I've decided it's time to end my World of Warcraft journey as this expansion is mediocre at best and just doesn't appeal to me anymore. Now that I have a ton of free time due to graduation and qutiting WoW, I'd love to make Diablo 3 my time waster. For now I have only gathered 528 paragons as Diablo 3 was my "play for an hour or two and go back to wow" type of game, but not anymore. My highest grift clear after returning is 45 on a Barbarian, may be higher but I didn't push yet as my gems aren't levelled and the current clan isn't the most active or even playing group grifts per se.
I'm willing to play softcore only, preferably seasons, but I'd need a helping hand with gearing up as I was pretty much the non-seasonal type of guy. Having that said already, I believe a little description of me as a person is due. My name's Lucas, I'm 21 years old and I'm hailing from the country of the Poles. Like I was in WoW, I'm also going to be in Diablo 3, which is hardcore. I'm going to play a lot. I also like music and web design.
I wouldn't mind playing support classes should the need arise, but I'd like the Demon Hunter to be my main class.
Now you might ask - "Well, what would you bring to our clan? Why would we want you?":
Activity, because who doesn't love active players?
Playing more than one class, because who doesn't love variety?
Willing to help people out with gearing and levelling, because who doesn't love that one guy who wants to help?
Dedication, because nobody likes a guy who joins a run and decides to give up because reasons
A hardcore mind, because who doesn't want to improve and seek perfection?
Being able to take criticism, because again, who doesn't want to improve?
"Well, that's nice, but how about you? You must certainly want something from us, don't you?" Of course I want something. Everybody does.:
Activity, because there's nothing worse than joining a clan in which everybody is offline
Friendly players, because well, nobody likes assholes, right?
Willing to help with gearing new chars or offering criticism, because if you're better at something, why not help?
Teamplay! Nobody wants to play alone, right?
And there it is. You know what I can bring to the table and what I expect from your clan. If you like what you read, please let me know, my battle-tag is below, don't hesitate to add me so we have a chat. You can also post your clan thread in a reply, doesn't matter.
Team Aftershocks is a multi gaming community, with whom I play Diablo 3 (and some other games now and then). We have a not too large but very active bunch of Diablo players, mostly S/C seasonal players, ranging from players new to the game, to paragon 740 people that play a lot. We have a teamspeak server for communication and I like to think we are friendly, help level and gear the newer people and people that cant play as much, and encourage the grinders to improve.
I think you would enjoy being part of our clan, and I think we would enjoy having you. I'm going to add you in game, and will be happy to answer any questions.
Hello everybody!
I've decided it's time to end my World of Warcraft journey as this expansion is mediocre at best and just doesn't appeal to me anymore. Now that I have a ton of free time due to graduation and qutiting WoW, I'd love to make Diablo 3 my time waster. For now I have only gathered 528 paragons as Diablo 3 was my "play for an hour or two and go back to wow" type of game, but not anymore. My highest grift clear after returning is 45 on a Barbarian, may be higher but I didn't push yet as my gems aren't levelled and the current clan isn't the most active or even playing group grifts per se.
I'm willing to play softcore only, preferably seasons, but I'd need a helping hand with gearing up as I was pretty much the non-seasonal type of guy. Having that said already, I believe a little description of me as a person is due. My name's Lucas, I'm 21 years old and I'm hailing from the country of the Poles. Like I was in WoW, I'm also going to be in Diablo 3, which is hardcore. I'm going to play a lot. I also like music and web design.
I wouldn't mind playing support classes should the need arise, but I'd like the Demon Hunter to be my main class.
Now you might ask - "Well, what would you bring to our clan? Why would we want you?":
"Well, that's nice, but how about you? You must certainly want something from us, don't you?" Of course I want something. Everybody does.:
And there it is. You know what I can bring to the table and what I expect from your clan. If you like what you read, please let me know, my battle-tag is below, don't hesitate to add me so we have a chat. You can also post your clan thread in a reply, doesn't matter.
Battle-tag: Vaehatiel#2903
Yours faithfully,
Hey Lucas,
Team Aftershocks is a multi gaming community, with whom I play Diablo 3 (and some other games now and then). We have a not too large but very active bunch of Diablo players, mostly S/C seasonal players, ranging from players new to the game, to paragon 740 people that play a lot. We have a teamspeak server for communication and I like to think we are friendly, help level and gear the newer people and people that cant play as much, and encourage the grinders to improve.
I think you would enjoy being part of our clan, and I think we would enjoy having you. I'm going to add you in game, and will be happy to answer any questions.
Not looking for a clan any longer. Joined Team Aftershocks.