So, now that we've got confirmation on how to make the new hellfire amulet (same mats as the ring, plus 10 forgotten souls), there's basicly two things I can do to prep for 2.1 -
Finish off my last 1-2 imperfect items through RiF farming the menu, and farming materials to build the hellfire amulet in 2.1. I plan to spend my time doing both over the next few weeks while the PTR runs, but obviously, Uber farming has been pretty "dead" since... Well, forever, really.
I'm wondering if there's other people like me who are going to be farming the keys (and subsequently, machines) to kill the ubers? And if so, if people would like to team up in order to get higher chances at ring mats. It takes no stephen hawking to figure out that with four different encounters and four slots in a party, everyone contributing one machine to do a clear of the realms will vastly improve efficiency. I plan to get to atleast 100 machines (currently 39/8/5/13 keys), so getting 100 shots at each mat would be much preferably to 25.
Edit: Just as I hit submit, I realised I was in the wrong forum. Ment to post this in looking for group. Don't burn me at the stake, it's 6:30 am and I haven't slept yet :(. If a mod would move the post, I'd be grateful!
I see the point i just don't see one now, in the patch the new gear will make the process faster having the keys today doesn't really change anything
The point is efficiency. You farm 100 keys with new gear after the patch when you could be doing greater rifts, or trying to farm the new legendaries.
Or you farm 100 keys now, where we can't farm new gear, and have basicly nothing to do but wait for the gear-wipe that is 2.1 (everyone will need almost full new sets of gear because of the new 5-mainstat legendaries, the add-a-socket-to-weapon item, ETC).
Pick your poison. What I'm doing now will aid me in 2.1. Running another fifty T6 rifts won't.
I'm from EU, got a T6 DH, my problem was basically the drop rates of keys at T6... I thought it was 75% like with mats but I guess it's much lower because it doesnt drop that often
I think it's 60% (same drop rates as before the MP->Torment conversion), as we can only get to T6.
That said, I am farming the keys alone on my mara DH as it's by far the quickest and I like stuff to do solo - mainly, I want to find likeminded people who wants to team up with me against the Ubers when we have machines ready to go :P.
Also, there are communities (in-game) for uber farming as well, if you can't find people elsewhere.
I'll be doing this for sure, as Blizzard already said that the materials will stay the same, so doing ubers and saving materials is definitely the one thing that makes sense to do now on live in order to prepare for 2.1.
but remember If You're going to play on ladder then there is no point to farm keys now as You'll not be able to use them on ladder
Ladders aren't exactly a big factor for me. As someone stated at one point:
"Ladders doesn't appeal to me. The only thing they get me is the leaderboards, and seasonal legendaries. But the legendaries won't be dropping for the character I actually want them on - the one I've spent a thousand hours grinding +500 paragon levels and perfecting gear on. Sure, I could start over with a new one and add seasonal legendaries to my setup, but in the end, it's too big of a set-back".
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Finish off my last 1-2 imperfect items through RiF farming the menu, and farming materials to build the hellfire amulet in 2.1. I plan to spend my time doing both over the next few weeks while the PTR runs, but obviously, Uber farming has been pretty "dead" since... Well, forever, really.
I'm wondering if there's other people like me who are going to be farming the keys (and subsequently, machines) to kill the ubers? And if so, if people would like to team up in order to get higher chances at ring mats. It takes no stephen hawking to figure out that with four different encounters and four slots in a party, everyone contributing one machine to do a clear of the realms will vastly improve efficiency. I plan to get to atleast 100 machines (currently 39/8/5/13 keys), so getting 100 shots at each mat would be much preferably to 25.
I can personally bring either my T6 geared conflag wizard or marauder sentry DH to the table, and I expect to spend all the machines on T6 for max droprates.
Armories: (Conflag wiz). (Mara DH).
Edit: Just as I hit submit, I realised I was in the wrong forum. Ment to post this in looking for group. Don't burn me at the stake, it's 6:30 am and I haven't slept yet :(. If a mod would move the post, I'd be grateful!
Besides, you're US
Or you farm 100 keys now, where we can't farm new gear, and have basicly nothing to do but wait for the gear-wipe that is 2.1 (everyone will need almost full new sets of gear because of the new 5-mainstat legendaries, the add-a-socket-to-weapon item, ETC).
Pick your poison. What I'm doing now will aid me in 2.1. Running another fifty T6 rifts won't.
That said, I am farming the keys alone on my mara DH as it's by far the quickest and I like stuff to do solo - mainly, I want to find likeminded people who wants to team up with me against the Ubers when we have machines ready to go :P.
Moved to LFG forum.
Also, there are communities (in-game) for uber farming as well, if you can't find people elsewhere.
I'll be doing this for sure, as Blizzard already said that the materials will stay the same, so doing ubers and saving materials is definitely the one thing that makes sense to do now on live in order to prepare for 2.1.
"Ladders doesn't appeal to me. The only thing they get me is the leaderboards, and seasonal legendaries. But the legendaries won't be dropping for the character I actually want them on - the one I've spent a thousand hours grinding +500 paragon levels and perfecting gear on. Sure, I could start over with a new one and add seasonal legendaries to my setup, but in the end, it's too big of a set-back".