Make sure you have all four elements active when in Archon Form - you'll get a huge boost from the Tal Rasha set.
Try changing Magic Missile to Blizzard Frozen. Yes, both are 'cold' but you might do better with Blizzard.
It's usually the second time, if not the third time you go into Archon - with the overlap of stacks from The Swami - that you'll get a huge boost from the Vyr set.
As you stated, you have lightning on your bracers - which is great. Just make sure that's the highest elemental damage you have - as that is what the element you'll be using when in Archon form. If it isn't it won't proc Manald Heal.
Yes, you'll feel like you're doing massive damage with arcane torrent - however, this will only last as long as The Swami is active... once that drops, your damage will go back to default damage power.
Tal Rasha ELEMENTS... reread the 6 piece set bonus. So pretty much while out of archon - Arcane Torrent is Lightning, Blizzard is Cold and Teleport is Arcane. When you have all three - you pop Archon which is Fire for the 4th element. So those are the 4 elements used to proc the Tal Rasha 6 piece set bonus.
That bonus is active for the first 8 seconds in Archon (you can see the Tal Rasha element in the bar when it is active).
Ok, I'll start with my D3Planner:
My question is: Why I do more damage with Arcane Torrents than with Archon?
I mean, if I just spam Arcane Torrent, I have more chance to proc Manald Heal than with Archon form holding the ray (mouse) button...
What I'm doing wrong?
Sorry, I just bought the game like 2/3 months ago, still learning.
And as you can see, I just created my Wiz today and gear is still kinda bad, but my bracers has Lighting %
Just have Meteor % on off-hand and shock pulse on waist, probably won't interfer with the Archon
Thanks in advance
Make sure you have all four elements active when in Archon Form - you'll get a huge boost from the Tal Rasha set.
Try changing Magic Missile to Blizzard Frozen. Yes, both are 'cold' but you might do better with Blizzard.
It's usually the second time, if not the third time you go into Archon - with the overlap of stacks from The Swami - that you'll get a huge boost from the Vyr set.
As you stated, you have lightning on your bracers - which is great. Just make sure that's the highest elemental damage you have - as that is what the element you'll be using when in Archon form. If it isn't it won't proc Manald Heal.
Yes, you'll feel like you're doing massive damage with arcane torrent - however, this will only last as long as The Swami is active... once that drops, your damage will go back to default damage power.
Ok, now I see that if I get archon after another one, I'll do a lot more damage, but now I have another question.
You talked about 4 elements, I should switch my zodiac and use CoE instead? This way I won't have Archon like "all the time".
NO COE! That is a completely different build.
Tal Rasha ELEMENTS... reread the 6 piece set bonus. So pretty much while out of archon - Arcane Torrent is Lightning, Blizzard is Cold and Teleport is Arcane. When you have all three - you pop Archon which is Fire for the 4th element. So those are the 4 elements used to proc the Tal Rasha 6 piece set bonus.
That bonus is active for the first 8 seconds in Archon (you can see the Tal Rasha element in the bar when it is active).
Oh, I guess I understood now. Always I use archon, I have 3 on set bonus, will use 4 for now on. Thanks
No prob
I'm on console, but it's pretty much the same. A speedrun version using In-Geom and Aether Walker.