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    posted a message on Higher than 50k dps DH without SS
    Quote from aegge

    "Basically I am wanting to see your gear"

    Im usually streaming http://www.justin.tv/aegogbacon

    Stats are:
    Strenght: 394
    Dex: 1847
    Int: 408
    Vit: 1000

    Armor 3393
    Resistance 570-682
    Hp 42.684

    Dps 73k without sharpshooter. (20 % crit and 250 % crit hit dmg inc)

    All that defense and you still get 2 shot by Ponies. This is why I don't believe survivability is worth building.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Higher than 50k dps DH without SS
    With mobs that aren't too fast you can definitely get into a nice rhythm. I fire 3 NTs and SS as they hit, unless there are many mobs lined up far behind (i.e Illusionist Reflect), then I can only get off 2 NTs as the mobs in the back hit as my SS drops. Never even thought of tossing an Impale after, good tip. Impale is pretty great for Reflect packs, I like it a lot better than Gloom.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on I'm the Demon Hunter and
    Quote from Nuvian

    Moved to the appropriate section

    The garbage?
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Vitality vs Dexterity
    Quote from Sallazar

    I've followed your advice and just trying Diablo in inferno right now (the fight is extremely buggy, got killed during cutscenes for multiple times) with 17K HP, 57K damage with 3.05 attacks per second.

    Killing everything is pretty easy and is going well at the moment, I'm only concerned about attack speed nerf which is coming with 1.0.3.

    Attack speed will still matter, it actually will potentially be more valuable after the nerf since you'll need more to get the same effects. When I use my MF gear and have no attack speed it's completely unplayable, not viable in the slightest.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Higher than 50k dps DH without SS
    Quote from Babel
    The key is proper balance between your DPS and defense..... and gold. Lots of gold. You could easily boost your resistance a substantial amount for a few millions though.

    Really depends on where your gear is at. From where I am, a sidegrade that adds survivability would likely cost me over 5 mil as a minimum. If you start early, it's probably not as bad.

    For someone with high latency, I can agree that being able to survive a hit would likely make the game less aggravating and can definitely see the value.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Higher than 50k dps DH without SS
    Quote from 420rogue

    There are a lot of times when you get hit in between smoke screens or back up plan doesn't proc on preparation. Mobs have a swing timer, even if you just try to slide by to go back the other direction sometimes you get hit. You can't avoid all damage 100% of the time. You also won't get hit by same mob twice between the usage of smoke screen. If you get hit several times, it means you either A. got cornered, B. standing still or C. no discipline + A or B. There are times when you will get cornered for whatever reason either it due to not enough kiting room or frozen/jailor/waller/fast/shitty mob type forced you into a bad situation and being able to take just one hit gives you 1-2 seconds longer to try to get out of that situation.

    This is why I think gearing with some defense is better than all out offensive. As for reflect damage, I plan to save up and buy a Xbow with IAS/socket/LoH. With LoH, reflect damage isn't a problem anymore, you will heal after taking that 1 hit your defensive stats allowed you to take and you still get IAS and double crit damage stats from being xbow and having a socket.

    That's fine, but I disagree. The combination of even as low as 40k DPS, SS and Prep means just about everything is trivial. There's no reason to build for any survivability. You can do it out of personal preference, but at the end of the day it just isn't needed at all, which is why I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

    Quote from coRex

    you CAN have offense and defense... i am sitting at 65k without ss and 130k with ss. and i have 30k hp 3000 armor and 300 resis... when i am done with my item change (glass cannon to survival), i guess i will sit at 4k armor 50k hp 600 resis and have still my dps...
    there is an other guy at this forum. he has INSANE values... 200k SS dps and about the def stats i said...
    so it IS possible.

    and yes you should dodge all this ranged attacks.... you should... but maybe i am a bad player, but sometimes i just oversee 1 spear or an other thing...

    and about those melee hits. actually most of the time i only get 1, because i kite them and then i make a mistake, or some enemy approaches from behind. so most of the time it really is only this 1 hit.

    maybe you give def a try - you will love ti!

    I said extreme offense and defense. Unless you are farming hundreds of millions in gold, you simply can't get 100k (non-SS) DPS and last 3 hits. It's not realistic. Even getting to 65k DPS costs upwards of 30-50 mil unless you snag some great deals, it costs even more to add survivability to it.

    The simple fact is that you don't need to build survivability on DH, so (to me) there's no reason to. If you want to, that's great, but you don't need to. I don't feel like I'd gain anything from being able to take 1-2 hits at the expense of millions of gold or any DPS.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Higher than 50k dps DH without SS
    Quote from coRex
    nope... you are ranged... so actually IF you can take 1 hit (spear, fireball,...) you are absolutly fine...
    because most of the time it is ONLY this ONE hit and there are no more.
    AND you can have defense AND offense... there are a lot of slots where only DEX is possible (except those legendaries... with ias - but i am still waiting for the ias nerf). and on this slots you can get huge defense stats with eaaaase.
    chest, legs, belt, shoulders....

    AND without being a glasscannon any longer, dmg reflect is a free kill... actually i dont need SS to kill these mobs ;)

    so go for survive AND dps - its awesome!

