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    posted a message on PvP should get more love
    Quote from kolz4ever

    Let's get real for a moment. Diablo has never been about pvp, it's always been about dungeon crawling and fighting hordes of enemies. You want pvp then go play shit of legends, wrath of heroes, and tons and tons of countles pvp soley f2p games instead of paying 65 dollars for pvp.
    Diablo hasn't been about pvp for you, but not only carebears like you play this game.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
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    posted a message on PvP should get more love
    Many people here might have played diablo2, but I guess not many people really know pvp in D2 and how good the pvp was in D2. That's why people talking no one cares about pvp. A lot of us actually care, but does Blizzard care? Maybe a little bit, but not very much. Blizzard is turning to a company that mainly focus on making money but not making a good game.
    Yes, they can still make games that are better than other companies's product. However, anyone who still hope Blizzard can make a game as good as diablo 2 and starcraft 1 should stop the dream.
    I'm sorry when I type this, but it is what it is.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
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