From the preview: "Speaking of how a skill feels, the reason players avoid many of the lesser used witch doctor skills have more to do with the skill feeling "slow." For example, Firebomb, Plague of Toads, and Corpse Spiders all have animation timing issues which are being improved for 1.0.4."
From the patch notes: "The spellcasting animations for the following skills have been modified to allow the effect to occur quicker and for the player to move sooner after casting: Acid Cloud, Corpse Spiders, Firebomb, Locust Swarm, Poison Dart, and Zombie Charger"
and nothing on haunt and locus swarm even tho they buffed
WoZ to deal 800% over 5 sec / 160% a sec and 32% a sec over the cooldown
GotD to deal 320%(416%) over 8 sec, 40% (52%) a sec
Rend to deal 700% (903%) over 5 sec , 140%(180%) a second !
Exploding Palm 745% over 9 sec, 82% a sec
while haunts 575% over 12 sec, 48% a sec
locus swarm 360% (468%) over 8 sec, 45% (58,5%) a sec
so now for both better damage and utility we have to use grasp and WoZ instead of atleast haunt cos it has no use, is hard to aim, often goes to the same target over and over and does not stack. this is the real joke. of the class and build diversity.
they dont want WDs to deal direct damage and they dont want us to deal damage over time! was hoping for atleast dubble the the damage of the spells, i mean WDs using dots need to wait about 4 times longer for stuff to die then a monk or a barb.
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EU Season Achievement Ladder: Season 1 : #773, 7150/7880 | S2 : #742, 5970/8280 | S3 : #1000+, 810/980 | S4 #? 0/? |
well i guess the reason for this is that WDs can stack multiple dots on top of eachother for example locus swarm acid cloud and grasp for a total of 52%(GotD) + 58,5%(LS) + 88%(AC) + 38% per AC cast over time (evey 3 seconds) = 236.5% weapon damage every second in an AoE!
its still way less then a rend + cleave barb can put out in damage over the same time.
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EU Season Achievement Ladder: Season 1 : #773, 7150/7880 | S2 : #742, 5970/8280 | S3 : #1000+, 810/980 | S4 #? 0/? |
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"Speaking of how a skill feels, the reason players avoid many of the lesser used witch doctor skills have more to do with the skill feeling "slow." For example, Firebomb, Plague of Toads, and Corpse Spiders all have animation timing issues which are being improved for 1.0.4."
From the patch notes:
"The spellcasting animations for the following skills have been modified to allow the effect to occur quicker and for the player to move sooner after casting: Acid Cloud, Corpse Spiders, Firebomb, Locust Swarm, Poison Dart, and Zombie Charger"
Plague of Toads didn't make the cut.
WoZ to deal 800% over 5 sec / 160% a sec and 32% a sec over the cooldown
GotD to deal 320%(416%) over 8 sec, 40% (52%) a sec
Rend to deal 700% (903%) over 5 sec , 140%(180%) a second !
Exploding Palm 745% over 9 sec, 82% a sec
while haunts 575% over 12 sec, 48% a sec
locus swarm 360% (468%) over 8 sec, 45% (58,5%) a sec
so now for both better damage and utility we have to use grasp and WoZ instead of atleast haunt cos it has no use, is hard to aim, often goes to the same target over and over and does not stack. this is the real joke. of the class and build diversity.
they dont want WDs to deal direct damage and they dont want us to deal damage over time! was hoping for atleast dubble the the damage of the spells, i mean WDs using dots need to wait about 4 times longer for stuff to die then a monk or a barb.
EU Season Achievement Ladder: Season 1 : #773, 7150/7880 | S2 : #742, 5970/8280 | S3 : #1000+, 810/980 | S4 #? 0/? |
its still way less then a rend + cleave barb can put out in damage over the same time.
EU Season Achievement Ladder: Season 1 : #773, 7150/7880 | S2 : #742, 5970/8280 | S3 : #1000+, 810/980 | S4 #? 0/? |