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    posted a message on RMAH failed transaction with error code 0

    Not sure if this happened to you guys before. But it happened to me twice already.

    You won something in RMAH (using credit card as payment source), you received two e-mails from Blizzard and the status changed to processing. Couple hours later, it got updated to Failed with this mysterious error code 0.

    I opened a ticket with GM and his response is just ridiculous. Basically he's saying it's either my credit card issue or incorrect information stored on Blizzard web site. And Blizzard doing this to protect users...

    Long story short,

    1, my credit limit is enough
    2, Blizzard charged same credit couple times already
    3, Blizzard tried to charge my credit card that day and there's one entry under pending transaction.

    What on earth is going on here?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Tired of glas cannon!
    Been there, done that.

    1, while going towards a new direction, you don't follow it blindly. That being sad, you still want to keep all key DPS stats on your slots, assume we are not taking sharpshooter:

    for instance, on head you want x% crit
    on bracer, you always want x% crit
    on quiver, you want x% crit and +x max disc
    one chest, you want +x max disc
    on glove, amulet and ring, x% crit and x% crit damage
    on boots, 12% movement speed
    on weapon, of cause, x% crit damage

    Then, you need to look for dex, all res, vit, etc.

    All I can say is, it's really pricey and RMAH is your best friend. Consider in today's gold AH where everybody's selling anything for 10m+???

    Here's my stats fyr:
    62k dps no ss (still using a 938 weapon...sigh)
    all res 600+
    43k hp
    crit chance 41.5%
    crit dmg 310%
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Act 2 Inferno too hard : need more gear?
    To Op,

    Your damage seems too low to me, maybe try to grab a cheap weapon (700 dps can be found for 50k from time to time) from AH?

    Quote from Inferis

    Act II is annoying as shit, but as you gain more and more DPS it becomes easier. I can now pretty much ROFLstomp act III, so I guess Act IV will come when I get even better gear.

    When I started out, Act II was impossible. Just keep farming and keep upgrading gear.

    Just curious, with kind of gear you could ROFLstomp soul rippers in Act III? Not even elite/champion pack, just the normal ones
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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