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    posted a message on Who is really behind all the evil?
    Quote from ".KILLING-HAZARD." »
    i dont kno if id want the heaven side to win nor the hell side, if the games storyline is about heaven and hell, i wouldnt really pick a side.

    O.O OMG!!! MMORPG possibility thar! heaven vs. hell, all out pvp warfare!

    ok, so it wouldn't be diablo, but it'd still be fun, right?

    also, in response to the question about the hero's skills, what we thought up would be a much more demonic set of skills. the druid would become a demonic summoner, someone devoted to his familiar (think golem necro), using fire based spells (less natural feeling, more evil like), and being able to transform into demonic creatures (pit lords, etc.). the necromancer would be relatively the same (they're evil enough) but the paladin would become a dark knight. no more defencive auras, instead he'd have enchantments. that way, you'd have the offencive auras and a few buffs on him (yes, the enchantments could be cast on other party members), instead of fist of heaven, he'd have fist of hell, and all his skills would have a more evil feeling (lightning becomes fire, unholy bolt, hammer would have to be made somethin else, donno what yet though). the sorceress would need new skills, but could be made on the same premise, as well as the barbarian and assasin. the amazon though is a tricky one. just generally give them all a more evil feeling!
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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    posted a message on Who is really behind all the evil?
    me and a few good online friends have actually created a whole storyline complete with characters and skills before for a diablo 3, but i wont ppost it cause i threw it all away xD.. anyway, what we decided is that heaven is trying to destroy the earth, and hell alongside it (one cant exist without the other, right?) anyway, we decided that heaven is trying to destroy the earth, and that in diablo three, cain turns tail and spills to the player about heaven, before dying, and you turn to the soulstone (after all, you haven't destroyed baal's yet, right?) and you revive him. with his help, you go on a quest to revive diablo and mephisto, alongside you get andariel as an assistance, duriel, and have a very comic battle alongside pindleskin and wirt. anyway, the idea is, if the worldstone is destroyed, the earth is doomed right? so you're on a mission to get supplies to forge (see smith and hellforge miniboss) and enchant a new worldstone, happiness for all!
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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