So I've put together a little SC2 montage of what I believe to be the most impressive clips of SC2 that we have seen so far as well as some of the soundtrack from Blizzards recent album.
There is commentary accompanying some of the video where I explain my current plans for doing HD SC2 FPVODS, which I am currently doing for WC3.
So I've put together a little SC2 montage of what I believe to be the most impressive clips of SC2 that we have seen so far as well as some of the soundtrack from Blizzards recent album.
There is commentary accompanying some of the video where I explain my current plans for doing HD SC2 FPVODS, which I am currently doing for WC3.
Make sure you guys watch in HD and enjoy!
Youre going to need to buy some man sized nappies to become #1
"Eternal suffering would be too brief for you, Diablo!"