It's kind of sad that everyone is attacking the colors so heavily. While the saturation could stand to be toned down slightly (say with the green glow in particular), a lack of color won't bring realism or horror to the game.
With Diablo 2 I actually alter the gamma setting to intentionally make the game look darker than intended. It kind of sucks since I don't get to see the game as it truly is, but the brightness of the game looks so bad to me that it's worth it. I see the current problem with Diablo 3 being the exact same thing. The lighting is too bright (in certain areas) and the lack of a distinct light radius really sucks. I bet people would love the colors if these problems were fixed.
This is kind of off topic, but has anyone watched the game design panel video? Three people go up and only the first guy talks, (for about 20 minutes) Doesn't have to do with the game directly I just thought it was kind of funny/annoying/disrespectful.
No big deal however, but I just noticed it.
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"This is the triumph of man:
Where there is truth, he must find.
Where there is destruction, he must rebuild.
Where there is love, he must protect."
World's Fair Exhibit
"God gave us memories, that in life's garden we may have June roses in December."
listen guys the 3D models used to make the characters in Diablo2 were not the best. That being said they are also definitely not copies of the WoW characters. I happen to like the way the characters look in D3.
What everyone is getting caught up on is the fact that right now in D3 there are no shaders/bump maps
What is need is this:
1. Multiple shaders for different materials to give it that "real" feel.
2. Bump/normal maps for surfaces so they look like distinguished from on another other than just color and the texture painting. (i.e. the surfaces has tactile qualities). in the game. This means all the surfaces look the same and have a "painted" quality. Believe me, if that barbarian had some sort of specular shader on his skin and a dull metal shader on his armor you would be saying how awesome it looks. What gives everything that flat painted look is simple: One shader foreverthing with one kind of texture map that only contains the painted/drawn information.
I honestly believe that Blizzard will deliver a great game, and I should, because they’ve been delivering superb games since the first one I’ve played(WC) till the last. This is why we have such high expectations with Blizzard they’ve hardly ever let us down.
If I could only ask for one distinct thing, it would be that D3 would give me the same “Chilled to the bone” feeling that I felt when I first entered the Catacombs (D1) and heard the goatmens warcrys, the horned deamons charge and the soundtrack with the crying children(try playing that at max volume in a dark room;)).
The Diablo universe is a dark place ravaged by war and suffering, so when you enter a tomb or dungeon the first thing to pop into your head should be “What the hell happened here, and who is still left in this place?,” not “What a nice tomb, wonder who cleans this place?”. My point is, if deamons enter a castle they’ll kill or wound everyone inside, and I would not think that they would take the time to clean up afterwards.
How ever you do it Blizzard, please give me a dark and scary place to explore, I got enough color from Titan Quest, and Dungeon Siege just didn’t cut it.
Either way, I’ll buy the game, but if I could relive some of that D1 magic it would be the best money for entertainment I ever spent! Go Blizzard, make us proud!:thumbsup:
the only thing that really stood out to me was the hotbar. the icons for the skills look TOO bright. i think they should be dull monotonish in colour to fit in with the setting. like D2's skills, they where white pics on a stonish background. the ones in the D3 video where all bright orange and stuff. doesnt really fit in.
and, in the video i saw an "epic" (purple) item drop at the end. i really hope Blizzard isnt gonna implement the WoW item colouring in. the one that the Diablo series had for the past 2 games is fine and it will only cause confusion in changing it (unless that was a blue magic item and my eyes are messed up, kinda was hard to see).
It's kind of sad that everyone is attacking the colors so heavily. While the saturation could stand to be toned down slightly (say with the green glow in particular), a lack of color won't bring realism or horror to the game.
I've been saying frequently that the colours are not my problem with the graphics, but rather the models are, particularly the World of WarCraft-like armour.
The art director here says that they're exploring a new art direction -- that's fine with me, I'm not afraid of change, I'm afraid of mimicking an antithetical franchise. He says they want it to be 'bigger than life' and convey a real fantasy feeling -- that's all great, too, and the cinematics do that perfectly, but the in-game graphics just look silly. As it is, the 'horror' he contuously mentions is not coming across.
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‘I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL WE ALL HAVE AIDS!’—The importance of calling them ‘mercenaries.’
I am not native English speaker, please bear with me on my grammar.
- The thing that bother me the most is the playable character models are too WOW like which is comical, but Diablo serie is all about realistic. But I think you did wonderful job on the foes.
- We have only seen 2 area of the game so we can not sure that all area will be like that. I think it is ok for some areas to be bright with hope because it is 20 years after LOD so the world can be brighter. But as we go further in the game I hope that the world will be darker&scarier. I think cleverly selected color palette can make the game scary, too.
