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    posted a message on So Discouraging
    Quote from falcompsx

    Quote from mordentral

    Try using MF gear as well, my useful drop rate skyrocketed when i went from 80% mf to 239%. You just aren't farming correctly.
    problem with MF gear is you needs those affix slots for survivability stats in inferno. MF isn't viable for me at least, playing as a barb. Maybe ranged have it easier since they dont have to fight up close and personal.

    I play a monk and have no problem swapping before a kill.....soooooo.....
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on [Guide] How I made $150 RMAH in 10minute of work. No, not buy/resell
    "Guys, dy221 here to show you how to make money on the game, I got really bored of making money myself so i'm sharing it with you so you can tank the prices for the same item. Obviously this is in my best interests and this works just as well as I have said. For the low low price of 15mil you can buy the plan from me for these gloves (yes they sold for 4.5 mil yesterday but demand just increased!!! 15 is a STEAAAAAAAAL). Good luck being rich a famous, i'm sitting here rooting for you."
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Weapon Damage as a Monk Tank
    You'll want a fast weapon over a high DPS weapon in that case, then you can provide your spirit regeneration through attacks rather then through runes and can go purely support. If I were you i'd go with a low dps weapon with high stats, life on hit, and +%Attack speed. If you are really lucky you'll find a weapon like mine with a good amount of life on spirit spent (more then the passive) and can just spam your mantra's 3 seconds for self heal and 100% uptime while whaling away at things.

    Also considering that even with 4 men in the server if at least two of them have damage (WD,DH,Wiz) you won't be hitting any enrage timers any time soon if you keep the enemies on you (thus they can stack DPS), i'd say go for it.

    I managed to find a sweet spot for myself where I can do both at once, but even then I keep a seperate set of gear for group runs that gives me more survivability and less DPS (duel weilding life on spirit spent weapons with life on hit rings and lots of mitigation, I don't worry about Vit, my heals are useless with stacked vit).


    Oh and in response to the guys saying you have to carry your own weight in the DPS department. Considering that the highest monk DPS i've seen so far is around 1/4 of the highest WIZ/DH DPS I wouldn't worry about it at all
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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