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    posted a message on Inferno Whimsy
    It is awesome. The best way to farm it is to clear the entire area without opening clouds, then equip full mf gear and open all clouds. Gives you 2-3 rows of blues and a few rares every time just from the clouds.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Inferno Group Spec'ing
    How do you get so much dmg? I dont get it... I have around 1300 int but only 11k dmg.. What dps is your weapon? Do you stack crit or attack speed?
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on What Witch Doctor builds are you using?
    Im currently in act 4 hell and this is the build im using at the moment:


    Its working really good, Dire bats for dps and saving mass confu for elite packs. Mass conf could be replaced by some other dps cd if you prefer it and if you have some mana regen on your gear (you would need 15+ though) you could switch Blood Ritual with Pierce the Veil
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on % increase in gold find?
    But thats wierd... Im sure that +exp per kill is not shared, cuz it sure wasnt in beta. I was playing with 2 friends in beta and I had +40 exp per kill and they had nothing. In the start I was lvl 5 and they lvl 6 and in the end I was lvl 10 when they were lvl 9... Maybe the sharing is only +exp% and not +exp/kill?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Reducing cooldown with "grave injustice"
    What I think is essential is if Grave Injustice works the same way as Circle of Life does. Because right now, Circle of Life is both triggered from deaths around you AND around the dogs themselves. So, you dont actually have to be within 8 yards range, only one of your dogs, or possible the gargantuan, or possible one of the other summons as well.

    If we compare the wording:

    Circle of Life - Whenever an enemy dies within 12 yards, there is a 5% chance that a Zombie Dog will automatically emerge.

    Grave Injustice - Whenever an enemy dies within 8 yards, regain 1% of your maximum Life and Mana and the cooldown on all of your abilities is reduced by 1 second.

    So it seems like the abilities could work the same way, which leads to the fact that you might not have to be in melee range at all. I think this is really interesting and can be used to build really cool builds! Another fact that some people might not know is that Circle of Life will give you dogs even if you dont currently have the Zombie dogs skill equipped.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on Even Betterer Spirit Generation Build!
    Quote from Valt3r7

    Cultofpersonality, you just don't seem to get it, do you? Who said I want the ally to solo bosses? It was a sarcastic remark that the ally won't be that super usefull vs tough bosses, but ofc you twist my words to something that suits you. And don't even start with the comparison to D2. And no, Diablo's red lightning wasn't that dangerous with maxed resistances. Actually it was pretty meh.

    You were the one claiming that you will rush the mob with a serenity on and then unleash all that dmg in a "huge" 20 yards (20 yards in D3 is not huge btw). But now ofc you are saying you will have that serenity saved for oh shit moments. Well, make up your mind. Stop pretending you know how inferno is. BoH heal might really be worth 2-3 hits, it might be one hit... who knows. There will be moments where BoH > Serenity and the vice versa.

    About sweeping wind. Well have fun going to town every min and waiting there for your passive spirit regen to get a new SW or just spend all that spirit you accumulated for refreshing SW.You are just talking nonsense. Stacking crit and not using Sixth sense or any of the other crit associated runes. Very nice idea. After all who really wants

    You come here and post a build. It's only natural that some people will like it and some people won't. If you don't like to be critisized don't post builds. It's not like you are some super awesome pro D3 gamer that know it all. All you do is acting like a jerk, personaly offending people who don't agree with you (more over it's not even in the topic with YOUR build).

    Every now and then, one of your kind (mr. Know it all) comes and start acting that childish - lol at all these "best in the world" builds and offending at the first sight of a critique. Just ignore him guys, some attention seeking kid..

    QFT. CultOfPersonality seems to just be a jerk, better to just ignore him and his lame builds :)
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Even Betterer Spirit Generation Build!
    CultofPersonality: I would argue that this build is more solid and better at generating spirit than your build is. By far. Your logic has some major flaws, like how is the 75 spirit from sweeping wind is "No problem" or how "gear" will solve the crit problem.

    I would also say his build is better than yours at handling bosses since he has a heal and you have what, a mystic ally that hits for 40% weapon dmg and a 20sec cd / 3 sec shield? GL HF killing bosses with that!
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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