- The textures need to be more realistic. For example the tomb looks too new, it need the sign of erosion or corrosion.
- The light radius from D2 is help a lot in bringing scary atmosphere so you should bright it back. It is no need to be entirely dark, just dim shadow is enough.
- It is year 2008, there are a lot of new technologies like shader, bump mapping, normal mapping, water reflection, please use them.
Hello! I think that the Diablo III art should be set as a darker style of play, It needs to focus on more darker colors, Simply because I think its straying a little more towards the Warcraft series than the Diablo series. I know that people complained about Diablo II even losing some of it's Gothic-ness too, from Diablo I. I know that some of this cannot be helped, with 3D and 2D animations as such, Back in the day being limited tools and colors to create the game, But I think that Diablo should look more like it does in Diablo II, whilst still keeping its Next-Gen 3D Compatibility, Here is what I mean. Check out these two images.
Oh, and Blizzard, Stray off the Rainbows and the Sun in the outdoor environment please, It really makes it too... Happy. I mean it's Diablo here! And Diablo II was renowned for having millions of corpses scattered across the ground, once an epic fight took place. I saw in the trailer that the corpses started dissapearing. I know that there has to be a cap on corpses per fight, Otherwise even the top-end computers will lag from all the corpses LOL! But it would be better if all the corpses from one fight stayed on the map for.. 5 minutes. There has to be a clip, Yes, But try make the clip fit into the battles that Diablo III Brings, Not half the ghouls dissapearing after the battle is over. Oh and it would be cool if we could decapitate monsters, slice off arms and legs, Like in 300! If you were fighting a ghoul, you slice off his leg and he still tries to kill you on the ground, chomping at your feet! Kinda like a mix between The 300, and Monty Python; The Holy Grail's Black Knight. I mean, I want a ghoul to literally be fighting to its last moment. Bleeding on you if it has to. You chop off a leg, It claws at you, You chop off its arms, it bites at you, You chop off its head, Then it STAYS DOWN! Lol. That would seem very Diablo-y and Demonic!
So yeah Blizzard, Basically more Red and Black colors, Stay off the Green and Blue! Make it really FEEL Demonic, You know? Stay Diablo, Not Warcraft!
Thanks for reading!
As important and well thought-out your opinion is, there is no need to create a new thread.
Gameplay whise and for the morst part blizzard did an amazing job, unfortunatley, they also decided to make everything more cartoon like and adapt it towards a WoW clientelle. They have to understand that despite the gigantic succes of the WC series the Diablo one has its own. Re moddleling and redoing everything is out of the question but retouching the game to make it follow the Diablo franchise is a must.
I really like the overall look of the environments. My vote is to slightly darken the environments with a tad bit less purples and blues coming in from back-lighting ( maybe even incorporate more yellows and red back-lighting ). Definitely make the back-lighting less noticeable. Some light radius similar to D2 would be awesome!
I would also want more gothic architecture present in the applicable environments. More bodies and corpses for sure. A bit more blood.
My main gripe is with the characters. I would like the form of the characters to adhere more to lifelike anatomical structure. More dark shading on the characters. Less exaggerated armor ( esp. the big shoulder-pads ) and less glowing on the weapons. I still like effects on weapons, just not so extreme. I'm a minimalist in this sense. I think that if you focus on great textures and mild effects with mild coloration on weapons, it can achieve a great effect and really make each weapon more unique.
The problem with throwing in 'realistic' textures into an isometric game is that the whole thing ends up looking like Sacred 2 and Gothic 3: a pile of crap with 'realistic' textures tagged on. There's no artistic touch.
If Blizzard wanted to make a picture by taking photos of things instead of hiring artists, they could've bought a digital camera, but that's not what they want to do, so it's not going to happen.
I'm not even trying to say I'm a professional texture artist, but if you would pay close attention to the original stone textures, you'd see they're the same exact cartoony style that's used in World of Warcraft. Diablo has always been about gritty and dirty textures, this is as bad as taking away the regular inventory system. What next, they're making the characters automatically attack monsters like in WoW? Honestly, how much Diablo do you think there will be left when the game is finished?
I appreciate what you were trying to show. The flat, painted look to many of the bitmaps in Diablo 3 gives little sense of visual weight.
The problem is how rough your version looks overall. The original has a soft glow to the overall image that is pretty sweet and you destroyed that when you added your texture.
all of these 61 pages can be summed up in this "we want a dark game where the screen is all black so we can't see anything. It needs to look like the past diablo games and we don't want anything new. just makes us the same game we played 8 years ago. we are a bunch of grumpy old men who don't like change and still think that communism can work so make diablo 3 the same game like diablo 2 and we will be satisfied"
peace out...
