.
I really think its stupid that people decide to check out other people's threads and then go with immaturity and low self-esteem and criticize everything other people say.
I will say it again because it clearly wasn't read. The Class names and abilities are not what i am pointing out. Roles and Uses are.
Barbarian was my favourite Diablo II character, so I'm happy. After that comes the Necro; but hes taking a step back for the time being, so Whatever Blizzard presents the world with i will be satisfied with.
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-][- THE HOLY INQUISITION 'Nex Ante Dedecas'
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The 7 original Diablo II (with expansion classes) were:
Assassin - Dedicated only-Attack Support class
Amazon - Close attack support/ranged fire support
Barbarian - Dedicated front line attack support (Tank)
Druid - Summon and Spam fire support
Necromancer - Summon and Spam fire support
Sorceress - Dedicated Magic Ranged support
Paladin - Dedicated Front line support and Party support (Reserve Tank)
The currently released Classes for Diablo III are:
Barbarian: Once again, dedicated front line attack support
Witch-doctor: Druid/Necromancer replacement, Summon and Spam fire support
With the 3 currently unreleased classes being identified as uniquely different, this would require that the 3 classes fulfill the roles of(x/y/z)
X: Party Support + Ranged/Close fire support (Reserve Tank) (Paladins, Conventional human warriors, rogues(males/females), One-element wizards, etc.)
Note: The return of the Paladin would be an easy move, as both sexes were allowed to join the Zukarum paladins. However, after the events of Diablo I and II, it seems unlikely that the Paladins would continue to exist; but seeing as the Barbarian is returning the Paladin may be a likely choice. 2 out of 5 old seems like a good move for Blizzard.)
Y: Dedicated Magic/Conventional Ranged support (Amazon, Rogues, Assassins, Sorceress/sorcerer, Wizard, Mage, Spell-sword, Missionary)
Note: The return of the Sorceress class would imply that males have been allowed to join the Viz Jeri mage clan that the original sorceress was from; seeing as the all-female clan was only observant to practice the elemental magics; hence making a return unlikely. The same rule applies to the Assassin.)
Z: Dedicated only-Attack support class (Ranged, Close or Magic)
Note: Once again, seeing as the Amazons were all-females there is a dilemma as to how to add them to the game.
Please note that these are rough estimations of what they could be; Blizzard has never ceased to be hush-hush about what they are thinking, and my assumptions could be way off chart.
'Nex Ante Dedecas'
Words I hate in Gaming Culture:
and dude. there are many clans in the sorcerer/sorceress. diablo 1 had sorcerer which is mostly vijeri clan. and sorceress is from zann ezu. which yes was all girls. but if they had vizjerei it could be intergender
and there will be an archer wether it be a rouge or whatever.
Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions
X, Y and Z are these unnamed characters.
I have already said that Paladins have the possibility to make a return.
As i have already stated; my contention was to put light upon the reasons why the original 7 characters in their original forms would be unlikely to make returns; but going by the Diablo World lore it has been 20 years and a lot can happen in that time.
'Nex Ante Dedecas'
Its impossible 7 characters would make it, so this thread is useless in your sense.
Well not impossible because they could obviously do it. It's just improbably and illogical.
I will say it again because it clearly wasn't read. The Class names and abilities are not what i am pointing out. Roles and Uses are.
Barbarian was my favourite Diablo II character, so I'm happy. After that comes the Necro; but hes taking a step back for the time being, so Whatever Blizzard presents the world with i will be satisfied with.
'Nex Ante Dedecas'