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    posted a message on Bring back TRADE, or fix your RNG!!!
    Quote from zachafella831

    I don't understand this forum... A few fans dictating how everyone feels, and if someone disagrees with you, you tell them to shut the F up?

    Are you blind? Do you not see the distraught? The disappointment? The lack of fun? The community outcry?

    Have you seen the official forums lately?

    If you guys are satisfied with the way the game is now, it will never change.

    There are many things that need to be fixed and changed in d3 for it to be on the same level as D2.

    While you pacifists continue to sit back and say the game is fine the way it is, there will be hundreds more voicing their opinions trying to push this game to its full potential.
    I don't go on the official forums because 99% of the threads are people like you complaining about not getting instant gratification with items.

    If you're distraught, disappointed, not having fun, and crying.. here's a solution. quit the damn game. Short of someone holding a gun to your head telling you to play, what gives?

    I'm not satisfied with the way the game is, but I make constructive posts that actually spur debate, I don't just bitch about how much shit sucks without giving any sort of solutions or ideas to make the game better. You've given 1 solution and a half ass solution. PVP, sadly they won't be doing much with this as skills and damage output is totally off the walls and will make PVP really retarded.

    End game? I dunno if you've played diablo before..but you are playing the ''end game". The game has been out a little over a month...A MONTH!

    If you want to voice your opinion, do it in a manner that doesn't scream "I WANT INSTANT GRATIFICATION" all over it.

    Edit: I'm totally dead serious to bro!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bring back TRADE, or fix your RNG!!!
    Okay first off, this is NOT an official forum so I'm not sure why you're posting your QQ/complaint threads on diablofans, we've seen enough of them to last a life time.

    If you want to voice your frustrations do it on the official forums we're you're slightly more likely to get a response and/or a lock of the thread.

    If you want to complain/vent on these forums, at least do it in a constructive post that allows for debate. Nobody wants to hear a sob story or hear that you haven't found all BIS items when the game is barely a month old. You bought this game knowing fair well what the game is all about, this isn't WoW, their not going to add in new end game dungeons every 6 months and then churn out another expansion.

    Diablo 3 is about the hunt for items..however long it takes. I'm sick and tired of hearing these bitching and whining threads when the game just came out.

    In the most polite way possible, shut the fuck up.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Suggestion: Should we be able to target farm for set items specifically?
    Quote from ruksak
    Quote from shaggy

    Fuck no.
    I'd also agree about the iffyness in regards to having to farm specific uniques/bosses for specific legendary mat drops. For as much as they tried to distance themselves from farming specific mobs i.e. farming bosses endlessly for legendaries..they've clearly taken that approach for these materials. While I understand they wanted to add an additional element to crafting..these things just make it more annoying. (i.e. frozenblood of Chiltara who spawns only SOMETIMES in a cave that shares a spawn with another cave.)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Forgotten Souls
    The game has been out a little over a month...it was the same when diablo 3 came out. You're rushing to reroll all your items to min-max because you're still actively picking up new items...

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on SOH = Trash
    Close this shit thread.

    Tears of hate.

    Quit the game already and get off the forums.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Doesn't it bother you that there will be no OP legendaries?
    Quote from Tijhor

    The point of this thread is.....?
    The point is, I hijacked what could have been seemingly a turd of a thread, and now we've crafted 4 pages of discussion and debate.

    Someone sounds a bit jealous their thread only has 2 pages...
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Doesn't it bother you that there will be no OP legendaries?
    Quote from knightofthorns
    Quote from Vagrancy

    how about improvements toward itemization such as better affixes, more socketables, more usage for whites/blues/rares in general? I long for being able to create awesome blue/rare items that provide something unique that a legendary cannot.
    This is an old debate. At the start of Diablo 3, rares were comparable in power with legendaries. The old design team said that this was because they wanted to avoid Best in Slot situations. While I agreed with this decision, some people disagreed with this and told that the legendaries should feel superior. The design team then buffed legendaries, making them superior to rares in almost every situation. And some items were much stronger than the others: Mempo, Skorn, Inna pants, Natalya ring, Zunnimassa boots ect. This created Best in Slot situation the design team wanted to avoid (and this made me a sad sad panda).

    Now in Reaper of Souls, there are many legendary items viable for a slot. Just look at the front page, every day there are different builds which use different items. There is no Best in Slot (at least, currently). And while I supported the old design team's view of rares being comparable in power with legendaries, I don't think it is really needed in this state of the game.
    B-I-S is subjective at best anyway, it depends on the build, which again most people rarely ever try their old builds..they immediately look to see what the community deems best. Making items different doesn't necessarily mean they'll be best in slot. For me to get that cool blue items awesome affix, I might have to give up other stats that other peoples current build/gear doesn't allow them to do. In the end its all a trade off.

    Itemization doesn't mean buffing the shit out of something, it means allowing for other options..yeah d3 DOES have that, but not nearly enough to an extent that its acceptable considering the multitude of wasted items they currently have. If all blues ever are going to be used for is crafting, why have them drop at all? They might as well just automatically become dust.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Enough of this : Game is too easy , Game is too hard complaining
    Quote from Tijhor

    Some people just want to watch the world burn..
    Oh we're quoting batman now.

    Alright 1 sec, "Oh, you think the darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it."
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Doesn't it bother you that there will be no OP legendaries?
    Quote from Zhaph
    Quote from Xenocow
    Quote from Zhaph

    What do you call the RoS beta that allowed players to try nearly everything expect the final boss fight then? Getting to eat a whole cake with only a sliver-sized piece sliced out? Obviously the vanilla beta should have been a bit longer, but they clearly learned from that and changed the game plan with the RoS beta.
    Did you got a Beta key? Nor did i....or anyone of my Friends or the people i know.