I lol'ed.
I signed the petition to make Diablo more like Diablo. It seems that WoW's graphical appearance is spreading way too far. Blizzard ruined the Warcraft universe with WoW, hopefully they don't do the same thing to Diablo.
Hopefully Blizzard actually listens to their fans and doesn't pull one of the "who cares what they think, we will be making millions of dollars regardless if we listen to them" which seems all too common with game developers these days.
I've got a question for the developers, regarding this. As far as I see it, one of the good things that Blizzard has done over the years is provide users with alot of options for customizing their game. A good example is all the options world of warcraft has when it comes to customzing interface, graphics, keys etc.
So how hard would it be to throw in a post-process that would desaturate the game more, for those who like a desaturated, dark look on the game, while we (me included) who like the current look of Diablo III also get what we want? Just a simple checkbox or some sort of toggle in the video menu to change the look.
all of these 61 pages can be summed up in this "we want a dark game where the screen is all black so we can't see anything. It needs to look like the past diablo games and we don't want anything new. just makes us the same game we played 8 years ago. we are a bunch of grumpy old men who don't like change and still think that communism can work so make diablo 3 the same game like diablo 2 and we will be satisfied"
peace out...
You mean "Dark game is old, bright game is new"? Yes, we don't want anything new...
Sarcasm off.
Guys, you don't get the point. We want this change for the atmosphere. The monsters that we are dealing with are hell spawns. You must feel that those freaks have just jumped out from hell. You can not make a peaceful enviroment.
To me, that best sums up how I feel the outside should look. It's nothing crazy. It a very small change, that has a GIANT impact on the tone it conveys. Everything just slightly more focused. I think the picture of the inside is the best you could do. Those green+blue lights are just tacky.
While I like most of the Photoshopped pictures, I feel as though they completely changed the world blizzard is trying to create. With ones I liked too, its the same world, just, meaner.
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Common sense goes a long way...
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The link is - very leet interview
It's kind of sad that everyone is attacking the colors so heavily. While the saturation could stand to be toned down slightly (say with the green glow in particular), a lack of color won't bring realism or horror to the game.
With Diablo 2 I actually alter the gamma setting to intentionally make the game look darker than intended. It kind of sucks since I don't get to see the game as it truly is, but the brightness of the game looks so bad to me that it's worth it. I see the current problem with Diablo 3 being the exact same thing. The lighting is too bright (in certain areas) and the lack of a distinct light radius really sucks. I bet people would love the colors if these problems were fixed.
No big deal however, but I just noticed it.
Where there is truth, he must find.
Where there is destruction, he must rebuild.
Where there is love, he must protect."
World's Fair Exhibit
"God gave us memories, that in life's garden we may have June roses in December."
John Barrie
Now that is something i can agree with. :cool:
If I could only ask for one distinct thing, it would be that D3 would give me the same “Chilled to the bone” feeling that I felt when I first entered the Catacombs (D1) and heard the goatmens warcrys, the horned deamons charge and the soundtrack with the crying children(try playing that at max volume in a dark room;)).
The Diablo universe is a dark place ravaged by war and suffering, so when you enter a tomb or dungeon the first thing to pop into your head should be “What the hell happened here, and who is still left in this place?,” not “What a nice tomb, wonder who cleans this place?”. My point is, if deamons enter a castle they’ll kill or wound everyone inside, and I would not think that they would take the time to clean up afterwards.
How ever you do it Blizzard, please give me a dark and scary place to explore, I got enough color from Titan Quest, and Dungeon Siege just didn’t cut it.
Either way, I’ll buy the game, but if I could relive some of that D1 magic it would be the best money for entertainment I ever spent! Go Blizzard, make us proud!:thumbsup:
and, in the video i saw an "epic" (purple) item drop at the end. i really hope Blizzard isnt gonna implement the WoW item colouring in. the one that the Diablo series had for the past 2 games is fine and it will only cause confusion in changing it (unless that was a blue magic item and my eyes are messed up, kinda was hard to see).
The art director here says that they're exploring a new art direction -- that's fine with me, I'm not afraid of change, I'm afraid of mimicking an antithetical franchise. He says they want it to be 'bigger than life' and convey a real fantasy feeling -- that's all great, too, and the cinematics do that perfectly, but the in-game graphics just look silly. As it is, the 'horror' he contuously mentions is not coming across.
‘I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL WE ALL HAVE AIDS!’—The importance of calling them ‘mercenaries.’
