hmm i filled out everything correctly and it said my dps was 41271.33 when in game it shows 41333.40
First I would check that you don't have any typos.
A small discrepancy like this looks like rounding error. Does your weapon have an attack speed modifier on it? The spreadsheet needs to be modified to calculate the actual attacks per second on the weapon instead of relying on the rounded number that you see on the weapon. In any case, it's close enough to allow you to make a gearing decision.
I have the same problem too, the way I fix it is, for example, my weapon is magic sword with +23% ias, instead of putting weapon speed 1.72 which is shown on the tooltip, I put 1.40*1.23 = 1.722 which is the original weapon speed of the magic sword multiply the ias of the weapon, and now I got everything exactly correct! Good Job!
Does this spreadsheet account for % increases damages of certain magic abilities such as a 6% increase in poison damage from the tal rasha neck and also a 3% increase in fire damage from the two set tal rasha bonus?
Thanks a lot for this, I had to enter '1.6939999' instead of 1.69 as my weapon speed to get the correct value to 2DP but that didn't take much figuring out
Already proved extremely useful in upgrading my gloves and I'm sure it will be useful many time in the future!
Thanks again
P.S. Thanks also to BlacKcuD for the openoffice version!
Very nice, thank you! I'm curious how hard it would be to adapt this to work for a wizard since both are int classes. I pretty much play both the Wizard and Witch Doctor evenly so that would be nice.
Something is wrong with this Spreadsheet. If I can trust this thing, i should have a damage about 402k oO
Your main hand values are completely off.
You need to set the min and max damage according to the "234-588" or sth in their two corresponding field. Weapon speed is the attacks per second entry 2 rows beneath the dps value. It should say something like 1.40
Does this spreadsheet account for % increases damages of certain magic abilities such as a 6% increase in poison damage from the tal rasha neck and also a 3% increase in fire damage from the two set tal rasha bonus?
Well, that doesn't show in game, and also doesn't change with piece of gear is better, it's simply a multiplier.
If you really want to add it, change the "Total percentage dps increase from talents:" cell, instead of 20%, put 26, or 29% or whatever.
I don't think what you said is exactly true. From what I've seen in this spreadsheet so far, it seems to be using the formula (1+passive skill boosts)*(average weapon damage+((minimum damage bonus+maximum damage bonus)/2))*(weapon damage multipliers)*(attack speed)*(1+(crit %*crit damage %))*(1+(main stat/100)) as posted by Roflson on the battlenet forums and elsewhere. After using this formula in my own spreadsheet, the numbers that came out for my damage were much different from my character's in game damage. After speaking with Roflson, he concluded that his calculator (which uses this formula) did not seem to account for those bonuses I spoke of. I am currently using a 6% poison neck with 3% fire as the 2 set bonus. To account for all this, he calculated that I had to increase my passive bonus damage by 3.27%. If anyone has items like tal rasha's neck or the set bonuses, please try it and see what your results come out as.
The spreadsheet does not take into account damage modifiers on gear of
the type 5% vs elites, 9% for poison darts etc, though neither do your
in game stats. To take this into account, you would need to multiply
your damage by this percent. Multiple such bonuses stack
multiplicativly. For example, if you have 20% from peirce the veil,
5% bonus vs elites and 9% bonus for poison darts, then your damage
multiplier in the "percent increase from talents" could be changed to
37.34 (1.2x1.05x1.09=1.3734). The value you get will not be what is
indicated on your character sheet, but it will reflect the effect of
the extra modifiers.
IAS = Increased attack speed
For +X-Y damage on rings and amulets, the X value is listed under min
damage and the Y value is added under max damage for that item slot.
Bonuses in the form of +122-347 fire damage on weapons do not need to
be included. This damage is already included in the weapon damage
range listed on the weapon.
In theory, this spreadsheet should work for other classes, though I
have not tested it. The exception is dual wielding monks, barbarions
and demonhunters, as I believe there are additional variables that
come into play when using two weapons.
I'm sorry but I don't think you understand my question. My question is, have you tested the spreadsheet on a character with gear that I described? If you have not tested it personally, then I feel you might want to test it first. Theory is nice, but someone with actual experience is better. Please search the tal rasha set on the ah to see the stats I'm talking about. The reason I ask this is because some people might run into the problem that I ran into, and might need some clarification. And yes, the spreadsheet should work for other classes since we all use the same damage formula. The only thing that has to be changed besides gear and stats would be the passive damage bonus and weapon damage multipliers.
