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    posted a message on Is it just me, or....?
    Does it seem that this game, rare items are simply too common. With D2, rares were generally worthless, but the equivalent(to D3) uniques and set items were rare enough to warrant a feeling that you had found something worthwhile after farming for hours.

    In D3, however, rares are a dime a dozen, its the finding the perfect rare (whatever that means) is the goal. However, with the massive spectrum of random stats, this leaves most of us finding rares left right and centre that are mostly worthless. The "feeling" is gone. It is now only replaced with, mmm maybe i can get a few thousand gold for this?

    From what i hear of many people on forums and playing that game, its that they arent happy with this path taken by blizzard. Its just a shear gear grind without any feeling of accomplishment.

    To me, it seems blizzard could fix this by:
    • Reducing the "randomness" of stats. ie. the broadness of the individual stats that are rolled. based on ilvl of item. This would reduce the feeling of getting a ilvl63 item and feeling underwhelmed by its sheer poorness.
    • Getting rid of the "guaranteed rare drop" for elites, uniques, bosses, etc... even with full NV armor.
    • Making rares ACTUALLY rare, and Legendary items (buffed to be equal to rare stats, but should be unique in their appearance). Finding a rare from a unique pack should be MUCH less common, say 10% just for a rare (of any ilvl) to even drop!

    This i feel would bring back the feeling of actually finding a rare item when it drops. It is one of the reasons in D2 that kept it going for so long. From a blizzard standpoint, it would make the AH servers ALOT more stable and less laggy by severely reducing the amount of items on the AH, and not having worthless items up by the 1000s.
    This of course is not to saying that finding a rare should always just be plain awesome. But there needs to be some middle ground, where a rare Barbarian only belt does not have useless stats for a barbarian on it, and a ilvl 63 barbarian belt does not have +30str. Seriously, who is going to use that?

    tl:dr. Make finding rares more about QUALITY, not QUANTITY.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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