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    posted a message on Must Read!
    Wondering what’s going on in the "brain" of Blizzard? Wonder why so much down time? Why so much nerfing? Why so many errors? It must be new programmers! No, it was poor beta testing! No, wait! They actually want to extend the life of the game for your maximum pleasure!! Well, I’m here to set the record straight. I have words that came straight from a Blizzard leak. A leak I was asked not to share, but feel compelled to because it makes me sick to my stomach. Ladies and gentlemen, the only thing that is being exploited...is you. The only thing that’s being inappropriately farmed...is your hard earned (or not) money. This term was described to me as "Profit farming". That needs little explanation. However, the means and ends of this corrupt practice, in part by Blizzard, do. First, let’s talk about individual progression: Do you really think Blizzard cares whether or not you beat/finish/farm your game? Normally they would not. But when profits are at stake, then they take a keen interest. Profit preservation. What does that mean in terms of progression? Well, if 2 million people could beat/farm Act 4 Inferno by the end of this week then that leads to an overpopulation of great items on the Gold AH which in turn gears 2 million more to have ACT 4 on Farm. Now, Blizzard has a solid base of people to use RMAH. And that, is the devil in the details. The RMAH. As you may already know, Blizzard gets a small % cut of what you sell along with PayPal getting their 15% transfer fee. What’s the big deal with that you ask? Blizzard entered into what’s called a "Transfer Profit Assurance" agreement with PayPal. In short, it means that Blizzard has GARUNTEED a certain amount of monies to PAYPAL for their involvement in this operation. If the transfer guarantee isn’t met, the Blizz forks the rest out of pocket. This agreement also allows Blizz direct oversight and support of all monetary transactions. In short, most of the time if there is a transfer of funds or withdrawal issue, you contact PAYPAL, with Blizz being in this clause agreement, you can contact them directly for any disputes or discrepancies. This also gives them the right to administer or revoke RMAH privileges. Now on to the nerfing and errors. How does it all tie in? You think Blizz is upgrading and enhancing performance or rewriting bugs? No they are in fact deleting WHOLE LINES OF CODE that would allow for exploits and fast tracking. To make it simple, instead of putting more notches in the Diablo belt allowing for a more comfortable fit, they are removing sections of the belt entirely and sewing it back together, effectively tightening it. This keeps you from progressing. Keeps you from gearing at an accelerated rate and...most importantly keeps the business around for the RMAH. It’s all about the profit farming my friends. You can choose to believe this or dismiss it as a troll. Only a fool would believe an ANON post on the internet.................Your decision. Your money. Your life.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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