    Its been a FAMILY & FRIENDS beta...not a closed beta followed up by a open beta.

    Its been the same. Streamers / Press got the Crumbs... to get everybody heated up about RoS.

    The purpose of a Beta should be to get rid of those "Gamebreaking Bugs" we see today like the one with the SoH.
    There was a F&F beta, then there was a closed beta after that. Some bugs just can't be assessed until a much larger playerbase gets involved, and this was apparently one of them. I could understand your arguement if NO bugs were fixed, but the RoS beta(s) took care of lots of problems before release.
    With any piece of software that is released, there is always going to be bugs that are known about, as well as ones that are not found during testing, there is an acceptable level that has to be met, and then its released, they cannot hold off on a release forever to ensure something is 100% polished and complete..its just not feasible. (Microsoft does this with Windows for example)

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Trolled by Suwaiya
    Ha, the most epic troll is blizzard and their fucking FrozenBlood legendary mat that only drops off Chiltara who doesn't always spawn. If that wasn't bad enough, blizzard was like oh okay now lets have this rare mob share a zone with another cave to split up the chances even more.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Enough of this : Game is too easy , Game is too hard complaining
    Quote from Radglad
    Quote from ruksak
    Quote from Vagrancy
    Quote from Radglad

    You're complaining about complaining, what else is it but whining? Also, unequipping all the gear I've worked hard to grind for is the antithesis of fun.
    your signature is freaking me out.
    Yeah, it was freaking me out too and then I fought back by stripping naked and masturbating. It helps.
    I like this guy, 10/10 manly man
    Touche. #Multiquotes
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Doesn't it bother you that there will be no OP legendaries?
    Quote from ruksak
    Quote from Vagrancy
    Quote from ruksak
    Quote from Vagrancy

    I cry, you cry... we cry... together. oOooOhhhh.

    I think what pisses me off the most is how thrown together the expansion feels. I didn't even get a cinematic cut scene for my $40!

    Who gives a fuck about a silly 45 second FMV?

    Honestly. ..... .. how about bringing some actual substance to the game? They can keep their little cartoons. I want dynamic itemization.
    Oh C'Mon! I was being sarcastic. I too long for substance.
    I feel ya brother.

    I would go for a long CGI heavy cinematic at the end of RoS showing Travis and Josh actually working their asses off on mind blowing dynamic items. Would watch it all day.
    Ya..then it wraps up with throwing darts at a Jay Wilson face dart board.

    I'll give them credit that they've made some great improvements, but they've also fumbled the ball on a few aspects of the game too.

    I'd love to see greater build diversity around weapons or even have weapons that completely change the class entirely. i.e. bear sorcs for example from d2. You take a class that's ranged by design and allow it to become melee...BRILLIANT!

    I don't think they need to go that far...yet but I think they're missing out on huge opportunities to use the vast quantities of drops we get to make people be able to use them other than crafting. I've already got like 600 death's breath, 2000 crystals and probably 900 dust just sitting there..and I'll probably never use nearly all of them between my characters for crafting..rerolling affixes is about all their good for..and its a shame.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Enough of this : Game is too easy , Game is too hard complaining
    Quote from Tijhor
    Quote from Vagrancy
    Quote from Radglad

    You're complaining about complaining, what else is it but whining? Also, unequipping all the gear I've worked hard to grind for is the antithesis of fun.
    your signature is freaking me out.
    I was thinking the same thing. But seriously, why so much hate?
    Because I've filled my heart with hate, and stuff, and junk.

    This thread serves no greater purpose than the threads you're ranting about. You made a topic to rant about those who rant. While I appreciate you posting alternatives for people to attempt that complain about how the game is or its too easy or to hard, you're wasting your breath. Everyone will complain no matter what. This will just become a giant pitty party thread. If you want to start a constructive debate, name your thread something different and approach the problem with viable solutions and details reasoning.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Doesn't it bother you that there will be no OP legendaries?
    Quote from NCSledge

    I'm going to stick with the OP here, I find that they really do need to make Legendaries feel WAY more legendary. Sure an extra main affix is cute and all, but They really aren't that far off from Rare items, which I find really sad. Set items aren't too far off either. The only reason I find them more proper for being called "Legendary" is because of the set bonuses, which are massive, but not exactly "Teddies with lasers that one-shot bosses".
    That's a terrible position to take, seeing as the OP was terrible. Anyways... Legendaries are already more powerful than MOST rares if not all in certain aspects. I don't get why the psychological aspects of having +200 more str/vit and 500more weapon damage isn't enough, do you need to DOUBLE IT? Because if so Jay Wilson will take care of that.

    They don't need to "Buff" legendaries, we've got bigger problems in this game besides people wanting weapons that have 3-4k weapon damage or legendaries that allow you to mount diablo and ride him through sanctuary.

    how about improvements toward itemization such as better affixes, more socketables, more usage for whites/blues/rares in general? I long for being able to create awesome blue/rare items that provide something unique that a legendary cannot. I think people are so abosrbed by the color of the item they miss out on the big picture. In the end okay they buff legendaries...then what? You'll want newer legendaries or stronger legendaries...the cycle never ends.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Doesn't it bother you that there will be no OP legendaries?
    Quote from ruksak
    Quote from Vagrancy

    I cry, you cry... we cry... together. oOooOhhhh.

    I think what pisses me off the most is how thrown together the expansion feels. I didn't even get a cinematic cut scene for my $40!

    Who gives a fuck about a silly 45 second FMV?

    Honestly. ..... .. how about bringing some actual substance to the game? They can keep their little cartoons. I want dynamic itemization.
    Oh C'Mon! I was being sarcastic. I too long for substance.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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