    You can't have extreme offense and have defense. That's the point. The amount of DPS you lose to be able to take 1 hit isn't worth it, in my opinion. Why bother being able to take one hit and doing 50k DPS when I can SS to victory with 100k DPS? When you have enough DPS, everything is a free kill.

    Ranged attacks can be dodged, so arguing that you can take 1 ranged hit is kind of silly. You shouldn't be taking any. If you take a melee hit though, you're likely to take more.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Higher than 50k dps DH without SS
    Quote from xebtria

    Quote from sircuddles
    It only gets easier as that number gets higher.
    except when you encounter reflect dmg mobs. they actually get HARDER as DPS numbers gets higher. becaues you'll die in that split second between two smoke screens when you are not quasi-immune.

    If your time your SS properly you can fire 2-3 NT for each SS. You can also use Impale and fire 3 per SS. Reflect is annoying, but building your entire gearset around 1 affix that isn't that bad is a waste. Also, with survival gear you still won't live long against a Reflect pack, even at 40k DPS you will instantly die if you DPS without SS up.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Higher than 50k dps DH without SS
    Taking 1 hit usually means you're going to take more, that's why building for survivability just isn't worth it. You sacrifice huge amounts of DPS just to take 1 or 2 or even 3 hits, it's not worth it. If you kite and manage SS properly, most packs aren't much of a problem at 40k DPS. It only gets easier as that number gets higher.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Higher than 50k dps DH without SS
    Quote from 420rogue

    I actually completed Act 2 with 47k dps WITH sharpshooter, 360 resist all, 28k hp. Nothing could one shot me with this set up including elites/mortar which allows a margin of player error when kiting so you don't die.

    You can finish the entire game on Inferno as a glass cannon with 30k DPS non-SS. At the high end I don't think survivability is worth it, you lose too much DPS for too little survival gains.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Higher than 50k dps DH without SS
    The #1 thing you want is a good weapon. It'll give you the largest DPS upgrade by a long shot at any point in time. Try to save up 2-5 mil and then browse the 2H listings for a deal. If you can get something over 1200 DPS (or ~1kish with a socket, check the spreadsheet), grab it.

    From that point you want, in no particular order, Dex, Crit Hit/Damage and IAS. Building for tanky-ness is up to you, but I don't recommend it. When it comes to IAS, we don't know how the change is going to go through so I mostly ignore it for now. I doubt IAS will become useless, so gear with it should be fine.

    Don't check DPS with Sharpshooter on. Upgrade your weakest items first. Get movement speed boots, they help a ton for certain mob types. I also wouldn't recommending buying 'OK' items. Once you hit 40k DPS or so, upgrades get costly. Save up multiple millions and buy one amazing piece, and do that for every slot.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on What to upgrade next? Can't find anything over 2k DPS for under 5 mil
    In regards to the AS nerf, AS will still have value. It just won't have as much (which arguably means it will be worth more since you need more to get the same effects). I'm not really worried about having a lot of IAS gear since I still feel it will be a relevant stat.

    When I kite, I stutter step and also attack at or close to my normal attack speed. I very frequently empty my Hatred with NT, so I'm getting plenty of use out of attack speed DPS. That said, I do need more Crit Damage and a tad more Crit Hit, which is why I'm eyeing rings and gloves.

    I was worried I was overlooking something, but it looks like I'm just at the point where any large upgrade is going to cost me 10 mil. Back to farming!
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on What to upgrade next? Can't find anything over 2k DPS for under 5 mil

    My current gear. I have a set of Asheara's Lock in my bank waiting for the fix to 'increases attack speed. Because of some decent deals, this gear basically cost me maybe 6-7 mil total. I'm looking for upgrades and using the spreadsheet to test DPS.

    Problem is, any upgrades I find cost at least 5 mil and give ~1-2k DPS. I'm looking at Crit Damage rings (since I have none), but I also need them to have AS or they're a huge downgrade. In my gear right now, it takes 45% Crit Damage to equal 14% AS.

    I just figure maybe I'm missing something, maybe some piece I have here is poor and can be upgraded. Basically looking for the best upgrade for the DPS. Rings tend to get me 1-2k DPS. Gloves can sometimes get me 3k if they're 8+ mil. I want a pair of Lacuni's for bracers, but they're last on my list since it's going to cost me 10 mil for a likely DPS downgrade (movement speed worth slight downgrade).

    I have about 7 mil collecting dust and no clue where to put it. Thoughts?
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Stealing gold / Duping gold
    A rollback won't be enough. People will have been doing this for a long, long time. The economy is completely ruined at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if they reset the game itself after fixing these issues.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Best Chest?
    Quote from Machete

    I currently use a rare 148 dex with 2 sockets at 40 dex each, but really want something with higher max disc. or disc. regen, All well and good good having firepower but discipline is so necessary in inferno.

    I replaced my +10 Disc chest with a 2 socket Beckon Sail that I got for an insane deal and to be honest, once your DPS hits 50k+, you'll need to use SS less because things die faster. There are some times I miss being able to SS 6 times, but it's not a requirement in my opinion once you have higher DPS. At 35k DPS, having that extra SS was a godsend.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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