What do people think of this?
I really enjoyed Torchlight and it was up there with Magicka as a brilliant bargin priced game.
I was looking forward to playing it while waiting for D3, however it seems that this will no longer be the case.
I do not disagree with there reasons, however I do feel that there would be little point of me purchasing this game when D3 is already out.
Overall I am disappointed they weren't to get the game out to the public quicker because I think if they did, a lot of people would of bought it to feed there dungeon crawler needs while waiting for D3.
What do people think of this?
I really enjoyed Torchlight and it was up there with Magicka as a brilliant bargin priced game.
I was looking forward to playing it while waiting for D3, however it seems that this will no longer be the case.
I do not disagree with there reasons, however I do feel that there would be little point of me purchasing this game when D3 is already out.
Overall I am disappointed they weren't to get the game out to the public quicker because I think if they did, a lot of people would of bought it to feed there dungeon crawler needs while waiting for D3.
Many people will buy Torchlight 2, not everyone enjoy a game more then a few weeks or a few months, and by july/august many people will have moved on from Diablo 3.
I do agree the game would probably do much better if it had been released already but I'm glad some developers take their time and don't rush games out, i have bought way to many buggy/unpolished games the last few years.
I really don't know why people ever say this. Its like "omg, D3 will keep everybody hooked FOREVER!".
Uh, no, it won't. I'll play it from beginning to end, with friends, with multiple classes. Then you're pretty much done. I'll be moving on. And come back to D3 when expansions hit.
I still have no idea what the hell can keep people playing a game like this so long and feel like nothing else is worth experiencing. Its kind of sad, actually. This isn't even an MMO where you're never really done. This is a game where after a few months, you are actually, completely done. Its like watching a show over and over 10 times and you still wouldn't watch something else. Move on, for god's sakes.
When I'm fully done with D3, I'd be very happy for T2 to hit the shelves so I can see something new and different.
What do people think of this?
I really enjoyed Torchlight and it was up there with Magicka as a brilliant bargin priced game.
I was looking forward to playing it while waiting for D3, however it seems that this will no longer be the case.
I do not disagree with there reasons, however I do feel that there would be little point of me purchasing this game when D3 is already out.
Overall I am disappointed they weren't to get the game out to the public quicker because I think if they did, a lot of people would of bought it to feed there dungeon crawler needs while waiting for D3.
I do agree the game would probably do much better if it had been released already but I'm glad some developers take their time and don't rush games out, i have bought way to many buggy/unpolished games the last few years.
Uh, no, it won't. I'll play it from beginning to end, with friends, with multiple classes. Then you're pretty much done. I'll be moving on. And come back to D3 when expansions hit.
I still have no idea what the hell can keep people playing a game like this so long and feel like nothing else is worth experiencing. Its kind of sad, actually. This isn't even an MMO where you're never really done. This is a game where after a few months, you are actually, completely done. Its like watching a show over and over 10 times and you still wouldn't watch something else. Move on, for god's sakes.
When I'm fully done with D3, I'd be very happy for T2 to hit the shelves so I can see something new and different.
Beating hardcore. It takes alot of time...