I am not native English speaker, please bear with me on my grammar.
- The thing that bother me the most is the playable character models are too WOW like which is comical, but Diablo serie is all about realistic. But I think you did wonderful job on the foes.
- We have only seen 2 area of the game so we can not sure that all area will be like that. I think it is ok for some areas to be bright with hope because it is 20 years after LOD so the world can be brighter. But as we go further in the game I hope that the world will be darker&scarier. I think cleverly selected color palette can make the game scary, too.
- The textures need to be more realistic. For example the tomb looks too new, it need the sign of erosion or corrosion.
- The light radius from D2 is help a lot in bringing scary atmosphere so you should bright it back. It is no need to be entirely dark, just dim shadow is enough.
- It is year 2008, there are a lot of new technologies like shader, bump mapping, normal mapping, water reflection, please use them.
Oh, and Blizzard, Stray off the Rainbows and the Sun in the outdoor environment please, It really makes it too... Happy. I mean it's Diablo here! And Diablo II was renowned for having millions of corpses scattered across the ground, once an epic fight took place. I saw in the trailer that the corpses started dissapearing. I know that there has to be a cap on corpses per fight, Otherwise even the top-end computers will lag from all the corpses LOL! But it would be better if all the corpses from one fight stayed on the map for.. 5 minutes. There has to be a clip, Yes, But try make the clip fit into the battles that Diablo III Brings, Not half the ghouls dissapearing after the battle is over. Oh and it would be cool if we could decapitate monsters, slice off arms and legs, Like in 300! If you were fighting a ghoul, you slice off his leg and he still tries to kill you on the ground, chomping at your feet! Kinda like a mix between The 300, and Monty Python; The Holy Grail's Black Knight. I mean, I want a ghoul to literally be fighting to its last moment. Bleeding on you if it has to. You chop off a leg, It claws at you, You chop off its arms, it bites at you, You chop off its head, Then it STAYS DOWN! Lol. That would seem very Diablo-y and Demonic!
So yeah Blizzard, Basically more Red and Black colors, Stay off the Green and Blue! Make it really FEEL Demonic, You know? Stay Diablo, Not Warcraft!
Thanks for reading!
As important and well thought-out your opinion is, there is no need to create a new thread.
Check my suggestion on how the Diablo 3 Art Should Look Like
I would also want more gothic architecture present in the applicable environments. More bodies and corpses for sure. A bit more blood.
My main gripe is with the characters. I would like the form of the characters to adhere more to lifelike anatomical structure. More dark shading on the characters. Less exaggerated armor ( esp. the big shoulder-pads ) and less glowing on the weapons. I still like effects on weapons, just not so extreme. I'm a minimalist in this sense. I think that if you focus on great textures and mild effects with mild coloration on weapons, it can achieve a great effect and really make each weapon more unique.
Too lazy to read about the latest technology? Then visit TigerDirectBlog for Tech Update Videos.
If Blizzard wanted to make a picture by taking photos of things instead of hiring artists, they could've bought a digital camera, but that's not what they want to do, so it's not going to happen.
Hellforge: Forging a passion for video games.
Hellforge: Forging a passion for video games.
I appreciate what you were trying to show. The flat, painted look to many of the bitmaps in Diablo 3 gives little sense of visual weight.
The problem is how rough your version looks overall. The original has a soft glow to the overall image that is pretty sweet and you destroyed that when you added your texture.
I lol'ed.
I signed the petition to make Diablo more like Diablo. It seems that WoW's graphical appearance is spreading way too far. Blizzard ruined the Warcraft universe with WoW, hopefully they don't do the same thing to Diablo.
Hopefully Blizzard actually listens to their fans and doesn't pull one of the "who cares what they think, we will be making millions of dollars regardless if we listen to them" which seems all too common with game developers these days.
So how hard would it be to throw in a post-process that would desaturate the game more, for those who like a desaturated, dark look on the game, while we (me included) who like the current look of Diablo III also get what we want? Just a simple checkbox or some sort of toggle in the video menu to change the look.
Sarcasm off.
Guys, you don't get the point. We want this change for the atmosphere. The monsters that we are dealing with are hell spawns. You must feel that those freaks have just jumped out from hell. You can not make a peaceful enviroment.
To me, that best sums up how I feel the outside should look. It's nothing crazy. It a very small change, that has a GIANT impact on the tone it conveys. Everything just slightly more focused. I think the picture of the inside is the best you could do. Those green+blue lights are just tacky.
While I like most of the Photoshopped pictures, I feel as though they completely changed the world blizzard is trying to create. With ones I liked too, its the same world, just, meaner.