I'm sorry but I don't think you understand my question. My question is, have you tested the spreadsheet on a character with gear that I described? If you have not tested it personally, then I feel you might want to test it first. Theory is nice, but someone with actual experience is better. Please search the tal rasha set on the ah to see the stats I'm talking about. The reason I ask this is because some people might run into the problem that I ran into, and might need some clarification. And yes, the spreadsheet should work for other classes since we all use the same damage formula. The only thing that has to be changed besides gear and stats would be the passive damage bonus and weapon damage multipliers.
The spreadsheet is used to calculate what the damage value displayed in your character tab will be. The bonuses you are describing have no effect on that value.
Now ive had chance to play about with it, I really like it got a few upgrades yesterday on cheap and gained like 7k Damage
Can it only be used onlive via the goggle Doc ? I tried to DL via open source and it always comes up read only, Was curious as in them peak times cant use it online you see. Forgive me if im missing something simple here
I'm sorry but I don't think you understand my question. My question is, have you tested the spreadsheet on a character with gear that I described? If you have not tested it personally, then I feel you might want to test it first. Theory is nice, but someone with actual experience is better. Please search the tal rasha set on the ah to see the stats I'm talking about. The reason I ask this is because some people might run into the problem that I ran into, and might need some clarification. And yes, the spreadsheet should work for other classes since we all use the same damage formula. The only thing that has to be changed besides gear and stats would be the passive damage bonus and weapon damage multipliers.
The spreadsheet is used to calculate what the damage value displayed in your character tab will be. The bonuses you are describing have no effect on that value.
I've recently changed my gear so I no longer have those bonuses, but when I have time tonight I'll go look for screenshots of my gear with those bonuses and then you can try it out.
This is my personal server and I guarantee you there is no viruses or modifications going on. Just wanting to help out. Enjoy
I have the same problem too, the way I fix it is, for example, my weapon is magic sword with +23% ias, instead of putting weapon speed 1.72 which is shown on the tooltip, I put 1.40*1.23 = 1.722 which is the original weapon speed of the magic sword multiply the ias of the weapon, and now I got everything exactly correct! Good Job!
Already proved extremely useful in upgrading my gloves and I'm sure it will be useful many time in the future!
Thanks again
P.S. Thanks also to BlacKcuD for the openoffice version!
Your main hand's APS is set to 888,888 ... think that is REALLY wrong, unless you got some wacky weapon I don't know about.
OP: Thanks for this. Can't wait to try when I get home tonight!
Your main hand values are completely off.
You need to set the min and max damage according to the "234-588" or sth in their two corresponding field. Weapon speed is the attacks per second entry 2 rows beneath the dps value. It should say something like 1.40
Id really like to use this, as im really bad when it comes to figuring out my upgrades
The spreadsheet does not take into account damage modifiers on gear of
the type 5% vs elites, 9% for poison darts etc, though neither do your
in game stats. To take this into account, you would need to multiply
your damage by this percent. Multiple such bonuses stack
multiplicativly. For example, if you have 20% from peirce the veil,
5% bonus vs elites and 9% bonus for poison darts, then your damage
multiplier in the "percent increase from talents" could be changed to
37.34 (1.2x1.05x1.09=1.3734). The value you get will not be what is
indicated on your character sheet, but it will reflect the effect of
the extra modifiers.
IAS = Increased attack speed
For +X-Y damage on rings and amulets, the X value is listed under min
damage and the Y value is added under max damage for that item slot.
Bonuses in the form of +122-347 fire damage on weapons do not need to
be included. This damage is already included in the weapon damage
range listed on the weapon.
In theory, this spreadsheet should work for other classes, though I
have not tested it. The exception is dual wielding monks, barbarions
and demonhunters, as I believe there are additional variables that
come into play when using two weapons.
The spreadsheet is used to calculate what the damage value displayed in your character tab will be. The bonuses you are describing have no effect on that value.
Can it only be used onlive via the goggle Doc ? I tried to DL via open source and it always comes up read only, Was curious as in them peak times cant use it online you see. Forgive me if im missing something simple here
Please help this Mac noobie.